Wow it has been awhile

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Hey guys, SkaterGirl here!

Boy it has been a good while since I have done this huh? Well I guess I should explain why I haven't been online for almost 2 years on here. Well it all started sophomore year of high school, I had to move which caused me to loose access to the internet sadly. Then I had to adjust to a new school ( or well two new schools since one didn't have physics) and adjust which made me focus on my work instead of my books sadly....

I then moved again after a span of 6 months to a whole new city and get to learn everything all over again.... yay for me whooo! So as I started my junior year of high school things were going okay, still adjusting to the better school and trying to be in marching band and all but then I fell very sick. I had chronic walking pneumonia and it had caused me to just fall apart, I couldn't even get up from my bed without getting winded.

So to recap junior year I had to fight everything from being a new kid to walking pneumonia so that took away time from being able to come to the site but now I'm back and ready to kick some ass and take some names. I am a senior now in high school, which is a whole new experience when trying to ready myself for college and graduation but I missed you all! I'm glad to be back and hopefully I can share some more story times and see if I can come back alive!

Hope to see you all around!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2019 ⏰

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