Identity Diguise- its My! Freedom choice!

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Hey So I had to write this story for english and I felt like sharing it with you guys so please enjoy my slave story for the black month. Yea I know its late but still well bye for now! Please leave me with something nice to smile about!

Title: Identity Disguise

Identity Disguise by Nikki Sebastian

Once upon a time I was born into a world that was blinded by the color of your skin. I was one of the lucky ones who without asking for it. Was given a secret blessing because when I was born...My mother died instantly from the childbirth it was a quiet death unknown to most people but the ones on the plantation and her family. The birth was short and I was bestowed the name of William Nathanial Smith.

My father is the owner of the farm a 42 year old mid-western man named James Smith. I was given the skin of a white man. But I was mixed even if on the surface you couldn't see it from the color of my skin. I had other things that were from her hair, eyes, and a warm sense of kindness. Those were the special things that were kept hidden and shown all in one.

My life was decided for me once the death was made. Their relationship was a loveless one for my father at the time was also still married so it was an affair really. Now he is richer and the family has taken me in as their own heir. Gaining more money each day as, he gets better known with the town. He also gets richer from his new young wife in his second marriage.

But when the others aren't watching I face the cruelties of his other one of two they're the only others besides my father James Smith who knows that I am only part of his and another mysterious one. He lies and says that he is magnanimous and doesn't say the name of the women who gave me life. But that he is generous to have a son like me in his happy family.

His wife is kinder to me it almost feels as if she were my mother or a close sister. Her name is Emilie Rose she's made this place bearable for not just me but the slaves who inhabit their lives here. She's only 32 and yet she knows so much about the humanity of man. The oldest of the family and the cruelest is my step-brother Eric. Who never got over his mother's death and his own jealousies of how our father ignores him for the failures in his life.

He is only 21 and yet he possesses the spirit of a spiteful 60 year old man treated unfairly. Sadly I am there for when He is in the temperamental of moods. He was never a strong fighter so when he does strike me it doesn't get painful till he uses the whip or the special metal rod that he invented.

Then there is cute innocent little Susie a naïve seven year old that always forgets the people that she is allowed to play with and the ones she is forbidden from. She always goes into the fields to visit little Hattie. One of the youngest slaves in the whole of our plantation they like to play hide and seek most of the time.

She is Emilie's first born daughter and they're all most identical in the way they act and look. It's my decision day as my father states. Which means it's a day of change. Its early morning when I do finally see him tired but awake. I have contemplated my choice this whole week. I am going to do something that won't just help me but the slaves.

"Hello father, I see that you have been busy this week."

"Yes well there are payments to be made and had and deals to sign and trade."

"True I suppose so. I've seen that you have been in the market."

"Yes, I was watching the auction and thought to see the new stock that's in town."

"And did any of them seem fit to work and live here?"

"They were robust they look different from most of the slaves I have seen, they look stronger fitter I bought some of them and they arrive in the morning."

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