My Family (females)

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So I have a lot of beautiful people so I just had to tell about them!

MissForgottenDreamer this is my sister from another mister! She is such a sweetheart and I love her to pieces. She is such a strong person and has a beautiful heart. I love her lots and she is just a amazing. It is hard not to love her because well she is just awesome!
musicgamesbooks this girl, what can I say about this little devil spawn? Well she is my little sis( even though she is older than me) she is a little sinnamon roll. She acts like a mum though and she'll scold me for doing something dangerous like being myself but she is a great person to be around. I love her lots. She does help me when I am in pain and she gives me my meds( we live in the same state and 15 minutes from each other) but she is just an amazing person. And warning she is cray cray (but you guys know me that I am just insane :D )
xgito- this girl is amazing and she is also a sister from another mister. She is the best person to talk to, she will listen and talk back. She is overall an amazing person and I love her lots. I mean I can come to her and she would just be very supportive and I love that. She also at first was the only one who followed up on my tagged part. :D
AJCKMyBFFS4EVER this chick flick is amazing, she is another sister of mine. She is super sweet and she is just amazing.
hannahgreenbean now this is one of my babies. She is what I call a super dork but she is my little ninja green bean. She is very fun person to talk to and I love her to pieces. And she would make you smile and laugh at her dorkyness but that is just an amazing part about her!
Sephorical She is just... she is amazing. It is hard for me to describe her because she is just a beautiful person inside and out. She has helped me through tough times and she has made me smile on more than one occasion. She is a sweetheart and I do love her for it.
SedraMesto3 (these are all hard to explain because you all mean so much to me) she is a beautiful person, I mean I wish that I was more like her. She has a beautiful outlook on life and she is just an amazing person for it. She has helped me through some pretty dark times and she has just... listen to my bitching and whining and just helped me through it. She is a sweetheart and I do love her.
MangaFox1233 I actually know this person outside of Wattpad. She is an amazing person to be around, I mean she is just awesome and a jokester as well( I'll tell that during story time but it involved a pepper) she loves anime as I do and she can be a person you can relate to. She is a beautiful person inside and out. (She has an army of ferrets. My jaw dropped when I saw them)
LillithMcConelly This one is an awesome person. If she sounds bad, she isn't. I love talking to her and I love her. She is a sweetheart and I couldn't have her any other way. She is just a beautiful person.
Bizarrecat13 she is such an amazing person and I love to talk to her all the time. She is such a fun person to talk to and she is very funny (curse you Autocorrect)

All of these people are my inspirations, they have gone through things I can't even compare to. They are all amazing people and I am so happy to have them as a friend and sister (or babies) but they are truly are beautiful people and they are just my heroes. I am a rationalist but these people show me that sometimes facts aren't always a thing, sometimes there are things as feelings. But these people are so beautiful and strong. I hope to be like them (I am just a normal person, I am not like these people. These are real gems of the world) they have shown me that there is some light to this cruel world we live in.

But this is my opinion. Don't be in front of me, I might not follow, don't be behind me, I might not lead. Be beside of me, be my friend.

I love you all
TheSkaterGirl13 is out!

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