Lesson 9

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The sun was up and Supernatural woke up. Once he opened his eyes he looked around and saw Hetalia already up.

"You're up early." Supernatural chuckled.

"Early?" Hetalia laughed. "It's 12:00 in the afternoon."

Supernatural checked his phone and Hetalia was right. He sat up and looked at Hetalia who was sitting at the table.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" Supernatural sighed.

"You barely get any sleep." Hetalia said looking through a computer Supernatural had. "I did you a favor. Sleep is important."

"That's easy for you to say!" Supernatural glared. "I had to research anything that seems weird today for the whole morning! Now I need to stay up all night to do that! So I can go hunting!"

"Wow nice to see you have faith in me." Hetalia rolled his eyes. "Have you, at any moment, realized that I was using your laptop the whole time we were talking?"

"What are you doing?" Supernatural asked.

"Lucky for you..." Hetalia turned the computer to show Supernatural and held up some newspapers and notes. "I was doing my research. Found out a whole lot of things. Especially some lore. I already wrote down what we are dealing with some cases. Still figuring one out. But I'm getting there. So don't worry. I was even planning on going to the library to get some books about the lore of thes-"

"Thank you Heta!" Supernatural smiled. "For once you did something right!"

"....." Hetalia was thinking. "I'm not sure if I should be happy that you said that or not..."

"Alright scoot over." Supernatural sat right next to Hetalia. "We'll do this together."

"Awesome!" Hetalia smiled. "This is actually pretty fun!"

One hour later

"I want to diiiieee!" Hetalia whined. "I think we've done enough."

Supernatural only ignored him but then looked at him.

"Hey so there's this-" Supernatural then got interrupted.

"Sshh!" Hetalia put a finger up to his lips.

Supernatural stayed quiet and they heard scratching. Supernatural turned to Hetalia.

"Get a silver knife." Supernatural whispered.

Hetalia grabbed the knife and started to head towards the door slowly and paused. 

"Come on!" Supernatural whispered. "Open the door! I got your back!"

Hetalia nodded and opened the door. Once he did that he was knocked down to the floor. Supernatural pointed his gun.

"No don't shoot Nat!" Hetalia laughed. "It's a dog!"

"Oh ok then take it outside." Supernatural put away his gun.

"No can we keep him?" Hetalia hugged the dog and it licked him. "See it likes me! Aww aren't you a cutie!"

"No Hetalia you'll get attached to it." Supernatural sighed.

"Please!" Hetalia begged. "Just look at him!"

The dog was panting and then barked. Supernatural stayed quiet.

"Please Nat...I never had a dog in my life..." Hetalia got quiet. "You'll make me really happy..."

"..." Supernatural took a deep breath. "Fine."

"Yay!" Hetalia went back to petting the dog. "You hear that boy? You have a new home! Well kinda haha!"

A few days later

The dog suddenly started barking. Hetalia and Supernatural woke up.

"What is it boy?" Hetalia said while rubbing his eyes.

The dog only growled at Supernatural.

"Why does it hate me all of a sudden?" Supernatural glared.

"Maybe it wants you to leave?" Hetalia bent down to pet the dog. "Is that right boy?"

The dog licked Hetalia's hand.

"Welp..." Hetalia pushed Supernatural out the door. "Bye Nat!"

"Hey wait!" Supernatural was walking back in.

"Come on just go get us food!" Hetalia pushed Supernatural back out.

After half an hour

Supernatural got some food and was walking out of the store. Then his phone started ringing He sighed and answered.

"Hello Supernatural speaking." Supernatural said.

"NAT THE DOG IS TRYING TO...." Hetalia didn't know what to say. "TO DO THE FRICKLE FRACKLE WITH ME!"

"What Hetalia...it's a dog." Supernatural chuckled.

"IT'S A GUY!" Hetalia screamed.

"What do you mean?" Supernatural asked.

"AH NO GET OFF-NAAAAT!" Hetalia whined.

"Did it just turn to a guy?" Supernatural paused. "...Is he naked?"

"YES IT TURNED TO A GUY!" Hetalia threw some stuff that you could hear through the phone. "AND YES HE'S NAKED! HEEEELLLP!"

"Well the thing you are describing is a skinwalker." Supernatural got into his car. "Now you wanted the dog so you're gonna have to deal with him."

"NAT-" Hetalia didn't finish.

"Bye!" Supernatural hung up and laughed. " Haha I'm so cruel."

From there Supernatural started to go back to the motel. He just couldn't wait to see what was happening.

Supernatural Teaches HetaliaWhere stories live. Discover now