My Christmas

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Hello my peoples of Wattpad! So update on my life, I just moved out of my home in Killeen, Texas to Plano, Texas. Let me tell you, when people in my school heard I was leaving, they all were crying and wishing me not to go. I felt amazing, even my teachers told me they were going to miss me! Some made me presents and bought me some too! So after 22 years of active military service my father is finally about to retire from being a soldier. This is my final move before college and let me give you guys a little showing of how much I move. In 17 years my family has moved 16 times! So no we live in box city and we found ways to put up a Christmas tree and stockings

 In 17 years my family has moved 16 times! So no we live in box city and we found ways to put up a Christmas tree and stockings

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That is my tree

These are my stockings, this shows that the tough Irish folk will still make Christmas happen! Even if our tree is on a truck

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These are my stockings, this shows that the tough Irish folk will still make Christmas happen! Even if our tree is on a truck

Merry Christmas! And happy holidays!

Love you all

-TheSkaterGirl13 is out

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