Lesson 8

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It was now past midnight and Hetalia has not returned. Supernatural was falling asleep due to how late it is. When he started to drift off his phone was ringing. He quickly sat up and looked for his phone. It was on the floor. He must have dropped it. He answered.

"Hello?" Supernatural yawned. "Supernatural speaking."

"Nat!" It was Hetalia.

"What's wrong?" Supernatural asked while looking at a clock. "It's been hours."

"I think I killed someone!" Hetalia was nearly screaming. "What do I do?!"

"Do you mean a monster?" Supernatural calmly said.

"No! It's a person!" Hetalia started to speak fast. "I checked everywhere and it's human!"

"Why the hell did you do that for?!" Supernatural started to panic.

"I-I don't know! I was at a store and I got into an argument with someone and I was getting frustrated!" Hetalia took a deep breath. "Then I blacked out and I'm in front of a body with blood all over me and a bat covered in blood!

"Oh god." Supernatural ran his fingers through his hair. "Where are you?"

"I don't know! I blacked out remember?!" Hetalia said. "I'm in an alley! That's all I know! Nat what do I do?!"

"Uh..." Supernatural paused. "I hear cop cars going somewhere. They just passed by."

"AH OH NO I HEAR IT TOO!" Hetalia was now screaming. "IT'S COMING FROM THE RIGHT!"

"Ok go in that direction and find the motel!" Supernatural said.

"Ok!" Hetalia said.

"Remember what I taught you if you get caught!" Supernatural explained. "Quick review!"

"Ugh right now?!" Hetalia was running. "Fine! If you get caught you lie and don't say the truth! If they are suspicious then just book it and fight if needed!"

"What do you do if handcuffed?" Supernatural asked.

"Seriously?!" Hetalia was panting. "If your hands are in front of you attempt to knock out the officer and when your hand are behind you you kick the officer to give yourself time to get yourself free! If alone use a little piece of wire to unlock the handcuffs and side note, you always carry a piece of wire with you!"

"Ok good!" Supernatural smiled. "Alright now hurry and don't get caught!"

Supernatural then hung up.

"Hope he's alright." Supernatural said to himself.

Few Minutes Later

Hetalia burst in through the door and then closed it shut and locked it. Supernatural jumped.

"Jesus Christ!" Supernatural stood up.

"Oh my god!" Hetalia was out of breath.

After a few seconds there was banging on the door. 

"HIDE ME!" Hetalia jumped on Supernatural.

"I'm never sending you out alone again." Supernatural sighed. "I'll open the door."

"What?!" Hetalia had wide eyes. "No!"

"Do you think the cops followed you?" Supernatural chuckled.

"Heh um well..." Hetalia got quieter. "They saw me running..."

"You idiot..." Supernatural rolled his eyes. "I mean what if-"

"OPEN UP!" There was a loud voice.

"Ok." Supernatural sighed. 

"Well..." Hetalia looked away awkwardly. "Will you do anything to get out if this situation?"

"At this point yeah." Supernatural nodded.

"Alright." Hetalia took a deep breath." Here goes..."

There was still knocking. Supernatural turned around and saw a female Hetalia.

"What did-" Supernatural got pushed onto the bed.

"Trust me on this." Hetalia groaned. "This is already awkward as it is. Get undressed."

"Uh..." Supernatural just saw Hetalia undress.

"Thank god the clothes change to women clothes especially the ones under the shirt and pants..." Hetalia said to himself then looked at Supernatural. "Get undressed you idiot! what are you waiting for?!"

"Ok then." Supernatural did as he was told. "As well as the-"

"Keep the boxers on!" Hetalia nearly yelled. "We're not going THAT far!"

Supernatural finished and was only in his boxers. Hetalia was only in a bra and panties. Hetalia stood there thinking if he should go through with the plan.

"WE'RE KICKING THE DOOR DOWN!" The same voice yelled.

"Fuck man I am so sorry!" Hetalia pushed Supernatural so he was lying down. "Grab my waist! Act like we're doing something!"

"WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?!" Supernatural panicked. "KISS YOU?!"

The banging got louder.


Supernatural just looked at Hetalia who wanted this to be done with.


The door then opened and Supernatural saw the curl and pulled while bringing Hetalia close to him. Hetalia moaned and turned red.

"W-we apologize..." The police said. "We'll leave...you can continue...to...that."

The police quickly left. Now it was only Hetalia and Supernatural. Hetalia quickly got up and changed back to his normal form.

"Out of everything you could have done you choose the curl." Hetalia crossed his arms.

"It was the first thing that I saw!" Supernatural glared. 

"I'm going to sleep." Hetalia went to the other bed. "We never speak of this."

"That was a loud ass moan though." Supernatural chuckled. "Geez."

"You pulled it really hard!" Hetalia glared. "Now SHUT UP!"

Supernatural shrugged and covered himself with the sheets. So did Hetalia. The two then drifted off to sleep so the next day comes.

Supernatural Teaches HetaliaWhere stories live. Discover now