Chapter 15 Graduation

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Karma's POV
"YN hurry up we're going to be late!" I shouted up the stairs. I stood in YN's living room with Kurasama glaring at me from the kitchen causing me to fidget nervously. It's been two months since the cultural festival and things couldn't be better for E Class. Sugino was able to rejoin the baseball team and was now lined up for college on a baseball scholarship, Kayano joined the drama club and was heading to Paris for a huge movie after graduation, and so on and so on. I on the other hand didn't join anything, I'm not into clubs and sports, but I kept myself busy, mostly going out with YN. We've been pretty much everywhere and it has been amazing, but now we have reached the day where high school lives end. Today was graduation. To be completely honest I'm kinda sad. Now I'd never admit this to anyone but E Class changed me for the better, and I was going to miss everyone from that dusty old, run down, falling apart, moldy classroom, that had us learning the art of assassination. Yes I will even miss Terasika.
"I'm coming, I'm coming!" YN shouted as she ran down the stairs. She wore a bright peach dress and her black hair was curled loosely around her shoulders. We were picking up our caps and gowns in class.
"Ready?" I asked trying to keep my mind off how pretty she was. I reached out my hand to her, only to have it violently slapped away by Kurasama.
"Hands off Mr. Akabane." He glared. I have a feeling he doesn't like me. But that can't be true can it? Na.
"Dad!" YN yelled as she grabbed my hand. "Be nice. I'll see you there." YN dragged me out the door down the streets and to the main campus. Streamers decorated the door and bright balloons hung from benches and lamps. Family, friends and weird neighbors  crowded the door way trying to get into the gymnasium where the ceremony was being held.
     "You have got to be kidding me." Groaned YN as she stood on her tip toes, trying to see over the hundreds of heads blocking our path. It was so crowded that there was hardly any breathing space let alone space to walk.
    I could just barley see the door we had to enter for class E. It was down the hallway aways and next to class A.  "Come on." I grinned as I shoved my way through people, pulling YN along with me. "Move it! Out of the way! VIP'S coming through. Yes sir eating the cookie as if he is a savage, you move too. Thank you all for your ignorance!"   
    YN began laughing as people glared at us from all direction as we soon fell through the door and were greeted by our fellow E Class students.
"Can you believe it?" Kayano squealed. "We're graduating!" She bounced up and down in front of us in her black graduation gown causing the cap to slide down her face.
"Of course I can believe it." I groaned. "After four years of jr. high, and three long years of high school, it's about time we graduated from this hole." I said in a monotone voice and rolled my eyes as I grabbed my black graduation gown from the rack in front of a white board.
    "Figures you would be the one to run out of here as soon as possible and never look back." Nagisa chuckled.
    "Karma where are you going to college at?" Rio asked as she slapped her cap on her head.
    "Kugeuka University." I shrugged earning odd looks from everyone. Kugeuka University was owned by principle Asuno and was basically like this high school but college. I understood why everyone thought I was crazy, but YN and I agreed not only did this High School need to change but also Principle Asuno's views. We planned on messing up that college a little.
Okay a lot
"Isn't that where Asuno is going?" Terasika raised one of his bushy eyebrows.
"Someone has to make sure that kid doesn't become his father." I shrugged. "Besides, he's the only one who can challenge me."
"Hey!" YN glared as she smacked me with her graduation cap.
"I'm sorry babe, but your math will never be able to reach mine." I smirked.
"Is that so?" YN asked as she pulled me by my tie closer to her. I closed the distance between us by crashing our lips together causing Ewws and Awws to come from our class mates.
"Ew, get a room!" Merahara shouted.
I was about to go punch his face, but we were interrupted by our favorite octopus teacher. "Class." Kuro Sensei smiled as he turned blue and dabbed his eyes with a tissue. "It's time."
The class froze in place as a solemn mood settled on all of us. After graduation, Class E had a solid plan to kill Kuro Sensei and prevent him from blowing up, we also knew, never again would we be together like this. Some of us pushed away tears while others bawled as we heard the traditional music begin.
"BRATS!" Professor Bitch yelled. "GET A MOVE ON!" She poked her head in the door pretending to be a burning ball of anger but we could all see she had been crying.
"And Now for D Class." The Priceable continued. We all scampered out the door and into the gymnasium.

Your POV
One year ago if you asked me what I would be doing now, I would had told you that I'd be graduating at the top of my class from Combat School. My mom would be in the front row with a giant video camera, and I'd be heading to Ferris to get my masters in nursing. If they had told me I was now graduating third of my class behind two geniuses and had been part of an assassination classroom, and it was my dad who would be in the front row. That I'd be dating a boy with a disturbing God Complex and that I'd be going to a terrifying college to get my masters in teaching the art of languages. I would had told them that they were crazy. But here I am.
"And finally. The Val Victorian, MY SON, will read his speech." The principal left the stage and Asuno took his place.
I rolled my eyes in disgust. Karma was supposed to be Val Victorian but the board, also known as the Asuno Family, decided E Class has had enough Victory's claimed, and because Karma was in the lowest class he couldn't be Val Victorian.
"Good afternoon, friends, family, and fellow class mates." Asuno began.
Oh barf. I thought to myself as a looked at my fellow E Class classmates, who were all making gagging faces, and Karma pretended to die.
"Many of you know me as the best of this school, which is why I am up here today. However, I am ashamed to say I do not deserve this honor." This earned many murmurs from the crowd. The principal glared at his son in disproval, but Asuno didn't seem fazed as he continued. "At the end of this year both Karma Akabane, and YN Kurasama had higher GPAs than I did. However, because they are part of E Class neither of them were allowed to hold this honor. So this speech is just for E class." Asuno cleared his throat and turned to where E Class sat.
"Throughout these years we all treated you poorly because you were the lowest on the totem pole. When you rose to the top, we bullied you out of fear to put you back down. But no matter what we did, you always rose to the occasion and gave it back to us three times over. You held the top 50 slots for the exams but didn't come back to the main campus because you were smart enough to know our system is wrong, so you stuck by what you believed, and took our bullying head on. I didn't realize how wrong I was until the day YN Kurasma dumped a slushy on my head. I stood there humiliated while she, also covered in slushy, walked away smiling. E class was strong, smart, and resourceful. To the next E Class, you will be okay, even if you are made fun of. E Class will take care of you. To the graduating E Class, I wish I had been A Loser Like E." Leaving the entire gymnasium shocked to the point of silence, Asuno left the stage until he stood directly in front of Karma and held out his hand. Karma frowned, but eventually shook it.
"I hope this means you're on board for taking down Kugeuka University." Karma smirked and raised an eyebrow.
"Maybe." Asuno nodded and re took his seat as a stunned principal re-approached the stand.
"The class of 2017 everyone." He spoke into the microphone in a monotone voice, which sounded odd as music played Que. music and confetti fell from the ceiling, a nice change from the dirt I might add.
We all screamed and threw our hats into the air as On Top Of The Word by Imagine Dragons played loudly.
Kuro Sensei tried not to turn into a puddle as he cried. Erina blew her nose into a tissue before dabbing her eyes with another one. Even dad had some tears in his eyes.
I would had never considered myself lucky at the beginning of this entire mess. My mother had died, and I was moved across the world to live with a father that appeared not to care about me. But now I see that this was the best thing to ever happen to me. I still miss my mom, but I have so many more people in my life who care about me now, and I truly am the happiest person in the world.
This is class E. My assassination classroom.

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