Hey guys

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So I got a comment on a different source of why I do shoutouts to anyone who gives me their birthdays. Well I guess it is story time...

So once upon a time I was a little 6 year old. I thought I was apart of my school and loved but it wasn't true. (You see, I was bullied as a kid, a lot. I mean not as much as some people but I was tied up to a tree and got rocks thrown at me. That is a reason why I am such a violent little sucker but continuing on) So on my birthday I was excited, I had my Spider-Man t-shirt on and I had my baby button( I loved Spider-Man but again another story for another time) so I walked up to school and went to my desk and that was when everything sort of changed. The teacher made my day special but their were a few kids that had to ruin it. So they walked up to me and said," Hey, your moving right? When are you moving?" I simply stated the date like it was no big deal. This was the time were I thought the government was ruled by unicorns, so when they sat down they said to each other," I can't wait until she moves, she is so fat!" The problem is that I may look fat I do have a belly and I am not the fastest kid but... I can lift three times my weight and I am athletic. So I didn't eat my cupcake that year. So years later and I told my basketball team in South Carolina that my birthday was coming up. What they usually did was the would take a cupcake and shove it in the birthday girl's face and sing happy birthday. Well when my birthday came around... they didn't sing, they didn't do anything but take my cupcakes and left.

The reason of these stories is that people rarely remember or celebrate my birthday. (Excluding my family because holy shit does it go cray cray at my house) I want everyone to know your birthdays are special so hand over the dates guys and I'll give you a shoutout. Because everyone deserves a special happy birthday, even I didn't get one that doesn't mean you guys can't! So eat that birthday cake and enjoy your birthdays and if your family doesn't give you a cake or you don't feel like your birthday isn't special. Come over to my little profile and I will give a Ashley birthday. Now I can't make cake but I can and will make every birthday special. But again I can't read minds and if I tried to get it by hacking, my happy butt is going to jail.

So I love you all!

TheSkaterGirl13 is out!

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