Chapter 6 Study! Study! Study!

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    Your POV
    I sat in the back of the class in a state of doom trying to do math as Kuro Sensei flashed around from student to student, providing individual tutoring to everyone at once with the use of his unworldly speed. I was never the greatest at math and despite the hours upon hours of constant study I was hardly pulling a B-.
    After rescuing Kurasama, E class went right into cram mode as exams came up the next day. We all prepped for the intellectual battle between the  A class snobs and E class. I still hadn't told anyone I had killed the Reaper, and Kurasama had kept it to himself as well, it was a memory I was doing my best to forget.
    "I just don't understand." I sighed as I glared at my paper trying to scare the numbers off the page. "If I put the numbers into the Quadratic Equation and then it ends up being a imperfect square, how am I supposed to factor it without putting a square root into the denominator?" If anyone can answer this for me I will write anything you want, whether it's a chapter or an entire book, original or fan fiction!
I ran my hand through my hair in frustration.
    Kuro Sensei did his best to explain, but at the end of the day I wanted to assassinate the Quadratic formula.
    I walked out of the building ready to tear my hair out, when a loud groan came from up in Karma's ditching tree. I smiled to myself and climbed up the thick branched into the canopy of branches.
    "You okay?" I asked the red haired boy who, at this point, was glaring at a text book as if he were about to take a knife and stab it.
    "It's all this English crap!" Karma yelled still looking at the text book. "It make no sense, to make a letter say it's name the rule is that you put an E at the end. The only exception are is if you use a Y, A, O, U or any other freaking vowel and A can make the U sound and E can sound like an A! Then in some words O makes a U sound!" Karma threw the book down and it fell from the tree, landing in the dirt with a thump.
    I climbed over and sat across from Karma, my legs hanging off from each side of the thick branch that now supported the both of us. "That's because your trying to to learn from a text book." I said in English. I took his note book and wrote, Dogs love to chase mailmen. "Now.." I began to explain why the words were spelt the way they were. Growing up in Detroit, English was my first language. Karma and I sat in that tree for an hour until the brisk early winter wind chilled us to the bone.
    "We better go." I said as I began my decent from the tree. Karma followed and once our feet were safely on the ground we began to walk down the colossal hill toward the city bellow, a routine we had done many times before. I knew Karma wanted to ask me something from the way he had his hands shoved into his pocket, but I didn't say anything, I knew he would ask in a bit.
"Hey YN?"
"Ya?" Right on time.
"Why?....Do you want help in math?" Karma asked. I knew he was just trying to cover up what he really wanted to ask me, however, I was grateful for the help.
"That would be great." I nodded as we approached my apartment door. As per usual it was dark inside, void of life.
"Does he still not come home?" Karma raised his eyebrows in digest. "You'd think after you save his life he'd bother to.."
"Karma." I interrupted his rant. "He's working, it's not like he has a choice, and your parents are never home either, you don't get to judge."
    We were both quiet as we stood there in the snow looking at each other. Neither of us had family waiting at home, both of us missed the days where our moms would welcome us home, now we were only welcomed home to the sound of nothingness and a dark room.
    "You could join me for dinner." I afford as I gestured inside. "We could study more after."
    Karma shoved his hands deep into his pockets trying not to turn red. "S..sure." He nodded.
"Hope you like spaghetti." I smiled as we entered the apartment. We took off our coats and hung them on the hooks to our right and entered the large kitchen.
"Of course! How can I help?" Karma pumped his fist as if he were about to win an arm wrestling contest.
"You cook?" I raised my eyebrows skeptically and pulled a sauce pan out of the cupboard and placed it in the black, gas stove.
"What! I'm hurt! I'll have you know I am a great cook." Karma stuck his tung out at me and ripped the spoon I had been using to stir the sauce out of my hand, causing red sauce to splatter all over my face.
Karma began laughing hysterically as I glared at him taking a napkin and wiping the sauce calmly from my face. Karma turned to the stove to continue stirring and I quietly grabbed the cup of ice water that was sitting on the marble counter next to me. I the walked up behind Karma, raised my arm, and dumped it on top of Karma's head, soaking his hair, face and shirt.
    "There. Now we're even." I smirked.
Kurasama's POV
    I groaned as I approached my apartment. I was stiff all over from working at the office, and I mentally kicked myself for leaving YN alone all night again. I had originally planned to stay home, especially because of what happened with The Reaper. I knew as well as anyone, that killing someone took a large emotional toll on people, especially when they're young. I wasn't stupid, I saw how bothered YN seemed all the time, no matter how good she was at hiding it.
    I opened the door to see YN had left the lights on yet again. I shook my head and snapped off the lights only to hear an uproar of protests.
"Hey!" Two teenagers yelled and I quickly turned the lights back on. The room was quickly illuminated to reveal Karma and YN sitting in the living room. Books were stacked on top of the coffee table, and papered were scattered all over the floor.
"What are you doing here?" I glared at the red head. Don't get me wrong, I was grateful Karma had kept YN company so she wasn't alone, but why Karma of all people? Sure I liked the kid well enough, he was smart, resourceful, and had a bright future ahead, but he was also lazy, cocky, and got into fights on a daily basis.
"We're studying for finals." Answered Karma.
"I'm sorry, I would had asked, but you weren't home and I don't have your work number." YN apologized. Her eyes looked at me, as if begging me not to be mad.
Again I felt terrible, not only had I left her alone all night, but I have her no means to contact me. I am terrible at this father thing. "It's okay YN. Let me know if you need anything." I turned to go to my room, but the two's voices called me back.
"WAIT!" They yelled.
I turned back, and looked at them.
"Do you know anything about the quadratic formula?" Asked Karma.
"Yes why?"
"Help me!" YN begged as she folded her hands into a prayer like fashion.
    "Alright now take the square root..." I explained. I don't know how long the three of us sat their but before long our studying was interrupted by the rude sound of the Huge Show, blaring loudly down the hallway.
    "What the hell?" Karma asked. I wanted to deck him for that language.
    It finally dawned on me what was going on. "That's my alarm. It's seven in the morning."
    "Oh." Nodded YN as she and Karma went back to the books.
    There was a moment of silence before it dawned on everyone we were late.
    "Oh my god!" YN screamed as she and Karma began shoving books and papers into their bags.
    "YN go  get ready. Karma, you can use the shower that's in my bathroom, down the hall to your right." I ordered as I ran to go get changed.
    Somehow, with some awesome driving that YN claimed 'would get us all killed'  I got them to the main campus with ten minuets to spare.
    "Thanks dad.." YN called and froze. "I...I'm so...sorry. Kurasama." She turned to leave but I stopped her.
    "YN you don't have to be sorry. Good luck on your Exams." I smiled at her, and her face lit up. Our little father daughter moment was interrupted by a bell, a loud annoying bell that practical screamed pompous attitude.
    "Bye!" YN called as she ran through the large glass doors, followed by Karma.
    I chuckled and parked the car, and began to climb the mountain to join Erina and Kuro Sensei in E class.

Alright done with this chapter! Yayyyyy! Please vote and comment! I like comments it lets me know you guys are actually reading this!

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