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Supernatural was in doing his usual hunts and he finished one. He was near Hetalia's place in fact. He wasn't sure if he should visit him or not. Supernatural then got a call. He looked to see who it was and it was Hetalia.


"Hey Nat! I was just wanted to know you're opinion on something."

"What is it?"

"What kind of pie is better. Apple or-"


"You didn't get to hear the other option..."

"Don't need to. I'm going to your place. I'm in town."

"Uh yeah sure but-"

"See ya!"

Supernatural hung up and smiled.

"Oh I can't wait for the pie." Supernatural said to himself.

Supernatural went in his car and drove off to Hetalia's house. 

At the house

Supernatural arrived at the house and he knocked on the door. He waited for a bit and then Hetalia opened it. Supernatural walked in.

"Ok then invite yourself in." Hetalia said.

"Oh sorry." Supernatural said looking around. "Where's the pie?"

"I barely put it in the oven." Hetalia answered.

"Oh then I have to wait." Supernatural sat down.

"Yeah..." Hetalia sat down as well.

It was quiet for a while. Supernatural didn't mind at all but he saw Hetalia fidgeting.

"What's wrong?" Supernatural asked.

"Oh uh..." Hetalia sighed. "You do hunting right?"

"Yeah." Supernatural slowly nodded. "Why?"

"You help people and I find that amazing." Hetalia smiled. "I want to do what you do. Be a hunter!"

"No you don't." Supernatural sighed. 

"Yes I do!" Hetalia begged. "Please!"

"You have to give up everything Heta." Supernatural looked at Hetalia. "Leave this house and leave everything."

"I'm willing to do that if it means helping people." Hetalia frowned. "That's why you did it right...?"

"...." Supernatural stayed quiet a bit. "What about the house...?"

"I'll give it to a friend." Hetalia answered. "He's been wanting to move out."

"....I guess but I'm going to have to teach you the basics before we go hunting." Supernatural said. "But first let's eat the pie."

Supernatural Teaches HetaliaWhere stories live. Discover now