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It was now Monday and I stood in front of the run down school building of class E, trying to regain my breath from the hike up the mountain. The birds sang in the surrounding forest and the fog blocked a lot of vision as it rolled down the mountain and to the streets below. I could already hear students inside they were all shouting at each other and I wouldn't had been surprised if the building went up in flames. I wasn't going to lie, I was scared to begin my first day on the other side of the fence. My dad assured me that it wasn't that bad, but he's a goverment agent, he can do anything. Surprisingly the old E Class building hadn't changed much. The building was still old, wooden and dusty, and the window Sugino had thrown a baseball through four years ago when trying to kill Kuro Sensei, was still broken.
I'll have to tell Asuno about that. Asuno had become the principle after exposing his father of rigging the tests. However, the discrimination other students had towards E Class wouldn't change that quickly, but Asuno promised he'd give a proper learning environment to E Class, all we had to do was tell him what we needed.
"Honey? You look pail, are you okay? It's not the baby is it?" Karma asked looking very worried as he hugged me from behind. Karma hadn't changed much, except his red hair was a little longer and I swear he had gained a few more stress lines in the last six weeks after finding out I was pregnant.
I sighed, this has been going on for six weeks, ever since he found out I was pregnant he's acted like a hover mother.
"Karma, you've asked her that three times since we started walking up the mountain." Nagisa groaned, coming to my aid as he pushed his short blue bangs out of his eyes. Nagisa had really grown into himself and even I thought he was hot, but I was married to Karma and Nagisa was in a very loyal, long distance relationship with Kyano. "She's only been pregnant for what, a month? Chill, she's probably just nervous."
"Of course I'm nervous can't you hear them?" I asked. We all hushed and leaned closer to the building to listen as we heard shouting, stumbling and a girl that sounded like she had Karma's view on...everything. Nagisa and I gulped in fear.
"Oh no." Nagisa sighed and shook his head in despair.
"What?" Karma asked oddly oblivious to the mini girl him in the building before us who sounded like she had someone in a choke hold.
"Honey, I love you, but that does not mean I want to teach a mini you." I sighed looking into my husband's confused eyes.
"What are you.." Karma began to ask until we heard.
"Shut up Kozuto! No one cares what you think, don't make me kill you!" The girl that sounded like Karma yelled.
Karma paled. "Oh no." He groaned.
"Sounds like your name has finally decided to catch up with you, Kar-ma." Nagisa grinned.
"Guys don't fight." Begged a girl from inside.
"We better hurry this up" I smiled.
We all grinned and walked behind the building to the large cherry tree standing near the building. The three of us surrounded the bronze plaque and looked down smiling at the octopus that was card into it.
"High teach." Karma smiled. "So it sounds like there is a mini me in there, I wish you were here to give me advice." He chuckled lightly. "Oh, and here are the photo's from our wedding and Kurasam's and Professor Bitch's wedding." Karma bent down and placed an envelope on the plaque.
"Ya." Nagisa chuckled as he scratched his head. "Kayano is in studying in Bajing so..." Nagisa trailed off.
"So, Karma and I are going to have a boy." I smiled. "God I hope he takes after his mother." I mumbled earning a dirty glare from Karma. "And we are naming him Tako, which means Octopus in Japanese." We were about to say our goodbyes when the sound of a breaking desk echoed through the hills. The three of us offered concerned looks at each other before running into the building to begin the fist day of the year.

Third person POV
"Dude, did you here the new teachers are total newbies." Destiny smirked as she kicked her feet up on her desk, picturing a year torturing the new teachers.
    "You say that, but I'll bet they're drill Sergeants sent to finish us off" scoffed Kazuto as he leaned against Destiny's desk.
"Shut up Kazuto, no one cares what you think. Don't make me kill you!" Destiny glared before she closed her eyes.
"Oh come on Destiny." A small girl named Ren pleaded but Kazuo brushed her out if the way.
    "You wanna go!" He yelled at Destiny who lazily opened her eyes.
    "Baka." Spat Destiny as she stood up from her desk looking rather annoyed, with the Moran who disturbed her nap.
    "Guys don't fight." Begged Ren, but she was gently pulled away from the flying fists by a blonde haired boy.
"Oh Ren, you are to nice for your own good. Tell you what me and you will go out and get in some trouble tonight." A blonde boy wrapped his arm around Ren's small shoulders.
"N..no thanks Paris." Ren stammered as she slid out of Paris's arm.
"Ya, it will be a total blow off year, the new teachers won't be able to handle us." Kazuto desperately tried to back petal, as he was choked by Destiny.
"I'm sorry to interrupt you fascinating conversation, but who won't be able to handle you?" A cirtain red haired man leaned into the center of the circle with a small smirk on his face. "High I'm Mr. Akabane, your math and science teacher."
"O..oh." Stammered the Ren. "I'm so sorry about them Mr. Akabane."
"Don't let him fool you he acted just like that when he sat in that seat." A woman walked in and began writing her name on the board. "I'm YN Akabane, please just call me Ms. YN, it can get confusing if there is two Akabanes. I will be teaching English and Modern Japanese." YN looked at the black haired girl choking the brown haired boy. "Destiny, please let go of that young man." She glared a glare that was only used by the one and only Professor Bitch. A glare that struck terror into students.
    "Oh?" Destiny smirked as she let go of Kazuto. "My reputation proceeds me." She smiled pretending to be flattered.
    "No, just your bratty attitude." YN stated.
"Okay!" Destiny was interrupted before she could fire anything back. "So, if the power couple of the year hasn't scared you off yet. Welcome to E Class." A blue haired man walked in chuckling. "I am Mr. Shiota your government, and history teacher as well as your career councilor."
"Now." Karma grinned evilly as he approached the front of the classroom and wrote his name in the board. "If the teenagers in E class haven't changed in the last four years, and I'm assuming they haven't, you don't want to be here. That's okay, I don't want to be here either..."
"Karma!" YN shouted as she smacked the red heads arm causing the class to chuckle.
Ignoring her Karma continued. "That is why we have a proposal."
"What? You gunna marry us Teach?" Spat Destiny as she brought her feet up onto her desk.
"Sorry Destiny, I'm a married man." Karma grinned. Kuro Sensei, I am so sorry if I ever was this bad. Karma thought with a sigh, and he swore he heard Kuro Sensei's voice.
You were much worse my boy. Just treat her how you would treat yourself.
"No, what we have in mind is a little more...deadly." Nagisa grinned as YN gestured to a large creat sitting in the desk. "Each of you will receive one anti Sensei knife and one anti Sensei gun, if you can get a hit in us you will receive an A in the classes that teacher teaches. All we ask is you give us your best in class, no slacking off. So in lack of better terms..."
    "Good luck trying to kill us." Karma grinned as he walked out of the class with YN.
    "Alright." Nagisa smiled. "I will now begin home room. Welcome to E Class your assination classroom.

~ finished Jan 27 2017

Waaaaa. I'm so sad to be done with this book. I can safely say this was one of my successes and now the second book I have ever finished. I may go back and change the middle, I don't know.
I would like to say thank you for sticking with this book and me, it means more than you know. My previous offer still stands and depending
on comments I would be willing to write a book two, ONLY IF SOMEONE ASKS and with that dear readers, I must say goodbye,
see you on another page.

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