Chapter 13 Dirt

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    Short chapter warning!
Kama's POV
    I've about had enough with this slushy crap. Pretty much everyone in class had been hit three times, except me, people were just to scared to try to get within punching distance. And to top this horrible week, we have a school assembly today, meaning we have to go to the main campus. Where we would be surrounded on all sides, and have the disadvantage. Normally I would just ditch the humiliation and pointless announcements, but I have to make sure the main campus creeps don't try to kill anyone from E class, and I had to make sure Asuno didn't lay a hand on YN. So, I stood with the rest of my class in the over sized gymnasium, looking at an over sized stage, being starred at by people with over sized egos. One of Asuno's minions was saying something about the cultural festival, the only thing that caught my attention was when he started talking about E Class.
    "As many of you know." He announced pushing up his oversized glasses. "E Class took third last year. However, that will not happen again because E Class is dirt." He smiled wickedly and glanced up.
    Frowning I looked up also as a tarp was released and two tons of dirt was dropped from above, covering all of E Class in dusty, dry, earth.
    My eyes stung as the dirt filled my eyes. I could hear coughing and spitting coming from the rest of the class. As my vision cleared I could see all of us covered in dirt. It matted our hair, covered our clothes, got in are eyes, and it wasn't three seconds later, the gymnasium erupted in laughter. "Losers!" Some people yelled.
"Well." Isogai smiled. "At least it wasn't a slushy."
Curse you and your damned positive personality! I wiped dirt from my eyes and glared at the boy three people in front of me.
The disguised Kuro Sensei frowned deeply as he glared at Principle Asuno, who only returned his glare with a smirk. Kurasama and Professor Bitch crossed this arms and glared at the principle also, as if the were challenging the Principle.
   I had twenty dollars on Professor Bitch.
    "Students let's go." Kuro Sensei, said slowly not taking his eyes off the principle who was now fuming with a dark Ora.  He led us calmly out of the gym and we all ran off the main campus and back to the solitude of our run down E class. Even I had to admit I felt like crying, but instead I just punched the wall. As soon as my fist connected with wood I regretted my decision as pain shot through my knuckles.
    I turned to see YN holding out a wipe. She was covered in dirt from head to toe, yet she still smiled, only a speck of humiliation, fear and sadness clouded her eyes. I took the wipe, mumbling a thank you, a began washing my face trying to get the dirt out of my eyes.
    YN sat down beside me and looked up into my eyes. "So?" She asked. "Did the wall do something to you or?..."
    I slumped down into my chair, everyone else was in the bathrooms trying to get dirt out of their hair so I guess I could tell YN. "The only reason I went to that damn assembly was to make sure nothing like that happened." I sighed and leaned back in my chair. "I just know Asuno is after you, ever since you challenged him during exams he's wanted to take you down. Not to mention the rest of E Class."
    "I think you need to ease up on yourself. It's not your job to protect me or anyone else in this class." YN calmly stated. She looked deep into my eyes and kept a straight face. "I know how much you study just to pull the class average up, I know every time Nagisa gets beat up you go beat the crap out of who ever did it, and I know although you want people to think you don't care about anyone or anything you care more than anyone else. You can't fool me, I'm the expert in pretending to be someone I'm not." She smirked.
    I smiled and nodded. I was going to say something but I was interrupted by an idiot.
    "Awwwww he does care."  Terasaka  yelled as he walked through the door along with the rest of the class.
    "How long have you been standing there?" I asked.
    "Oh just.... the entire time." Smirked Rio. "You two were just so cute we couldn't interrupt."
     "Next time interrupt." I glared.
"Oh come on Karma." Nagisa smiled. "I'm glad we all heard it, and YN's right, it's not your job to protect all of us, we help each other."
    I leaned back and groaned. "Alright. Now we need to start thinking of a song for the festival." I tried to change the subject as fast as I could.
   "If I may." Professor Bitch walked into class looking pissed about being covered in dirt. "Who here has hear of the American Comedy, Glee?"
   Only YN raised her hand.
Your POV
    I absolutely love Glee, it was one of my favorite shows, and as I slowly relized what song Professor Birch had in mind, a wide smile grew on my face. "Yes!" I screamed before Professor Bitch could even talk. "It's perfect, it would be a total slap on the face to A Class! And it's super catchy so the audience will love it! Not to mention we can do that slushy thing at the end, and all we need are dance moves!" I rambled on excitedly.
    "YN can I explain?" Professor Bitch asked with a slight smile on her face.
    "Sorry." I blushed.
     "Alright who here can't sing but can play an instrument? And those who think they can sing line up for auditions."
In the end it ended up being, me, Nagisa, Karma, Kanzaki, Ueda, Maehara,Terasaka, Rio, Kayano, Kimura and Isogai preforming. Chiba and Rinka for security. Hara, Yoshida, Kurahashi, Megu, and Muramahsu in the band. And the lights and effects went to Ōkami, Okajima, Mimura, Yada, Takahiro, Sugaya, Okuda, and Kirara.
    We practiced non stop, we forgot about classes and focused on this one thing. We knew if we could beat A Class in public, where they couldn't deny us our victory, E Class would be safe. We even changed up some of the lyrics to fit the song to us more. E Class was going to win this.
To my surprise Kurasama walked in and undid his tie and took off his dirt covered jacket, leaving him in a white t-shirt. "Performers out side now." He demanded. We followed him out side where he put down a radio. "The number one thing judges look for in competition is good dancing." He began. "Yes, singing is important, but you all must be good at that already if Erina let you pass. I will be teaching you how to dance, and Terasika will be organizing what dance moves you will do."
"Tsk." Karma rolled his eyes. "What do you know about dancing?" Karma spat. It was a valid question, Kurasama wasn't even a teacher, he was a government agent.
Kurasma sighed and bent down to the radio. "I thought you'd ask that Karma." He pushed play and the familiar song Bust A Move began to play, and what happened next surprised us all.
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We all screamed and cheered after Kurasama bowed. "I'm a government agent, I have to be good at everything." Kurasama stated, looking directly at Karma.
"My dad is so cool!" I yelled as everyone continued cheering.
"Now." Kurasama grinned. "Let's get to work."

Just in case you need a who' who

Just in case you need a who' who

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