Drunk - Part 1

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You rubbed your eyes as you looked at the time on your phone.

Who the hell was texting you at 4 in the morning?

You opened your text messages and saw that you had a text from Zoe.

Come get your boyfriend. He's third wheeling Zalfie!

You frowned and sent a quick text back.

He's not my boyfriend, Zo. But I'll be there in a min

You slowly got up from the bed that you shared with Joe, your best friend. You both didn't mind sharing. You always did so it wasn't weird or awkward.

You slipped your shoes on, and grabbed your phone and key card and left the room.

You made your way to Zalfies floor and to their room. You knocked on the door and waited patiently.

"Oh, that must be room service," Alfie said from inside the room. "I'll go get that." He jumped up from bed and ran down the stairs. He opened the door and saw you there. "Oh, hey, Y/N!" Alfie exclaimed and hugged you.

"Hey, Alfie," you said, pulling away from him. Alfie moved to the side and you walked into the hotel room. "Zoe said that Joe was third wheeling and I had to come get him," you explained, chuckling lightly.

Alfie laughed and said, "I wouldn't say he's third wheeling."
I raised an eyebrow at him to say 'really?'
"Okay, maybe he is third wheeling a bit."

"Well, I'm here now to take him off your hands," you said, laughing. Alfie started going upstairs and you followed behind him.

"Joe!" Alfie sang. "You've got a visiter!" Alfie jumped back into bed while you stood near the end of the bed.

"Hi, Y/N!" Zoe exclaimed from her position in the bed. You smiled at her and Joe turned around from where he was stood near Zoe's side of the bed.
"Y/N!" Joe shouted and ran-more like stumbled-to hug you.

"Joe, be quiet! It's nearly 5 in the morning!" You scowled and lightly sat him down on the bed. He laid down on the bed, his head in between Zoe and Alfie's legs.

"You should've been there, Y/N," Alfie started, laughing. "Joe was off his nut at the party. It was pretty funny. Except for that one part where he bumped into the waiter and made him drop the dishes."

You gasped and covered your mouth with your hand. "I knew I shouldn't have left. Joe can never be on his own when drunk." You saw Joe slowly get up and make his way to lie down next to his sister. Alfie had his camera out as he filmed Joe talk about a date he went on.

"I went on a double date to Winter Wonderland," Joe started. You frowned as you listened to the conversation.
"No you didn't. With who?" Alfie asked.
"I can't say, of course. I'm being filmed."

"Wait, but with who?"
"Two girls."
"Just you and two girls?" Alfie questioned. Joe nodded. A weird feeling came into your stomach as you heard that.

Joe and two girls? You thought to yourself. You knew it shouldn't have bothered you much but it did. Maybe it had to do with the fact that you were madly in love with him and have been for the past 16 years.

You lightly shook your head rid of the thought and looked back at the trio. You saw that they were all looking at you.

"Why'd you shake your head, Y/N?" Alfie asked you. His camera was facing you.

"Err...no reason. I was just thinking," you quickly replied. Before anyone could question you anymore, you said, "right, well I think it's time for me and Joe to go now. Come on, Joe." You went over to Joe and lightly tugged him to stand up. He got up but suddenly fell into you. You quickly balanced yourself and him as he leaned into you. You made him throw his arm over your shoulder so that you could help him to your room. You slid your arm around his waist as you went over to the stairs.

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