Hi Guys! I am alive

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     Well Hello again! I am alive I promise, I have been super busy! SOOOOOO GUESS WHAT TIME IT IS? yep, you all got it, it is story time... *evilly laughs* come on come all

     So as you guys all know, my dad just retired after 22 years of service! (GO DAD) But since he retired that meant I had to pack up my stuff and leave my small home in Killeen, TX to go to a new, hopefully, bigger town. I had to leave all my friends that I knew since 8th grade (Just so you all know this was my sophomore year in high school so these were like the longest relationships I had with people before I left or they left. It felt good! :) ) So I went to school and started telling my friends that I was leaving the wolf pack to go to my new town to live in. When they heard this, they started to tear up and hug me. Now as you all know this is like my 17th move so I was used to leaving close friends to move on to being the new kid all over again. On my last day, my principal allowed me to go to all my classes and say goodbye. I said goodbye to my freshman teachers and sophomore teachers. (Now mind you, this was BETWEEN semesters as I moved) So I had to tell my teachers they wouldn't see me next semester, which made them sad because I was one of their best students. They didn't want me to leave but I did... I had to leave everything, I had to give up my seat as an officer for FFA, my seat in Science National Honor Society, my position as a Goalie for the soccer team, and my future seat in National Honor Society.

     So once I packed up all my stuff, I went to a new city called Plano, TX. It was much bigger than Killeen but it wasn't the biggest city I ever been to. Once I moved into my tiny apartment with my family, it was onto my new school! 

     McMillen High School was really different compared to Shoemaker High school, it was only a 9th and 10th-grade school. So it fed into a school called Plano East Senior High School, which was the 11th and 12th-grade school. 

     This was a really hard move for me, these two schools had completely different set ups and also the graduation requirements were different so now I am missing two full credits of graduation requirements which mean summer school is in my future to take the missing Health, Speech, and geography. Health and speech are only semester classes so that makes up a full credit.

     But my luck wasn't only that rocky, my freshman year I was on my school's soccer team, being the only goalie for the JV team, I had to play straight games while subbing for the Varsity games as well. So this meant at least 2 hours of play time for just one game. Well, when I was playing one of JV games I jumped down and landed on the ball. My training kicked in and I allowed my abs (which I had a six pack at this time) to absorb the force of literally falling on the ball. I stopped the other team from winning and the lead forward was not happy about that. So when the ref was not looking she turned (Take heed I was still on the ground about to get up) and stomped her cleat into my lower part of my back. I was in so much pain, the ball was still under me and this girl was close to my almost 6-foot frame. But as you know, I didn't have a sub so I played the rest of the season with an injured back. 

     Between seasons from marching band to soccer to FFA, I do a lot of bodybuilding to keep my athletic shape. Well I couldn't lift my normal amount of weight, the pain was too much. My mom had enough and told me that we were going to the doctor. 

      This was a week after my last game and that game I played in the rain. Well, I had to stop a ball so I dove my almost 6-foot frame, being my graceful self of course, and caught the ball and rammed my whole half of my upper body into the pole of the goal. So I had a bruise up my upper body from my left hip bone to my top right shoulder, my doctor who x-rayed me looked concerned by the HUGE PURPLE BRUISE UP MY WHOLE UPPER BODY but laughed when I shared my beautiful story. 

     so after all my test they did, I was just told I may have pulled a muscle in my hip so I just had to take meds to reduce swelling. Nothing too much for me to handle, I had to stop my training for a week, which was fine of course I was on a diet of the rainbow and lots of proteins so I could burn the little fat away after the week.

     After the week I went back to work on my body, not much pain other than in my back and knee (that is another story for another time) I just powered through... bad choice

    So I kept working my body, I skateboarded, worked out, swam, video games, marching band, I did it all. I didn't have many problems with my back but I had some pain in my knee. I wore a brace underneath the marching uniform. So I moved and I had to climb 3 flights of stairs every day to go to my apartment, yay for injuries and for my dad who is a war vet, but I was okay. 

    It was finally soccer season and I was pumped! I was practicing and all of a sudden pain shot through my back, I fell to the ground in pain and I couldn't move. I literally couldn't move without feeling the muscles move into my back and feeling the stabbing pain, my teammates used a gurney and lifted me to the training room. I was told I pulled my right ACL as well as the muscles running down my leg. 

     This meant I was in constant pain, I had to stop training and I had to take it slow when I walk. I also had a heat stroke in the shower so I had extreme pain, it was like I went into labor. This pain did not stop and I was put on bed rest for a few months. This sucked, I gained a lot of weight that I am losing now and it took months just to have the edge of the pain to disappear. It was hard for me to do anything. I had to take cold showers, ice my back and knee before I could even get up to pee.

    But now I am all healed and I moved to a new place. I am working out again and I am slowly thinning down again! I missed you all and I love you all dearly!

the SkaterGirl13 is OUT~

@Readsshit @-OmniGoddessLu- 

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