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You woke up to the sound of your alarm and you groaned loudly. You turned the awful sound off before hiding under the sheets not wanting to get up to go to work. The empty space next to you where your boyfriend Joe normally were laying with his cute sleepy face, made you want to stay in bed even more.

It was a normal Tuesday besides the fact that it was your 24th birthday, but you weren't really looking forward to the day.

You were busy with work until 4 pm and Joe was off to a book signing in London. Your family lived in Dublin and they had not been able to come over for your birthday, so you had been excited to spent the day with Joe, but that wouldn't happen either. Your phone suddenly beeped and it was a text from Joe.

From: Joe
Hi gorgeous, the only thing I wanted today was to spend it with you.
I'm so sorry, and I promise I'll make up for it. Have the best birthday ever, I love you so much. xx

The text made you smile widely and you immediately answered. Even though it was a boring day you decided it was time to get ready and go to work, and the text from Joe had made it a little bit easier.

After guiding hundreds of people to what outfit looked the best you finally had your lunch break. The sun was out so you were sat outside with a bottle of water and your lunch, enjoying the sun. You had your eyes on your phone until someone suddenly stood in front of you shading the sun. You looked up at the person with an annoyed look. Your heart skipped a beat and your mouth turned into a big smile when you realised it was Joe.

"Joe!" you squealed as you jumped up from the ground and into his arms. He laughed as he put his arms around you and kissed your lips. It felt so amazing to see him and you were beyond surprised.

"What are you doing here, you goof?" you asked and looked into Joe's blue eyes.

"I wanted to surprise you and steal you off work to come with me to my book signing," Joe explained and you couldn't help but smile.

"You're the best boyfriend in the whole world, you know that?" you said before giving Joe a deep kiss, which made him smile.

"I know," Joe said with a smirk and you pushed him gently with a smile.

"But I'm not sure I can just leave. I still have 4 hours left of my shift," you said with a sad face and Joe shook his head.
"I already asked and you're free to go," Joe said with a satisfied smile and you looked at him with a surprised look.
"You're just full of surprises, aren't you?" you said with a smirk before giving Joe another passionate kiss.

You were sat behind Joe with his manager and talked and ate the snacks, which were displayed on the table in front of you. Watching Joe meet so many of his fans made you so happy and the day went by fast. When Joe had met everyone it was time to leave.

"You weren't too bored, were you?" Joe asked whilst putting an arm around you and placing a kiss on your temple.

"No, it was fun," you answered with a smile and Joe smiled back.

"Now it's time for more surprises," Joe whispered in your ear as he opened the door to the car, which was here to pick you up. The car drove you back to Joe's place and you walked inside hand in hand and both with big smiles.

"You have to wait out here for a moment, okay?" Joe said with a mysterious look and you shook your head with a laugh.

"No questions! I love you," Joe said and gave you a quick kiss before disappearing inside his flat. You couldn't help but laugh.

After waiting for 5 minutes the door opened and Joe smiled at you.

"Come here," Joe said and took a hand out in front of him for you to take. You walked towards him and took his hand with a smile.

You walked into the flat and saw candles lit all over the living room. It looked so romantic and you looked at Joe with a big smile.

"You're such a romantic guy," you said with a smirk and Joe laughed before you gave him a big kiss.

"I have a little something for you," Joe then said and you looked at him with an exciting look. He pulled something out of his pocket and placed it in your hands.

It was a piece of paper and you looked at it with a confused look. You soon realized that it was two plane tickets to the Maldives and you looked at Joe with a surprised look.

"We're going to the Maldives babe," Joe said to clarify what you were actually holding in your hand.

"Oh my god!" you exclaimed before jumping into Joe's arms and kissing him all over his face.

"Well, you seem happy," he laughed and you looked at him with a nod.
"You know, I thought this would be the worst birthday ever but it has actually turned out pretty great," you said with a smile and Joe removed a piece of hair away from your eyes.

"I'll do anything to see that smile," Joe said and pointed at your smile. You blushed a bit before Joe pulled your head closer to his and he left a deep kiss on your lips, which gave you butterflies.

"I love you," you whispered and Joe smiled.

"I love you too," Joe whispered back and once again you kissed your incredible boyfriend.

It had been an amazing birthday and you couldn't wait to explore the Maldives with Joe.

oiiiiii. this is too freaking cute.
where can i get a Joe Sugg?


credit to @thatcherjoeimagines on tumblr!

xx, Lizzie

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