Chapter 2

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Sam's POV

He told us he would be back.

That was three days ago.

If I had to be honest, I think Azrael not returning was worse than him visiting every hour. At least if he did visit, we would know where he was and what he was up to.

But as of right now, he was MIA. And that scares the hell out of me.

It scares the hell out of everybody. Dean, Bobby, and I. I'm sure Cas would be in the same boat as us if he were still here.

These have been the longest three days of my life. I can't even be sure it's been three days- I can only make a guess off of the amount of times food appears on the table in the center of the room. Nobody brings it, it just sort of appears when we're supposed to be hungry.

But none of us have much of an appetite. Actually, the three of us have barely eaten a bite since we arrived. So the food instead sits untouched then later disappears, only to be replaced with more food.

It's a pathetic cycle that I have the pleasure of sitting and watching.

This whole thing is taken a toll on all of us. Physically, mentally. Emotionally.

Dean, well, he's Dean. He just sits on the floor leaning against a wall, legs out in front of him and staring at his shoes. He'll have the occasional movements that consist of running his hands through his hair or hitting the ground with his fists. Other than that, it's silence from him.

Bobby, the man who had just lost a girl who had been like a daughter to him, he isn't very far off from Dean. Sitting in a chair, he too stays quiet save for the occasional mumble and string of curses under his breath. He's hurting, more than Dean and I combined. But stuck in this room, there is no conventional way of expressing these so called feelings with anybody.

So we all sit in silence. Sharing our feelings won't do anything, not after they took her away. Nothing could help except going back in time and making sure none of this ever happened.

Azrael took Jackie away from us. We watched her die at his hand, then he walked away with her body, satisfied beyond comprehension.

Then he stuck us in here. In heaven. Its ironic, I think. We've been locked in heaven by angels. Killer angels who want to take over the world.

They left us in here for two days. That was when one of Azrael's close followers, Sariel, came and took him.

Azrael took Cas, too.

And we haven't seen him since.

Cas could be dead. He could have been killed the second Sariel zapped him away. For all we know, Cas could be a long lost memory.

Just like Jackie.

After they took him, all efforts and all hopes of getting out of here were destroyed. The odds were not on our side. We were stuck in heaven, three humans in the land of angels, locked away.

Left to sit in despair until Azrael decided our future.

*      *      *

Sleep was something I definitely took for granted. Even if it was in some crappy motel room, lying on a springy mattress, at least it was in a bed. Try sleeping in a chair with elegant armrests and absolutely no cushioning. I've given up on seeking comfort.

So when I would catch that random wink of sleep, it was the best feeling I could experience while stuck in this place. I don't have to think. I don't have to sit with anxiety, racking my brain for the answers to our problems. I don't have to worry about Cas, wondering if he's still alive.

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