Chapter 3 What it takes to kill someone

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    Your POV
    I opened the door to the large apartment Kurasma owned. As usual he was no where in sight. I went to the fridge and pulled out an apple, then I started doing my homework on the black couch in the living room, gotta love those reading logs. Not. The clock ticked as hours past and my eyes became heavy.  I wanted to stay up and wait for Kurasama but before I knew it I was fast asleep.
It was dark, I heard a sound coming from the kitchen. Thinking it was my mom, I got out of bed and went downstairs. A black nodded figure stood before me as he turned to look at me I caught a glimpse of his face. Or rather no face, he had no skin, instead his Skelton and veins and tendons could be seen, his eyes were blood shot a soulless as he grinned at me. I stumbled backward as he raised a gun at me.
    "You should had stayed in your room little girl." His voice was like nails scraping a chalk board, his eyes cold, like the dead corps.
     I closed my eyes.
    I couldn't do anything I couldn't move as the loud bang of the gun echoed through my ears. But I didn't feel any pain. I opened my eyes and saw blood scattered on the floor on me and on the body that lay on the floor.
    "MOM!" I screamed. A knelt down to her, but it was to late. I looked up, that thing was gone, I was alone. All alone.
I woke up screaming to a quiet house. The lights were still on signaling Kurasama still wasn't home. I curled myself into a ball on the couch, and a single tear slipped down my cheek and onto the leather couch, creating a small little puddle. If I were honest with myself all I wanted was a hug, for someone to tell me it was okay. But I knew that would never happen. I would never have the guts to tell Karma about my mom, and let's face it Kurasama wouldn't give a damn. I was on my own from here in out.
    "I'm sorry mom." I choked as sleep again began to engulf me. My eyes became heavy, the room became fuzzy, and before I knew it I was once again sleeping.

    Kurasama's POV
    I walked into my house and through my keys onto the counter and groaned. I hadn't planned on working until midnight, but when you work for the Secret Service these things tend to happen. I began pulling off my black dress coat but froze midway. I looked around my house to see it fully lit.
Did YN leave the lights on? I wondered. That was completely unlike her, and now that I thought about it, the door was unlocked as well. I slowly finished pulling off my jacket and walked into the living room, only to see YN sleeping on the couch. Her hair was slightly tangled, and she wore navy blue sweat pants and a white shirt. Her head was on the arm rest of the couch and her arms were wrapped around her knees. Her eyes were red and puffy, and her cheeks were wet with tears. Has she been crying?
    Guilt stabbed me in the chest, and it hurt more than any knife ever had. I had left her alone all night. Again.
    I groaned and leaned against the frame of the entryway of the living room, closing my eyes. I had no idea how to be a father, when I got the call from the foster care agency, that (your moms name) had died, I was heart broken, but when they continued to explain she had a daughter, and I was the father, I was terrified. I had killed assassins, been on thousands of deadly missions and yet none of those things required a skill even remotely close to fatherhood. I was in the dark on this, I had no strategy, and no backup.
YN began to stir and slowly began to wake up. "What time is it?" YN yawned as she stretched her arms above her head, cracking her knuckles at the same time.
I took in a deep breath, that was the same way I woke up each morning. YN took after me in so many ways it was terrifying, yet it made me happy in a small way, knowing although I didn't raise her, she had always had a part of me.
As YN's eyes fell on me she frowned. "Everything okay?" She asked, tilting her head in confusion.
    I was startled, how did she know something was wrong? She seemed to always know when it came to these things, just like her mother, and I could't help but feel worse. She had just lost her mother and here she was trying to comfort me. ME.  A government agent!
    "Everything is fine." I said gruffly. "You better get to bed, it's midnight."
    "Right." YN sighed as if disappointed. "Good night Kurasama." She said as she walked past me and up the stairs.
    I sighed deeply again, there was no mistaken the rift between us, but I could not become the father she deserved. It would only make The Reaper aim at her, like a sitting duck during open season.
Your POV
    We had all been looking at the pictures Kuro Sensei had taken, they were great, one showed Nagisa and Kyano screaming and hugging each other as a rat walked in front of them. However, my personal favorite was a close up of Me and Karma yelling at each other, you could just barely tell Karma was trying not to laugh.
    "Alright class." Kuro Sensei walked into the old classroom right on time. "Who can tell me what it takes to kill someone?" Kuro Sensei looked around the room until one person's hand shot up into the air.
    "Yes Rinka?"
    "Skill." Rinka answered as she leaned against her desk. Most of the class nodded in approval.
    "Then tell me." Kuro Sensei walked over to Rinka's desk until he stood above her. "Why do you think Nagisa, the most skilled assassin in the class, won't kill someone?"
    Rinka tried to answer but her words got caught in her throat, so she looked down at her desk.
    "That's easy teach." Karma said in a monotone voice.
    Kuro Sensei turned towards Karma. "So what is the answer Mr. Akabane?"
    "Simple." Karma sat up in his chair and pointed to Nagisa. " Nagisa for example, he doesn't have the heart to kill someone, he's just to nice. That might make some people believe you have to be heartless to kill someone, but that's not true either.  Professor Bitch obviously cares a lot about us, and is in Love with Kurasama, but she can shoot a guy dead in twenty seconds flat, without batting an eye. But take YN for example."
    Everyone turned and starred at me, I had no idea where Karma was going with this, I had never killed someone, and I'm pretty sure the entire class did not see me as an assassin.
    "She could had taken down Kurasama, a couple days ago." Karma continued. "No one really noticed because she surrendered really quickly, but that's just because she didn't actually want to hurt Kurasama, however, that doesn't mean she doesn't have what it takes to kill someone, she simply lacks the motivation to kill someone. Motivation is key to any assassination attempt, sometimes it's money, sometimes it's a personal grudge, and other times it's trying to protect someone, but any way you look at it there is always some kind of reason."
    "That's correct Karma." Kuro Sensei smiled. "Would you say that's true YN?"
    The octopus's small white eyes were on me, along with everyone else's, but I didn't care. "No." I said quietly. Images of the faceless man appeared in my mind. "Most people do need motivation to kill someone sure, but you will always, always, have that one person in the world who doesn't need a reason, let alone motivation to kill someone. They do it just because they can." My voice was quiet but firm, I wasn't going to believe that man had a reason to kill my mom. My mom was the nicest person anyone would ever meet, there was no way that man had a reason, he couldn't had.
    I walked home with Karma, because Nagisa had to stay after longer than usual for career couching. I was glad, I like Nagisa and all, but I really liked spending alone time with Karma.
    "Hey, are you doing anything tonight?" Karma asked casually, he had his hands behind his head and looked at me with his ember eyes.
    "No why?" I asked.
    "Well Kingsmen two is out, and we said we'd go see it together." Karma scratched his head nervously. "But it doesn't have to be a date if you don't want, unless you want to make it a date, I wouldn't mind." Karma quickly rushed the last part.
    I turned pink and smiled widely. "Karma Akabane are you asking me out on a date?" I teased, but I also wanted to make sure, because I didn't want to take it as a date and then find out it wasn't.
     "Yes." Karma nodded.
    "Then I would love to go on a date with you." I smiled brightly.

    Karma's POV
    I swear I did a happy dance in my mind as YN said that, not that I had a happy dance because I don't. I smiled and grabbed her hand. "Shall we go?" I asked.
    "Lead the way." YN grinned and let me guid her along the darkening streets to an old fashioned movie theater. The lights lit up the block, and people poured in and out of the double doors. It wasn't long before we had our tickets a found a seat in theater number 2. I knew I shouldn't be nervous, it was only a first date after all, nothing would happen. It's basically hanging out but with a different term. As the lights dimmed the movie began, and the night set in.
    I swallowed hard, yep I'm nervous.

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