Best Friend vs. Girlfriend

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"Hello everyone!" Joe greeted the camera in his usual manner, lifting his hand up to wave.

"So, a while back I saw my sister Zoe do a video with Alfie and Louise, and it was called the Best Friend versus Boyfriend tag," He explained.
"I thought it was quite a good idea, so as usual, I'm going to copy my sister." He laughed.

"But, I don't have any friends, or a girlfriend, to film this with so I don't know what I'm going to-"
He pretended to tear up, when you and Caspar suddenly jumped into the shot, trampling Joe in your wake.

"Hiiii!" You greeted loudly, ruffling Joe's hair as you and Caspar were practically sitting on top of him.

"We're here for you, Joe!" Caspar grinned, wrapping his arms around Joe's neck tightly, and a bit uncomfortably.

"Guys, stop! Stop it!" Joe laughed, pushing Caspar off him and sitting up straight. He ran a hand though his now messed up hair.

"You ruined my hair, you little shits!" He joked, talking that weird old man voice that he does.

You laughed, grinning sheepishly at the camera lens.

"So yes, today I'm joined with my lovely girlfriend Y/N," Joe grinned, putting one arm around your shoulders, and the other around Caspar's. "And this weirdo, Mr Caspar Lee."

Joe explained the rules to the Girlfriend versus Roommate challenge to the camera, while you and Caspar sat back making stupid faces at the camera.

Joe cleared his throat.

"Alright guys, firstly, you need your buzzer noises." He said, turning to Caspar.

"Caspar? What's it gonna be?"

Caspar slapped his hand down on his other hand, letting out a screechy kind of "Balalalalah!" sound.

Joe laughed. "Wow, okay." He turned to face you.

"And Y/N?"

"Um, I think I'm going to go with the 'Dan Howell punching a goose' buzzer noise." You laughed, mimicking the buzzer noise that Dan used in the video he and Phil did with Alfie.

Joe chuckled. "Brilliant,"

He clapped his hands together firmly. "Let do this."

"HELL YEAH!" Caspar screamed.


"Alright, next question," Joe announced, reading it out from his iPhone. "Where did me and Y/N have our first kiss?" He smirked, nudging you with his shoulder.

You and Caspar made your buzzer sounds at exactly the same time.
Joe clenched his teeth.

"Aw, I'm gonna give it to Caspar this time."

You sighed dramatically, throwing your head back.

"Have we ever even told you the story of our first kiss?" You asked Caspar, laughing.

"Uh...yeah," He said sassily.

"Well go on then!" Joe said.

" was a Wednesday were walking back from a date at of natural history?...there was a prayer group singing Christmas carols on the street next to you..."

"Where the fuck are you going with this?" You laughed.

"Um...Joe took you on a romantic yacht ride...then it started raining...and a dolphin jumped out of the water holding a sign-"

"No!" Joe was in hysterics. "No...just no."

"I know! Obviously, I was there." You called out, making your buzzer noise again.

"It was after our 4th date when you invited me back to your apartment for snacks and wine," You began, grinning a little at the memory. "And we could hear Caspar snoring really loudly from his room, and Joe got really embarrassed." You laughed.

"That's correct! One point to Y/N!" Joe announced, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and giving you a loud smooch on your cheek.

Caspar hung his head low, as the camera zoomed up on him in black and white, while 'Silent Night' played.

"Okay, so that's 3 - 1 to Y/N," Joe told the camera. "You better step up Caspar, or I'm moving out." He joked.


"Right," Joe clapped his hands together. "Right now, the scores are tied on 4 - 4, so this last question will decide on the winner."

You jokingly cracked your knuckles and looked Caspar in the eye, trying to fight back a laugh. "You are so going down, Caspar Lee."

He looked you in the eye straight back, also fighting back a smile. "You're so getting kicked out."

"Alright, last question, listen up you guys." Joe leant forward slightly, looking down at his phone. You and Caspar got your buzzer sounds prepared.

"Who is my..." He paused for a few seconds for suspense. He edited in intense music.

"Favourite character from my graphic novel, Username: Evie?"

"Fuck!" Caspar mumbled, falling back on the bed.

"You've never said who your favourite character is!" You groaned.

"Yes I have!" He said. "They don't pay attention to me guys." He whined to the camera.

Caspar suddenly made his buzzer noise loudly.

"Ok, ok, I got this!" He exclaimed. "It's Jaspar, it's gotta be! Right buddy?" He grinned, putting his arm around Joe's shoulders.

Joe grinned sheepishly at his roommate.

"Sorry mate, but that's incorrect!" Joe chuckled, patting Caspar on the back.
Caspar groaned loudly, falling back onto Joe's bed again.

"Y/N?" Your boyfriend asked, looking back at you.

"I have to admit I don't know," You said, patting Joe's arm as he fake teared up. "But I'm going to guess..."
You paused for a moment.

"...Um, Lionel?

Joe suddenly cheered and threw his arms around you, holding your right arm up triumphantly.

"That's correct! Y/N is the official winner of the ThatcherJoe girlfriend versus best friend challenge!" He cheered loudly. You first pumped the air.

"Oh yeah! I called it!" You grinned triumphantly, Caspar flashing you his middle finger jokingly as he pouted.

"Aww buddy, you gave it a good shot." Joe grinned as he put one arm around his roommate. He put his other arm around you, pulling you close."

"Well guys, that's been our girlfriend versus best friend challenge video thing." Joe smiled as he spoke to the camera.

"If you liked it make sure you give it a big thumbs up," All thee of you held up your thumbs."

"And I will see you next week with another Sugg Sunday Special! HooHoo!"

Just as Joe finished his outro, you piped up.

"Hold on guys, did you know that Username: Evie is out on Amazon for just £15? What a bloody bargain!" You added slyly with an over the top wink.
Joe grinned at you and brought you in for a big, sloppy kiss of the forehead.

"My god, I love you."

"Ok fuck this, I'm done third wheeling." Caspar whispered, getting up and out of the shot.

You and Joe laughed after him as the video ended.

we are 1/4 through this book!

i decided that i should have one hundred chapters per imagine book.

so for my next imagine book, i might be doing Jack Maynard imagines or possibly, the whole Buttercream squad (:

credit to @teamsugglet on tumblr!

xx, Lizzie

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