Some random stuff about myself

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     So hey guys it has been forever since I wrote huh? I miss you all dearly and love you all! So I guess it is time to know a little more about me!

1. I have minor OCD, in my room I have to stay organized or else I cannot function.

2. I have not a disorder but more of... hmmmm... a condition where my brain runs faster than a normal human beings so I can be overbearing a lot and I can hold a lot of conversations at once. I can also switch topics with just a few words and I would understand it all.

3. Due to my brain running faster I have a tendency to stutter a lot because my mouth cannot catch up to my brain.

4. I am a skate boarder! (Well derp, hopefully I mean my name is TheSkaterGirl13)

5. Another brain thing! I can turn on and off the nerves in my body. So sometimes I can't feel pain when I am bleeding or when someone tickles me I can turn off the nerves registering the tickle.

6. Ever since I was younger I have always been able to lift items 2 times heavier than I am.

7. I am the only sophomore in my physics class! (And the only one who can rewire a house :) )

8. I own 7 different mouthpieces to instruments and 3 pair of sticks.

9. I have a dissecting kit (my mom gave it to me)

10. I have dissected a shark, pig, sheep brain, and a worm.

11. Frog eggs have hatched in my hands.

12. I have helped a total of 169 different animals find permanent homes!

13. I used to be a Girl Scout (making it rain cookies and patches!)

14. My mother calls me a freak because of how fast my mind works and how fast I memorize information. (And she has dropped me on my head more than once)

So that is some more info! Please comment and like!

-TheSkaterGirl13 is out!

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