Chapter 2 Spooky Stories

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Your POV
"So I have a few questions. I want to get to know the real you. Not the Kirasama version, or anybody else." Karma turned his head towards me, his golden eyes having a sparkle in them as the orange leaves brought out their color even more.
"Okay." I shrugged hiding a blush. What was he planing? This was now our evening ritual, while Nagisa got tutored, Karma would wait for him and do homework, I started joining him trying to avoid an empty apartment, but homework was only a passing thought as we got to know each other more and grew more concerned about the next Attack on Titan episode.
"Who is your favorite anime charecter?"
I raised one eyebrow at him. I didn't think Karma of all people to ask that. "JoJo from JoJo's Bazar Adventure." I answered. "Who's yours?"
"Yoh from Shaman King. Favorite movie." Karma answered honestly.
    "That explains so much." I laughed, Karma just rolled his eyes. "Kingsmen hands down." I grinned as Karma's face lit up.
"Mine too! Nothing says blockbuster like a creepy man creating a micro chip that make humans kill each other, to solve the over population problem." He smiled. "It's something I'd do."
"Did you hear their coming out with a two?" I asked.
"What! No way!"
Before we knew it we were chatting away about absolutely nothing. Apparently Karma owns six cats and lives alone, he also is a secret movie nerd. No seriously, I asked him 57 Star Wars questions and he got them all right. I guess when you live alone you can have a Star Wars marathon, we even made plans to see Kingsmen Two.
"Karama?" Called a cirtain blue haired boy.
"Up here Nagisa." He jumped from the tree and strung his bag over his shoulder. "See ya." He called. I could had sworn he was blushing, but I wasn't sure.
I jumped down from the tree as well and made my way down the mountain and towards home.
    Later that evening as the sun dipped below the horizon and the. Token moon was covered in clouds, Class E made our way down to the dark part of forest where the weeds grew thick and a cave sat nestled near a murky river.
"Once there was a girl." Karma began reading Kirara's script. We were all gathered in front of the cave near the river. It was dark outside and the broken moon bathed the mossy cave in blue light. Karma stood in front of everyone, flashlight under his chin. I giggled as he began to read.
"She was asked to babysit three children." Karma was speaking in an eerie whisper. "She arrived just as the kids were beginning to sleep. The parents left and the night went smoothly. But one thing was off. The angel statue that looked through the window. It made the girl uncomfortable as it seemed to pierce through her soul, so she called the parents and asked if she could cover it up. 'We don't own an angel statue.' The father answered. Terrified the girl called the cops." Karma paused and looked at each and every face. "When the parents got home all they found was five dead body's. The kids, the girl, and the cop. They say the angel was never found, but others say it lives in this cave, waiting for its next victim." Karma snapped off the lights and Kurahashi screamed as she clung to Kurasama. Kurasama respectfully removed her from his arm.
"Alright let's draw names!" I said. I grabbed the box, little did the class know, it was rigged. "Megu and Isogai, Kayano and Nagisa, Rio and Terasaka, Sugino and Kanzaki, Rinka and Chiba, Mr. Kurasama and Professor Bitch, Karma, and I..." I continued to call off names in pairs . Once everyone had a partner we ran into the cave and separated in the winding tunnels.
    Karma and I walked down a narrow tunnel, the only light came from the lamp Karma was holding.
    "Can I ask you something?" I asked Karma as we stepped over rocks, roots and puddles.
     "Okuda it's just a branch." Shouting came echoing through the caves. Karma and I grinned at each other.
     "Shoot." Karma answered my question as we walked.
     "You said you lived alone. Does it get any easier? I mean being alone all the time." I asked. I hated being alone at home, it was always so empty, so cold, so distant.
    Karma sighed and shook his head. "Why do you think I own six cats?" He asked. He stopped suddenly making me bump into his back. He turned and looked down at me. "Are you living alone now? That's not safe for a girl." He sounded concerned.
    "Technically no. But Kurasama isn't ever home until like midnight to two in the morning, so I mide as well live alone." I shrugged, looking away. "Oh but he's not a drunk or anything he really is at work." I quickly tried to explain. Crap I shouldn't had asked.
    "I guess you're right." Karma shrugged. "Get a dog." He nodded as if it were the best solution in the world.
"What, no a cat?" I asked with a small smile.
"You're not a cat person. Your too damn perky shy." Karma answered as we ducked under a lower part of the tunnel.
"Perky shy?" I raised my eyebrow, no one had ever called me that. "Is that even a thing?"
"If it's not, it is now." Karma stated. "It's when someone is super perky, but in a shy way. Aka you."
"Pfft." I rolled my eyes. "So the opposite of you, a demonic extrovert."
"Ahhhhhh!" A deep howl came from our tunnel, I turned to see Terasaka running towards us.
"Terasaka? What happened? Did you look in the mirror?" Karma snickered.
"What? No there was this thing... It was like bleahrgeaneayeadea" Terasaka grabbed Karma by the arms and shook him causing Karma to drop the lamp. Instantly the sound of shattered glass pierced the air and the light went out causing thick, and total darkness.
I grinned evilly to myself as I saw the opportunities I'd been waiting for.
"Great Terasika, look what you did! It was probably Rio trying to scare you!" Shouted Karma somewhere besides me. "Who else makes those weird noises?"
"'s not my fault dumb ass!" Terasika yelled back.
Another scream could be heard from Nagisa and Kyano.
Rain could be heard outside the cave as the evening storm rolled in. We had known it was going to storm, that's why we picked tonight to do the Courage test I reached into my pocket and pulled out a large rubber spider with red eyes an Harry legs. I could hear Karma and Terasaka still arguing and I placed the spider between where I thought they were.
"Just piss off Terasika, go find Rio!" Karma growled.
"Fine I will." Terasika stomped and his foot steps could be heard walking away from us.
Thunder began to roll outside as the wind picked up and the rain pelted the ground faster than before. I shuffled away from the scene of crime.
"God! He's such a Moran." Karma spat. "I think I have a spare flashlight, hang on." Karma clicked a button and a small light flickered, but went out once more. He smacked the flashlight and as the light flashed on, a loud clap of thunder crashed into the cave making it sound like a gun.
The light landed on the giant fake spider and Karma shouted in fear, and used a few choice words that I covered my ears to. He scampered backwards and tripped and fell on his bottom. I laughed at him and picked up the fallen flashlight and the spider.
"Karma." I giggled. "It's fake."
"**** you." He growled and stood up. He practically ripped the flashlight out of my hands.
"Let's go." He snapped.
Is he mad at me?
Karma's POV
"Great Terasika, look what you did! It was probably Rio trying to scare you!" I yelled. I squinted my eyes trying to see YN in the darkness, she was being really quiet. "Who else makes those weird noises?" I finished.
"'s not my fault dumb ass!" Terasika yelled back.
Another scream could be heard from Nagisa and Kyano. I rolled my eyes, knowing them, they saw a shadow.
Terasika's foot steps could be heard walking away. I shook my middle finger in that general direction, not that anyone could see it was so black.
"God! He's such a Moran." I spat. "I think I have a spare flashlight, hang on." I pulled out a small flashlight from my pocket and clicked a button and a small light flickered, but went out once more. I smacked the flashlight against my hand, taking out all my Terasaka frustration out on the thing, the light flashed on. I was about to celebrate when a loud clap of thunder crashed into the cave sounding like a gun.
    The light landed on a giant spider.
    "Holy ********* ******* *******shit!"I yelled as I backed up. Unfortunately I tripped on the damp surface and landed on my backside.
    "Karma it's fake." Giggled YN as she bent down and grabbed the spider along with the flashlight.
    "**** you." I growled and pushed myself off the ground. I couldn't believe I got scarred I a tiny little spider. I grabbed the flashlight from YN and turned. "Let's go." I walked deeper into the tunnel, more classmates scream providing the sound track to this adventure.
. Your POV
We approached the site where we were supposed to kill Kuro Sensei, it was a small cavern that would just hold the entire class, from the corner of my eye I could see a certain yellow octopus attached to the ceiling, holding a camera. This was my chance, I was pretty sure Karma was mad at me, and what better way to distract the octopus than an argument. Let's see how would Rio go about arguing with Karma?
"Karma? Why are you mad at me?" I asked leaning forward. Karma was walking in front of me, but when I spoke he stopped causing me to bump into his back once more.
"I'm not mad." Karma bit off each word as he began to set up some wood for the bomb fire the class was going to have after the courage test assassination.
    I rolled my eyes. Yep he's mad.
    "I really didn't mean to scare you so badly." I confessed I knelt down next to him a tried to get him to look me in the eyes.
    "Well whatever." Karama stammered a bit, and that's when I saw the light pink tint to his cheeks.
    I grinned and placed my hand on his knee, his head snapped up and he finally looked me in the eye. I glanced up and he did the same, and that's when he saw Kuro Sensei with a camera.
    Were you trying to start a fake argument? Karma asked with his eyes.
    Yes so help me out! I answered him back by narrowing my eyes slightly.
    Karma stood up quickly and pushed my hand away. "I can't believe you, who in the hell brings rubber spiders to a courage test?" He shouted at me.
    I flinched a little, he sounded really really mad. "How was I supposed to know you'd freak out?" I snapped at him as I stood up as well.
    We continued yelling at each other, we could just barely hear the camera of Kuro Sensei zooming in and out.
    Out of the corner of my eye I saw Isogai and Megu coming down the tunnel on my right. Their eyes were filled with confusion about what Karma and I were doing, but they soon saw Kuro Sensei on the ceiling. One by one more groups appeared as Karma and I kept up our little act, yelling about one stupid topic to another.  I think at one point I insulted his shoe laces? Because now we were arguing about choice of foot ware. To any normal person, we looked liked we were really mad at each other, but to people in class E, we were just making conversation. The class all aimed their guns, 3...2..1 BANG! 28 guns went off as we all began firing anti Sensei bee bees  at the ceiling.

Karma's POV
    "Really? You are calling me stupid?" YN yelled, as we fake argued. "Your the one with ugly shoe laces!"
    I had to fight not to burst out laughing. My shoe laces? That's the best she could come up with? "Well you ware high heels! And they click whenever you walk! It's so annoying!" I yelled back even though I had never actually seen her ware heels.
    "Well at least no one is near to see us argue! Because you are an ass hole!" YN announced. I knew that was our que. 3...2..1 BANG! We all began firing at the blur of yellow on the ceiling.
    The next day we still had to go to class. At least we  got to scare the crap out of our classmates.

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