I love you x4

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When his parents ask him what he's been up to Tyler doesn't mention Josh. Just as he promised.

He doesn't have anything to mention really. He tells them he's been getting to know some of the kids in the ward. He tells them he'd gone out to the rec room and played ping pong with one of the younger boys. He tells them he'd asked, the boy's name was also Tyler, and that they'd had a good laugh about it too. They seem satisfied and don't press further.

They never seem to press further.

Which should concern him. It used to, which now that he thinks about it seemed to be part of his great nothing. He knows they care for him but it's in their own way. Never hovering unless necessary. He thought him being in the hospital would deem it necessary.

He has Josh, anyway.

Tyler can feel him right now, his arm warm and heavy draped around his back crushed between that and a metal folding chair. His hand is splayed wide against his hip, rubbing light circles into the skin just under the hem of his shirt. It's a grounding touch, but suddenly has Tyler aching for more.

Angela was right about the projector being old. The movie unreeling and softly clicking is a bit distracting but then again so is Josh's touch as Tyler tries to focus on the soft colors of the film he doesn't recognize. It's outdated and the smiles on the actors are too sharp. Too fake. A man kisses a woman with golden blonde hair cascading in curls down her shoulders and all seems to be right in the world. He doesn't buy it.

"Odds are," Josh whispers suddenly, stilling his fingertips on Tyler's skin and leaning into him. "He breaks her heart, then says he's sorry," Josh then tightens his grip, pressing his fingertips back into Tyler's skin roughly, "Then they get married because this girl, oh this poor girl, just doesn't know him at all."

Tyler's breath catches in his throat when Josh loosens his grip again, fingers returning to their same steady rhythm, circling his hipbone then lying still against it. He doesn't know where this sudden burst of urgency came from- he's pretty sure Josh's touches had just been accidental emphasis of his words - but he's determined to find out just what game Josh is playing.

"I think they're in love," Tyler whispers back, leaning his head onto Josh's shoulder and resting a hand against his chest. "It just takes a little time for him to realize, and she definitely knows that about him it's just hard for her because he's who she's always," He rests a hand on Josh's thigh, "Wanted."

The room grows very dark suddenly when Josh rakes his eyes over Tyler's face. His adam's apple bobs as he swallows and his eyes are black, but not with anger, with what seems to be lust and surprise.

Tyler glances around the room then, making sure nobody else felt that. He couldn't possibly feel what he thought he just felt. Not here. The surge of electricity and heat. The burning star at the pit of his stomach. His itching.

"You're so fucking beautiful, Tyler," Josh almost growls, so soft yet so sharp, piercing through the air like a stage-whisper.

Tyler's taken aback for a moment. He's never heard Josh say anything like that. Never is he so blunt or straightforward. His attention remains on the screen though, faded blues and golden yellows bounce and cast shadows across all of Josh's features. He looks so utterly normal but at the same time so powerful and above all. It's really...

All Tyler needs.

"Josh..." Tyler whispers, quickly becoming breathless. His very big very loose pants suddenly fitting somewhat better. " Josh."

"Tyler." Josh replies, quietly and calmly, making sure not to disturb any of the other families. Any sign of the exchange they'd just had has been smothered by Josh's facade. "Do you want to watch this movie?"

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