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Over the next few days Tyler's entire family visits him. Both sets of grandparents bring the same get well card and initiate the same ruffle of his hair. Like all he needs to get better is a poem written by someone at hallmark.

There's only reluctance on Tyler's face as they all pile into the room, well exceeding the 3 visitor limit. They all seem to tiptoe around actually talking to him so he tells them to pretend he just got his tonsils out. They all laugh nervously, falling into the same state of discomfort. It's hell, but his sister sits by his bedside and holds his wrist tight. Tyler looks in her eyes and sees more understanding and care than in all these people put together.

"It's like a little guardian angel." His grandmother says through bitter tears, positioning a little stuffed bear on the chair next to his bed. The bear has a gold halo made out of a thick pipe cleaner and a pair of white cloth wings. It leaves a sour taste in his mouth. He stares at it for a long time after they leave that day.

At some point Tyler convinces his parents to go home, telling them he's a big boy and he can handle being by himself, but In all honesty he's just tired of looking at their faces. They're caked in despair and pity 24/7 and he's absolutely sick of it. Guilty sick. Sick to his stomach.

So they leave in the morning. Telling him they'll be back tonight and that they told the nurses to check in more frequently. He tells them they don't have to. They give him a dirty look.

As soon as they're gone Tyler sleeps. Honest to god eyes closed, judge Judy turned down to 4, pillows fluffed, slumber. It's incredible how quickly he dozes off.

Then the nightmares come. Visions of fire red skies and people, people he loves telling him to "stop, Tyler, please. Just stop." The trees on his front lawn are on fire and so is his house. Smoke pours out of the windows and open front door, but he knows his family's dead. They're always dead.

As quickly as the nightmare begins it ends and suddenly Tyler stops tossing and turning. His hair still sticks to his forehead but his heart slows and everything is lighter. The weight that's taken residence in his chest has been lifted and somehow his atmosphere feels...serene.

When Tyler opens his eyes there's a boy at the foot of his bed.

He looks to be about Tyler's age but he's never seen him before. He's pretty sure he's never seen anyone like him before.

"Sorry I'm late." The boy says, voice not high but syrupy sweet. He's got pink hair. Pink like guts and flowers. He's beautiful.

Tyler doesn't know what he means or why he's here visiting him but he finds himself itching to reply anyway. "It's okay."

They stand in silence for a moment before Tyler's itching to speak again, his own voice clawing at the top of his throat. "Who are you?"

The boy looks Tyler up and down, not hungrily or judgmentally, but softly. Not full of pity like everyone else. Tyler immediately trusts him. "My name's Joshua."

Tyler nods, sitting up and pulling his blanket into his lap, twisting it in his fingers. "I'm Tyler."

"I know."

Tyler smiles when he says that. For some reason he feels like he's known this boy his whole life; like he isn't a random stranger that could've broken into the ICU. It's so insane Tyler laughs, for the first time in months. His stomach hurts just a bit at the way his muscles contract so quickly, but seeing as how Joshua smiles back at him the same way the pain is immediately soothed.

With one more steady drag of Joshua's eyes across Tyler's face he sighs, then turns and leaves without another word.

Tyler wishes he could get out of bed, run after this boy, spin him around and ask him what he means , but he can't. So like everyone else, he let's him leave.

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