Chapter 7 Assasinating class A

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Karma's POV
Exams are a tricky part of the year for E Class. We have to report to the main campus to take them, and face the evil classes of D-A. But nothing is worse than having to pass class A as the sneer and snarl at us as we go by, they are like zombies ready to eat our 'inferior brains.' I didn't care much though, exams are the highlight of my year. When I can go head to head with my rival.
Speak of the devil.
"Asuno." I answered the orange haired bastard as he stopped us in the middle of the hallway.
"Who's this?" Asuno looked over at YN with searching eyes. YN glared at him and crossed her arms.
"Who wants to know?" She spat.
I could had died laughing when I saw Asuno's disgusted, shocked face. Everyone knew that Asuno was the son of the devil like principle, well everyone except a new transfer student from Michigan.
"I am Asuno. I rule this school." Asuno growled. "So I'd watch where you step."
I was about to say something whitty and awesome but YN had everything covered so I thought I'd sit back and enjoy the fireworks.
"Look here Asuno." YN grabbed Asuno's tie and pulled him down so that their faces were only inches apart her eyes were glowing with anger, and I almost felt bad for Asuno, but I didn't. "You don't scare me. You don't run this school. From what I heard, you're just an orange haired boy, with an oversized ego, brains, and daddy issues. So go ahead and threaten me. E Class will assonate A class before you can even think of a battle strategy. So we'll just see who holds the top slots won't we." Her voice was low and threatening, and if I wasn't Karma Akabane, I would've been shaking in my shoes.
Before Asuno could say something about 'his father hearing about this,' YN grabbed my wrist and hauled me down the hallway and towards the testing room. As we walked down the hallway I turned back to Asuno And smirked. She's mine. I mouthed, Asuno didn't get to lay a hand on her.
Your POV
    The first subject was a breeze, it was English which is not exactly something I had to learn. But as a read the questions there were things on this test that my classmates would never figure out. Not only that but the test was in English as well. This is rigged!
State your name, what class you are from, your relationship status, your schools name and right a paragraph about this years experience.
    My name us YN Kurasama of class E, I am single and attended Kanugigouka High. This year has been interesting. I have recently moved in with a father I never new I had and have a unique teacher. As a senior I look forward to graduating with my amazing class mates.
    I hoped the rest of my class could get at least partial credit. I mean, we had to get a higher class average than A. Class E made a bet with class A, and if we didn't win, we'd have to do anything class a told us.
    Karma's POV
    What the #### is this shit!? I starred at my English test, sure English wasn't my best subject but I understood the concept. But how was I going to do this when I could hardly read the directions.
Xxxxx xxxx name, what class xxx xxx from, xxxx xxxxxxxxxxx status, xxxx schools name xxx right a xxxxxxxxx about this years xxxxxxxxx.
    Alright first part. I broke down the question and tried to pick out the bits of information I needed. I snuck a peek at YN and she was already done, and we had an hour to go. But that was to be expected for someone who grew up in the United States. Everyone else looked like they wanted to give up. Except Rio, who seemed to be doing alright.
Come on Karma focus.
    Name. Karma.
    Class? I think. E.
    Status? Crap what did this word mean in English again? Something about what was up with you, or how you were feeling? Hungry.
    Schools Name? Kanugigouka.
    This years. What about this year? Damn! Interesting. I like girl, she is prety, y smart. Two gud for me.
  Kurasama's POV
I stood in the E class building looking down at the main campus past the woods. I wasn't about to lie, I didn't know if E class could handle what the principle just threw at them. We all knew the exams were rigged so E class would never do well. However, I knew all three of us tried our best to prepare them.
    "Can I ask you two somethings?" I said out of the blue. Erina and Kuro Sensei looked at me as if I myself had sprouted tentacles.
    "Of course Mr. Kurasama." Kuro Sensei replied, but his gaze never left the main campus.
    "What does it mean when your daughter apologizes for calling you dad?" That had deeply troubled me. I was YN's father, so I didn't understand why she had apologized.
    Only now did Kuro Sensei look at me. "You sir, have deeply messed up." He said lowly.
    "Kurasama, when your daughter apologizes for calling you dad, it means she views you as a father but thinks you don't view her as a daughter." Erina glared at me. "What did you do?"
    I ran my hand over my face, of course YN would think that I was never home, and when I was, she was sleeping, and at school I only treated her as a student.
    "You need to make this right. I won't have any of my students feeling like they don't matter. I really think you need to be home more, especially since YN killed The Reaper." Kuro Sensei criticized.
    Erina looked at me and Kuro Sensei with shock. I had forgotten to tell her. "Oh my god, you left her alone!" Erina screamed. "You do realize she could kill herself right! Do you not remember what it was like the first time you killed someone? Do you remember when Nagisa nearly killed that one creep? What the hell!"
    There is something about being lectured by your colleagues. It makes you feel ten times worse than you already do, especially when a women that has little experience with kids knows better than you.
Your POV
    I started at my math exam. I had no idea where to start, the question was literally asking me to find the square root of a triangle! A triangle isn't even a number! Right? I shook my head. Come on YN what are you missing?
Karma's POV
    Find the square root of a triangle. Oh I bet YN is freaking right now. I chuckled and stole a glance at YN who was starring at her paper as if she were reading Greek. Yup knew it. I turned back to my paper, the question isn't really as hard as it looked. The sum of all triangle angles is 180 so to find the square root of a triangle it is legally the square root of 180 and because 180 is not a perrfect square the it's written 180 as a square root.
I looked around the room as I finished the math exam, my poor classmates all looked like death, but the constant scribbling of pencils showed they were more confident in this exam than the English exam. I saw YN place her pencil down and sigh, it was obvious she had done her best but didn't think she did well. This was going to be a long day.
Your POV
"Thats it! I'm done! Kill me now!" I clasped on the ground in front of E class. We all had hiked up the mountain to let Kuro Sensei know how we thought we did, but I didn't have the heart to walk in there.
"Alright drama queen. I'm sure it was not that bad." Karma looked down at me and smiled. God he is hot.
"Oh ya? How'd English go?" I shot back, knowing full well he had no idea for most of the test.
Karma clasped beside me and groaned. "Okay fine you can kill me."
"Kids I'm sure it wasn't that bad." Kuro Sensei smiled as he walked out of the building to see E Class laying on the ground in despair.
"The entire English test was in English even the questions!" Kayano shouted.
"I think the science exam murdered me." Nagisa admitted.
"But I'm sure YN and Karma did just fine." Itsogai assured. "Right?" He asked us.
Karma and I looked at each other. "Umm..." I stammered.
"Of course we did fine." Karma smiled. "We were up all night studying with Kurasama."
"Ya." I smiled sadly
We all sat in our seats the next day awaiting the results of our tests. It was so quiet you could had heard a pin drop as Kuro Sensei walked into the classroom.
"Alright the first subject we are announcing is science." Kuro Sensei shuffled the papers out of an envelope. "Okuda. Nicely done you took first with a 100% congratulations."
Class E cheered as Okuda took her test and sat down.
"Math, with a 98% was Karma. With Asuno close behind with 97%." Kuro Sensei handed me my test.
Karma kept his cool for like twenty seconds before standing and doing a happy dance, as quickly as he began, he stopped, and glared at the snickering class. "If anyone says anything I will kill you." He threatened.
"English with 100%, no surprise is YN, along with modern Japanese 97% and writing 96%." Kuro Sensei handed me three tests, I smiled.
"Yeah!" I squealed.
"And finally here are all your average scores." Kuro Sensai placed a sheet of paper that had all the ranks on the board and we all crowded around it.
1 Karma Akabane
2 Asuno
3 YN Kurasama
4 Rio Nakamuo
5 Random A class student
The list went on and on but as we all noticed Terasika was ranked 49 we all celebrated because if the stupidest of us all could be ranked in the top 50 we all passed.
"So? Anyone ready to move up to the main campus?" Kuro Sensei asked.
"Your not getting off that easy." Hinato smiled along with all of us.
"We aren't leaving until we put a bullet through you." Karma laughed.
Something about that bothered me, blood, death, a gun, a body. My memories came flooding back, and I instantly wanted to vomit. Quietly I slipped out of the door and ran outside. I couldn't breath, pressure built up in my head, my mind became foggy. I slid down against the building a hugged my knees.
Killing someone is no joking matter Karma.

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