- Chapter 4 -

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[an:/] You gave me more than the likes i asked for I'm so glad for it, thank you. Hope you're enjoying this fic as much as I am enjoying writing! 

This time can you give me 7 VOTES AND 1 COMMENT ? Sorry for some errors

Love you guys <3


"Louis…" I hear someone calling my name but I’m confused, is it real or am I still dreaming?

“Louis!” I hear a little bit louder and then I wake up. When I open my eyes I’m faced with Harry’s green eyes close to me and he doesn’t stop shaking my arm gently.

"Lou, it’s time to wake up." he says and his voice doesn’t sound nagging which is impressive since he just woke me up.

"Time to wake up?" I mutter. What day is it? I don’t even know.

I turn around, facing my back to him. I hear him laughing lightly and then I feel his touch once again on my shoulders.

"C’mon babe, it’s late, you’ve classes" he whispers inmy ear and I shiver, then all of that is pushed to the back of my head when I realise that yeah I’m probably late.

"FUCK" I shout and jump out of the bed, making Harry fall backwards onto the floor. I don’t even bother myself to tell him sorry, I even put my shame and discomfort aside when I undress my pyjama to wear the first thing I can find, ignoring Harry’s gaze on me.

“I can’t believe I oversleep, shit,” I mumble while I get ready. “You could have woken me up earlier” I say jumping with one foot to put on my shoe.

"Sorry, you looked tired yesterday so I thought about letting you sleep a little bit more." he says and when I look at the time Harry’s a little bit seems to be a lot more than it should, like hum I don’t know, one fucking hour later!

"I’m fucking late Harry, ugh, don’t decide those kind of things." I shout at him and grab my stuff. It’s impossible for me not to hear the alarm. But when I check my phone to see if it actually sounded I see that it had been turned off.

“You turned off my alarm?” I ask shocked and he finally stands up from the floor where he has been the whole time while I panicked.

"I told you, you looked really tired yesterday. Besides you never skipped one class so it’s not a big deal." he says it as it’s the most normal thing to say. So now I’m really pissed.

"What the hell. Oh my god fuck you Harry, seriously?! I can’t believe this" I shout once again and don’t give him time to answer when I run out of the dorm to my classes.

It’s been almost three weeks since the first day of classes so of course I have a lot more work now and that the soccer team from the campus has already started, I’ve practise Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. I’ve got to admit it’s been taking my energy away and I study everyday so I can follow every subject. I think it’s easier for me to be applied in the studies even if I get tired easier. But Harry had no right to do this, I’m actually pissed.


After the morning period I come out of the classroom with my tummy grumbling for food. I didn’t eat anything since I woke up late and I fucking needed it.

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