Story Time 2

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So Story time! So when I was in Preschool, I had something called baby bladder. So when I gotta go, I gotta go. So my Preschool was actually a trailer (No I am not a red neck nor a hillbilly, where the army PMS us to, it was a small town. I mean only one stoplight and a few stores and maybe a post office. You could've gone through the city in a few minutes) so I walked over to the bathroom there was a little boy crying and saying something. I ignored him and went in, I did my business , washed my hands and went out. When the teacher saw me walk out of the bathroom she said, "Ashley did you go to the bathroom?" I smiled and said," Yes, Miss. ( whatever her name was)!" She raised an eyebrow and said," Did you see the frog in the toilet?" I replied," Yep" and she asked," What did you with this frog?" I shrugged my shoulders and said," I peed on him," she bursted out in laughter and allowed me to play with the other demon spawns. She told my mum and my mum never lets it go. When I try to use the loo, she always says," Look out for frogs dear!" I still laugh at this story though and now you know about the time baby bladder activated.

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