Chapter 11 I think I know you now

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Alright here you go! 💡📽🎬
    Kurasama's POV
I sat in the airport glaring at the times as they changed. I had twenty minuets left before my flight left and the boarding process was taking too long. People stood near the air lock door waiting for it to open, but I knew better, all I'd end up doing is standing their for nothing as they called us by ticket row.
"Kurasama. She's okay, you know that, you need to calm down." Erina rested her hand on my knee and smiled reassuringly. Her hair was pulled into a long ponytail and she wore a white sweater and blue jeans a completely different look from her more revealing type of dress.
"I know I was never home, but what did I do?" I asked. I understood I wasn't ever home, but it still didn't explain why YN believed I didn't see her as my daughter.
Erina leaned back. "Start from the beginning, when you first saw her what did you do?"
"You must be YN." The I said. My voice may had been gruff and all business, I couldn't help it, that was my demeanor.
"Yes." She answered as She straightened herself.
"Right. I'm, Kurasama, I have already enrolled you in Kugeuka High school class E." I turned and began walking, she followed.
    I groaned as I thought back on that first day. "Oh." I finally got it. To her I wasn't happy she had shown up. I had treated her as nothing more than a nuisance, and I had only continued to do so. She had tried everything, from acting like me, to killing an assassin, and I had ignored her.
    "Ya, oh." Erina scoffed. "Look Kurasama I have tried being nice because you're new at this whole father thing, but you need to get your act together. She's not your assignment, she's your daughter. Now I suggest you take these few weeks to get to know her, and by that I mean sit back and watch. Maybe you'll learn a thing or two." Erina crossed her arms and glared at me, I nodded. I needed to do a better job, maybe watching instead of making her come home, was what I needed.

Karma's POV
I slowly opened my eyes as the bright sun poori g through the window awoke me from my slumber. As the fuzziness cleared I remembered everything that happened last night and I swear I turned red. YN lay beside me still sleeping. Her mouth was slightly open as she breathed in a slow, steady pace. I tried not to wake her, but the stupid sun had other ideas. YN groaned, flinched, and slowly pulled her eyes open. When she saw me starring she turned the same shade of red I was.
"M..morning." She said timidly.
"Hey." I grinned. "Sleep well?" I asked, removing my arms that had been wrapped around her.
"Mmhm." YN moaned as she stretched her arms above her head. "Better than I have in a long time." She yawned.
"Well I have that effect on people." I shrugged teasingly.
"Pfft." Scoffed YN as she grabbed her pillow and smacked me with it. "Ya right." She disagreed as she through the covers back and hopped out of bed. She went over to her back pack and grabbed some clothes. "Hey Karma?" She asked.
    "Mm yeah?" I answered as I closed my eyes once more.
   "What are we?"
    That took me by surprise, I sat up and looked at her. She was looking at me with wide dark eyes. "Boyfriend and Girlfriend." I stated. "Wasn't it obvious?"
    YN blushed and looked away. " it wasn't. Now get changed."
Groaning I pulled myself out of bed and to my own back back pack where I pulled out a red t shirt, a black sweatshirt and blue jeans. "Alright I'm gunna go get changed in the bathroom." I closed the bathroom door and got changed. I couldn't believe I had slept next to YN last night. Normally I didn't sleep much because my house was always empty , so I normally just fell asleep on the couch with one or six of my cats. However I had slept so hard last night I didn't want to get up, and now here I was getting dressed with the girl I love right on the other side of the door.
    "YN!" I yelled through the door. "Are you good?" I asked, not wanting to walk in on her. Well I wanted to, but I knew I shouldn't.
    "Yep!" Came YN's cheerful voice.
I walked out of the bathroom and was stopped by the person in front of me. I had only seen YN in casual clothes once and that was when she was waring a sexy dress for rescuing purposes. Right now she wasn't hot, or sexy, or any other word a hornet guy like me would use to describe a pretty girl we saw across the street. The only word I could use right now was beautiful, because that's what she was as she smiled at me and tied her hair into a pony tail, leaving her bangs to fall and frame her face.
"What are you looking at?" She asked as she turned and looked behind her, oblivious.
You. I thought to myself. "Nothing." I lied, quickly I swung open the door a gestured out into the quiet hallway. "Common before your friends bombard us with questions." I grabbed YN's hand and we ran down the hall together, whispering and giggling until our faces hit the cold winter air.
Kurasama's POV
    I had all I could do not to begin yelling as I saw YN and Karma run out of the Detroit School of Combat hand in hand. Luckily Erina shot me a glare that said 'you will stay in this rental car.' Now I just have to say, I am not scared of Erina. I just don't want to feel with the wining and shouting and drama that comes with not listening to her.
    "You ready to find out more about your daughter?" Erina asked.
    "No." I said flatly, but I opened my door and walked into the combat school with Erina any way.
    "Hi how can I help you?" I woman with blonde grey hair asked.
    "My name is Kurasama, I am YN's father, I have some things I'd like to ask you." I stated.
     "Oh." The woman sighed. "You better come into the lounge."
    I was so happy to be back, I felt like I was slowly finding my old confident, quirky self again. Karma and I had shopped until we dropped and now are not with each other because he claimed 'he had stuff to do.' I was pretty sure he just didn't want me with him while he shopped for something. That was okay with me because last week Rio let it slip that Christmas was Karma's birthday, meaning tomorrow was Karms birthday. But I had zero ideas what to get him. Well I had one idea, but....NO! I shook my head to clear my mind, because one, I was incapable of being a flirt, and two, I had zero experience. I wanted to, don't get me wrong... But well... "Why is this so hard!" I shouted earning a lot of weird looks from people. I knew Karma, he wasn't into material things, he seemed lonely, and if that were the case, well maybe I could get over my embarrassment. We both loved each other after all. Okay, I can do this. I thought to myself determined as I entered Victoria Secret.
    "Hi, my name is Payton." Smiled a women who worked there, she had long brown hair, a friendly smile and a soft yet strong voice. I felt better already. "How can I help you?" She asked.
    "Well it's my boyfriend's birthday tomorrow, and it Christmas, so uh.." I trailed off.
    Payton's smile and eyes grew even wider. "Aww!" She squealed. "Need help?"
    I nodded shyly as she grabbed my arm and hauled me deeper into the store. "Don't worry bunny. I've got this."

Karma's POV
Shopping for girls was hard. That's all I can say about it. I wanted to get YN something special, I knew we only now became boyfriend and girlfriend but we had know each other for a while now and with this trip I saw a hole other side to her I had never seen. I felt like a married man, being happy to learn something new about his wife. Call me crazy or stupid, but that's just how I felt. She made me happy. I was walking past a shop and something silver caught my eye. I walked over to the display case and saw a beautiful silver wing locket. I smiled, I knew once this trip was over YN would have to go back into that empty apartment, but maybe I could remind she wasn't alone.
"Excuse me sir." I said to the jeweler.
"Yes young man?" The older gentleman turned towards me and smiled.
"I'd like that one." I pointed at the locket.
The man's eyes lit up. "Oh, you have a special girl at home, don't you." He grinned as his wrinkled hands carful,y reached into the display case and picked the locket up by the chin, causing the wings to spin.
" You have no idea." I nodded.
Kurasama POV
"Let's see. Where to start?" Glinda tapped her chin. We sat in an empty lounge across from each other. The lounge was charming and gave off more of a living room vibe than a school. "Well I met YN when she was fourteen. Nice girl, very sweet, kind, and very talented." Glinda began. "Her mother, was always on business, that's why she enrolled YN here, she said she hated the thought of upon being alone all the time." Glinda poured tea into a tea cup and sat back in the chair. "Right away YN flourished, aced every test, loved combat, just a model student. That was until the accident about a year ago."
"What do you mean?" I asked I had only had YN for about three months now, was this woman saying YN's mom died a year ago?"
"You don't really think we sent YN to you right away? No after YN's mom was killed they put her the foster system. Almost right away, YN's grade dropped, she stopped coming to school, she'd disappear in the night....I was very worried." Glinda took a deep breath. "I knew something more had happened the night of her mom's death, so I asked the police. Ms.LN was murdered right in front of YN. So I started to try to find any family YN had, she had none, and that's how I came across you. I thought it would be good for her to meet you, so imagine my surprise when I get a phone call with YN sobbing and asking if she could stay with me for a week." Glinda glared daggers into me. I sighed a ran my hand through my hair.
"But she does seem better. I really like that Karma boy. He must really care if was willing to travel across the country with her. Don't you dare scare him off." Glinda threatened.
"I won't." I promised. I was going to start from scratch, I was going to do this right

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