Q & A

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                                    Hey guys! I got my first Q & A from my mom! Let say thank you!

the question was: "With all of the stress, the pain you have from me and your father always making fun of you, why haven't you cut yourself? Why haven't you killed yourself?"

well, to be honest... I don't want to kill myself at all. Now matter how hard life might get. No matter how hard my life gets I know there are people who depend on me. It does hurt and I might sometimes hate myself because I can't be normal. I can't have the perfect body

but that is okay...

I am not meant to have those things! I am meant to have a mind that process faster. I am the person that the world is meant to save animal lives and helps humans as well. I am meant not to be normal because I am me

normality isn't a thing, what can be normal to a spider, is chaos to a fly.

So I will continue fighting for my life because I know I still have to travel the world, I have to become a veterinarian, I still have to buy my  dream home.

Never let anyone tell you what to feel or do. Every, you are all beautiful, smart, and super awesome.

TheSkaterGirl13 is out!

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