Chapter 6

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With each step, Jackie could feel herself slowly losing her sanity. Whether it be due to the isolation and solitude, or that she had not a single person to talk to in her time of stress and confusion, or even the fact that she was merely a piece of Azrael's game, placed in this mysterious place with the sole purpose of killing, it was all chewing away at her.

Yet, in the same way, all of this kept her moving forward at a consistent pace. Step by step, fingers wrapped around the grip of her bow and her quiver of arrows lightly hitting her back, Jackie had come to realize that the sooner she finished her job, the sooner she would get answers. And the sooner she got answers, the sooner she could get out of there.

So she set her mind to what she did best: hunting. She was the hunter who had given herself a name from birth, and the hunter who knew how to finish the job, no matter how difficult or grueling. Jackie would kill Azrael's twenty Chimeras- she had already successfully stopped one. And she would fulfill Azrael's prophecy, but not for his sake. For hers.

Because the one thought driving her forward, keeping her going, was the fact that Azrael was planning something bigger than her. It was something she didn't understand, but she knew enough to know that she couldn't die and leave Sam and Dean to clean up the mess.

Besides, she had a promise to keep. She promised Dean she wouldn't leave him, like so many people had before her.

And Jackie doesn't break her promises.

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Dean's POV

"You need our help?" I ask with a bit of skepticism lacing my voice. However, I can't help but have my own smug look as I remember Gabe's everlasting hesitance to trust us before.

"Dean, I can just as easily put you back where I found you." Gabe glares at me, raising his hand in a threatening way, ready to snap his fingers.

"Dude." Sam hits my shoulder and ignores me as I try to play off Gabriel's threats. He turns to the angel in front of us and asks, "What do you mean? How can we help?"

Gabriel stays quiet for a moment, still standing arms crossed. Within that moment, I try to think of what could be going through his mind. What could he possibly need our help with? What does he know?

"Like I said," he begins, "I've been watching the Garrison. I know Azrael's intentions and I know what he plans to do. Most importantly, I know what he needs to do in order to accomplish those said goals. He speaks of a prophecy, and well, he's not wrong. There's a prophecy, for sure. But he needs certain things to fall into place for that prophecy to come true."

A heavy feeling of dread fills my chest as I remember the last thing Azrael needed to 'fall into place' for his stupid prophecy. It just so happened to be a human life. I slowly look between Sam and Bobby who stand at my sides. Both of their expressions are solemn, and it wouldn't take twenty guesses to figure out what they were thinking.

"I know..." Gabriel begins quietly. "I know you've lost Jackie. She died at his hand, I know."

As the angel acknowledges Jackie, as he brings up her dying, and how Azrael was solely responsible for her being gone, the anger I had been suppressing for the past days becomes almost uncontrollable. It's like a fire inside of me, but I refuse to let the old friend of revenge resurface from inside of me. Not yet.

"She was the first part of his prophecy, and he won't stop there," Gabriel continues on through the glares coming from the two hunters beside me, but soon he goes quiet as Bobby speaks up in a gruff voice.

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