Hit the Road

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Leicester Square started to come into view and the sound of muffled screaming and squeals were heard under the music that was playing in the uber.

It was the Hit The Road USA premiere. You had gone to the premiere of the first movie last year and absolutely adored it. When you were invited this year, you were ecstatic.

However, something was different this year. This year you were going as Joe's girlfriend. Sure, no one knew about your relationship, except close friends and family, but it still made it special. You were attending something really important and proud worthy of your boyfriend. You were so proud of how much he has accomplished in his YouTube career.

As the fans had no clue about your newly formed relationship with one half of Jaspar and one member of the buttercream squad, both you and Joe decided it was best for you to show up with the other boys. Plus, you knew Joe would be extremely busy, seeing as it was his premiere and all.

"Y/N, stop daydreaming about Joe and come on, we have a premiere to attend!"

Your thoughts disappeared as you heard Jack exclaim from beside you.

You noticed that the screaming got louder, but realised it was because the uber had arrived at the destination. You thanked the driver, paying him and getting out.

Oli held the door open for you as Jack offered a hand to help you out. You gladly took it.

As you all got out and the car drove away, the fans, that had managed to come, noticed, their screams getting louder.

You and the three boys you showed up with, Josh, Jack and Oli, laughed and started to walk down the red (it was blue) carpet. You smoothed down the Elie Saab ombré dress you were wearing that you loved and latched arms with Josh. You held onto Jack's other arm and the three of you walked down the carpet.

The cameramen took pictures of the three of you in front of the Cadillac, the car Joe and Caspar showed up in earlier. Some pictures were serious, others funny.

You giggled as Oli ran towards you guys and started posing for pictures as well. The four of you spent a few minutes taking pictures and joking around in between. The next car pulled up, and you guys moved along the carpet towards everyone else.

Fans screamed your name, asking for autographs and pictures, and you happily did them. You loved the fans. They have supported all the boys along the way and you couldn't be more grateful for them.

You were taking a picture with a girl you recognised from twitter, a big fan of Joe, when you were beckoned over as your interview with Jim Chapman was starting soon. You excused yourself from the fans, saying you'd be back, and went over to where the interview was being held.

"Y/F/N! It's been a while, my friend," Jim exclaimed as he hugged you.

"Jim Chapman! It has been a while, hasn't it? Good to see you again." You hugged him back and grinned.

"Right, so I'll just ask a couple of questions and then you can be on your way," he explained and you nodded, understanding.

He started the interview off and went straight to the questions.

"So, Y/N, seeing as you're alone here, you can say anyone you want, but if you were to go on a road trip, who would you go with and why?" He asked into the microphone. He held it out in front of you, waiting for your reply.

You pretended you were thinking for a bit but you knew exactly who you would take.

"Joe," you replied, a small smile on your face. You could hear the crowd screaming and you giggled.

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