Chapter 38

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"Rise and shine, hot shot. Today's your lucky day."

Jackie lifts her head off the flat, scratchy pillow that lies on her cot and looks towards the cell door. An officer was unlocking the door, a buzz from the security system ringing out through the quiet cell block. Despite the many cells alongside hers, Jackie appeared to have been put in complete isolation, and she couldn't decide if she appreciated it or not.

The officer steps inside, leaving another man waiting in the doorway. As she had done for the past three mornings, Jackie sits up from her lying position and puts her hands behind her back without question. With this, she is pulled up to a standing position and cuffed by the man who had entered her cell, then promptly led out.

Jackie's body ached. Not necessarily from the uncomfortable cot she was left to sleep on, nor the gunshot wound to her leg. Surprisingly, her injury was healing fairly well. Instead, her aching came from the long hours she had been spending cuffed to a table, sitting in a hard wooden chair in a tight and stuffy interrogation room. It had been three days, now four, and the FBI and their investigators were getting no where. And if it were up to Jackie, she would sit in that chair for a year if it meant leaving those overconfident, arrogant feds clueless. Unfortunately for her, time was slipping through her fingers. 

Before she knew it, she had been led out of the cell blocks and down a narrow, bending hall into the same room as usual. Her only sense of socialization comes from the other male prisoners whose cells she passes on her way to the interrogation room, their calls being as roudy and as innappropriate as usual. She could only imagine what crimes these people had committed, but she couldn't judge much concerning her own track record. 

Florescent lights flicker on as she and the two officers enter, displaying the chair she were to be placed in once again. With her hands being restrained on the table and her chair being positioned underneath her, the day appeared to be going in the same direction as usual. That was until Agent Kennedy entered the room, and trailing behind him was a face she'd never forget. 

"I don't understand how, but somehow, today has become a big day for you Ms. Kaiser." Agent Kennedy closes the door behind he and the man, then stands with his arms crossed. "You've got yourself a lawyer."

Jackie's eyes flash to the tall, brown-haired, green-eyed man standing in a crisp dark suit, with red tie to match. In one hand he holds a black briefcase, and with his eyes he holds her bewildered stare. Jackie doesn't say anything, letting him start off instead.

"Micheal Burke," he introduces himself in a firm voice, not once breaking their eye contact. "I'm an attorney with the State's office. I'll be representing you."

Jackie could always picture Sam going into law, but never Dean. Yet, he pulled the role off very nicely, leaving Agent Kennedy clueless as to who the man standing to the left of him really was.

"The state is required to give you representation, Ms. Kaiser." Agent Kennedy takes a few steps forward and places his hands on the chair opposite of Jackie. He looks down at her, causing her eyes to drag away from Dean's. Continuing, Kennedy states,  "I'm sure they've been working out who they wanted to send onto such a hell of a case as yours. You ended up with this lucky bastard."

The two men exchange sarcastic smiles, Dean's more strained than Agent Kennedy's. Jackie could tell he had had enough of the agent's arrogance, and decides to cut to the chase. "I'd like to speak with my client. Privately," he adds adamantly.

Dean recieves a surprised look from Agent Kennedy. "You're sure? We could have an officer posted in here-"

"Outside is fine," Dean interjects. "I'd like to remind you of the confidentiality between myself and Ms. Kaiser. I'd like the room cleared."

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