Chapter 5

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Dean's POV

I feel the familiar weightlessness that almost always comes with teleportation. But after a long, traumatizing moment, my body is dropped heavily onto a hard surface. I land with a grunt, slowly rolling off of my arm and onto my back. Next to me, I hear another body drop. Then there's silence.

"Sam?" I mumble quietly, groaning in pain as I rest my head on the ground. My body aches from our fist fight with the angels. I can taste blood and half of my face feels numb, but the rest of me feels fine despite the circumstances.

I slowly turn my head to where I heard the thump and find Sam lying on the ground, his back turned from me.


He doesn't move.

Damn it. "Sam," I repeat with more urgency. I sit up and slugglishly reach over to grab his shoulder. But as his face comes into view, all of my fatigue leaves my body.

His face is covered with blood from his nose and mouth. A slight bruise can already be seen on his cheek, and as I grab his arms, I find small cuts on his knuckles and hands. Without even thinking, my fingers find a place of his wrist, meticulously searching for a pulse. I don't let myself think about the worst outcomes or possibilities. I know he's fine. He has to be.

I only check for his heart beat out of habit, yet I still feel a heavy weight lift off of my shoulders as soon as I feel the small pulse under his skin. I drop his hand and sit back on my heels, breathing out a heavy sigh.

"Is he okay?"

I jump at the voice behind me and turn quickly, only to find Bobby standing a few feet away.

"Bobby," I whisper to myself, catching my breath. After a moment, I stand up from Sam's side and answer his question. "He's lights out, but yeah. He'll be okay."

Bobby nods slowy. Readjusting the cap atop his head, he looks around the room. "This place look familiar to you?"

For the first time, I let my eyes scan the space around us. I'm surprised to find we were in a well kept living room, one that is furnished with a cozy couch and sofa table. Behind the back of the couch, I can make out a small kitchen. A hallway disappears around one corner, but my eyes are drawn to a stone fireplace which fits well with the rustic feeling of the place. Yet nothing I see looks familiar.

I shrug. "Not in the slightest. You?"

"I wish it did," he replies back. I make my way to a curtain covered window and peak out, finding only the black night outside. I see no cars or lights in the distance. Turning back to the room, I find no clocks.

"I think we were brought here by an angel. I've got that same sick feeling in my stomach that I get with Cas," I say, completely serious as I remember the last time Cas decided to fly halfway across the planet with me on board.

"You're not wrong," Bobby agrees nonchalantly. "But who? Everybody was trying to kills us and Cas- ." He stops talking and just shrugs.

I shake my head and ignore the throbbing pain as I try to think back to what went down just minutes before. I could barely make out what had happened, there were so many angels. There was so much going on, nothing I saw made sense no matter how hard I thought about it.

Yet, despite not knowing where we were or how we got here, I can't help but feel a slight bit of relief. After all, we were out of that hell hole they've decided to call heaven. We were no longer locked up under Azrael's watch.

A low groan comes from the ground and I look to find Sam just coming to. I make my way back over to him and kneel down again. As he winces, squinting his eyes at the dim lights of the room, I help him sit up.

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