When You Love Someone - Part 2

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This is why we didn't rush back into the relationship.

Simply, because the time wasn't right.

Joe had been away for a while with Caspar promoting their new movie "Hit The Road USA".

As much as Joe persuaded me to come along, I couldn't because it was his work and I didn't want to get in the way.

My feelings for Joe were still there even though we didn't talk as much or see each other as much as I would have liked.

Sometimes you have to give up these things to keep the person you love happy.

During my spare time I mainly visited the Maynards/Pieters apartment as they were good company. I mean they never really have food in or a clean place but you were guaranteed a laugh.

On this very day once again, I found myself opening the door to their flat walking in like I live there.

"We were wondering when you were going to show up," a voice which belonged to a South African echoed through the hall way.

"Hope you didn't miss me," I shouted back with a hint of laughter in my voice.

Kicking off my shoes and hanging up my coat I continued to follow the voices leading me to the front room where the three of them sat.

"Hey gorgeous," Jack moved up on the sofa making room for me to sit down and as I did he put his arm around my shoulder letting my sink into this side.

Obviously this didn't go a miss from the other two knowing how close me and Joe were and now he's gone, it's like Jack has taken his position.

I didn't find it weird, i found it comforting, made me feel relaxed.

"We're going to get food you coming or staying?" Conor suggested putting his coat on along with Josh.

"I've only just got here so I'm staying" I replied sinking into the sofa grabbing the blanket over me.

"I'll stay as well."

I didn't miss the looks the two boys gave Jack before they left.

"We'll bring some food back for you."

And with that the door closes.

"Want a drink?" Jack asked making his way to the kitchen, I nodded.

Jack has been a good friend to me for a while.

He's been here to help when I've felt down and needed someone to talk to. He knew the situation with Joe and I, but sometimes I feel like Jacks been meeting my needs more.

I know that Joe has been busy, but we haven't spoken in the last two weeks.

I wanted to call, I wanted to talk but no one would answer. I kept an eye on his social media, retweeting tweets and liking instagram photos.

I would notice he would like one or two of mine, but he still wouldn't message me. Knocking me out my thoughts, Jack placed my drink down in front of me, I gave him a smile as a thank you.

"You miss him don't you?" Jack questioned putting his arm around me.

I sighed.

"Yeah I do," leaning my head onto his shoulder.

"He'll be back soon," Jack commented, leaning his head onto mine.

I signed once again.

"You're a great girl Y/N, your two relationship will blossom again soon," Jack's voice quietened.

We remained quiet for most of the night and the only sounds to be heard were the TV and Jack's phone.

A few hours later, the boys had finally walked back through the door.

They definitely took their time.

Josh gave Jack another look -to which i didn't know why he kept doing that- Conor could be heard laughing in the hallway with a sound of another voice.

Jack removed his arm from around me as the voice of the person walked though the door with Conor. What a surprise that was.

"Hey," Joe simply said with a beaming smile.

I don't understand.

I don't understand how he came back without any warning, without telling me. I wanted to be mad at him but i couldn't. I jumped out my seat and walked straight over to him being engulfed into a hug.

All of the feelings I thought were slowly disappearing were still there.

Being in his arms again made me happy.

He pulled away and took me out the room and shut the door behind. I stood there watching as he did this waiting for him to speak first.

"I've missed you Y/N."

"I've missed you too," I mumbled back.

"I'm sorry I didn't message you. I was so busy I-," you interrupted him.

"You don't need to apologise. We aren't anything, I'm not going to be mad at you for not getting in contact," I sweetly replied.

It was true.

We weren't a couple. I couldn't tell him what to do.

"I want to change that, that's why im here, I couldn't wait."

My eyes widened, giving him a confused look giving him permission to continue.

"I'm ready to pursue a relationship with you Y/N, to say I haven't seen or spoken to you in ages my feelings are still the same. I still love you like I did a few months back. That day we were looking forward to, I want it to be this day."
I looked down and smiled.

The relationship we had before didn't work and we continued to be good friends.

The chemistry between us both never died.

We both wanted the right time to come.

It looked like that time had come.

Realising you hadn't spoken you spoke.

"We've waited long enough. We deserve each other," you smiled.

You watched his smile grow as well pulling me into a cuddle kissing the top of my forehead repeatedly.

"I hope the boys have looked after you, I made sure they did so," I looked up at Joe before laughing.

"So thats why they've been so welcoming to me."

"Of course babe, needed to make sure they looked after you while I was gone."

"You're so caring even when you arent here," you snuggled back into his chest.

"And I will continue to care and love you until we're old."

When you love someone you will wait for the right moment to come to be with them.

Even when that moment feels like it's taken forever if the person is right the moment will feel great.

Just like now.

Waiting for Joe has been the best choice I've made in a while.

When you love someone, you will do anything to keep that love alive. The months of waiting for this had finally come to an end.

Our relationship started once again.

Our love was still there, it never died and it never will.

ahhh, love

happy Wattmas! (:

so, update on my life:

i still hate school (: i have straight A's (: i still need to make a Christmas list, and yeah

that's it😂

credit to @sparklemybuttercream
on tumblr!

xx, Lizzie

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