Chapter 14 Loser Like E

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Dedicated to MicMouse123 thanks for making my day!
Your POV
Today's the day of the cultural festival and I hate to say it but I'm so nervous. I'm singing one of the leads, along with Karma, Nagisa and Kayano and's scary. I do have to say I think we have a good chance at winning, we sound really good and our moves are awesome. I carried a yellow slushy in my hand pretending to drink it and I smirked to myself as Asuno and some of his goons surrounded me. They were all about to throw slushy on me when I held up my hands.
"WAIT!" I yelled. Pulling off the wonderful sexy Erina I let my eyes grow large and glossy as I bit my lip. A class froze in place. "Just one second." I walked up to Asuno and.....BAM, I dumped the yellow slushy I had all down his face. "You may continue." I smiled as purple slushy came at me from all sides. Surprisingly it didn't bother me as much as it used to, probably because I knew E Class had a good shot at winning today. Asuno was still trying to get the yellow ice out of his eyes when I began walking away. I turned and waved. "Same time tomorrow?" I asked innocently.
When I finally got to my classroom I could see everyone present was covered in all colors of slushy, but this time everyone was smiling as if the icy drink on their face was a badge of honor as they exchanged 'war stories' about this morning. I knew non would top mine.
When Rio saw me smiling like a foul she raised her eyebrows and smirked. "What's got you so happy?" She asked. "You do know you're covered in slushy?"
I sat down in my seat and continued smiling as E Class all turned their attention towards me. "Let's just say Asuno got a taste of his own medicine this morning." As everyone shouted in excitement, I looked around the old dusty classroom for my red haired demon boy, but to my surprise he was no where to be seen.
    "Hey Nagisa?" I asked. "Where's Karma?"
    "He left a little while ago." Answered the cinnamon role. "I haven't seen him since."
Karma's POV
    I'm sure everyone is wondering where I am right now, but I don't care. Because right now I'm in the bathroom, feeling like I'm gunna puke because the stupid butterflies in my damed stomach won't freaking calm down! That damned Rio, she just had to tell everyone I could sing, ya she forgot to mention I don't sing in public. Maybe she's conspiring with A Karma calm down. I shook my head and leaned against the  sink, staring at my pale face in the mirror.
"WHY AM I SO DAMN NERVOUS!" I yelled to the old wooden ceiling above me. My only response was the dim yellow light, flickering.
"Because you are only human Karma." A voice said from behind me. Terrified I jumped, and spun around to be greeted by a yellow Kuro Sensei.
"Tsk. What do you want teach." I growled and turned back to the mirror.
"I'm here to let you know, your girlfriend is freaking out wondering where you are right now." Kuro Sensei turned pink. I could only guess what was going through his mind right now. To get him to stop acting like a purvert I pulled out my green anti Sensei gun and fired. Of course the beebee didn't land it just left Kuro Sensei startled.
"Is that it?" I crossed my arms and glared.
"No." Kuro Sensei grew serious. "Karma, I know you are nervous, and don't bother denying it, I heard you yelling at the poor ceiling."
I looked away turning red. I was never one to admit I was scared, so I stayed quiet.
    "You know Karma." Kuro Sensei smiled. "All of the great performers have stage fright, and that makes me wonder if having fear and assassinating it, is what makes a preference truly amazing. If that is the case, E class is sure to win." Kuro Sensei turned towards the door, but stopped and turned his large round face back at me. "Remember Karma, you won't be up there alone, if any one is going to mess up it will be Terasaka. I'm proud of you." And with that he left.
    I took a deep breath and slowly let it out as I leaned my head down into the sink trying not to cry. No one had ever told me they were proud of me before, I didn't know how much weight those simple words could lift. I felt so much lighter now that I knew I didn't have to try to please someone. I sighed, and lifting my head to face myself in the mirror. "Alright damned butterflies." I growled. "I'm more of a octopus fan so get out of my stomach." And with that, I walked out of the bathroom as if I ruled the world. I don't of course, not yet.
    We all stood back stage crowded into a huddle. Nagisa, Karma, Maehara, Terasaka, Isogai and Kimura all wore white button up shirts with a yellow dress vest, a black tie with a gold crescent moon and black slacks. The girls, Kanzaki, Ueda, Rio, and I were all in yellow dresses that went down to just above the knee with green stripes around the skirt. Kanzaki designed them as tribute to Kuro Sensei. Above us was Chiba and Rinka, hidden from everyone, keeping an eye out for any A class student looking to sabotage our hard work. Haru, Yoshishda, Kurahashi, Megu, and Muramahsu were al sitting towards the back of the stage, tuning their instruments and chatting as if this wasn't one of the most important days in E Class History. All around us Ōkami, Okajima, Mimura, Yada, Takahiro, Sugaya, Okuda and Kirara were running around, dressed in black. They were busy setting up lights and panels and anything else they had planned with Professor Bitch. Ritsu could be seen on Rio's phone, plugged into the sound bourd and a disguised Kuro Sensei, along with Kurasama and Professor Butch could be seen in the front row of the auditorium. Speaking of the Auditorium, it was packed. People filled the seats and crowded the isle, all wanting to see is we, E Class, could take down the best of the best.
"I think I'm going to be sick." I whispered as I peaked out from behind the curtain.
"Na what's the worst that could happen?" Rio smiled and flicked her wrist. Her hair was pulled into a curly bun and spa he seemed unfazed by the appending doom, coming our way.
"We could fail and make compleat fools out of ourselves causing us to be the laughing stock of the school." Maehara stated.
"So, like now?" Isogai said casually.
"Ya.." Maehara began, but stopped. He glared at Isogai knowing what he did.
"We have nothing to lose, so why worry?" Isogai smiled.
"Damn it Isogai!" Karma yelled. "If you can't stop being so freaking positive about every shitty thing, I personally will make sure you get a slushy bath, every day between now and graduation."
"Rio you owe me twenty bucks." I grinned as I patted Karma's shoulder comforting him. "Karma finally blew up at Isogai." Turning to Karma I whispered in his ear. "Calm down, I'll be out there with you. Okay?" I smiled.
     Karma smiled down at me and lightly kissed me on the lips.
Rio glared and was about to say something but Okajima ran up to us. "Places!" He hissed.
Quickly we all scampered to our scattered positions on stage as the back stage lights dimmed and the red curtain rose, sounds of disproval began to roar at us, making me cringe, I took a deep breath as the music started and we all began clapping and stomping to the beat.

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