Last Love Song

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this song above is for this imagine, listen to it whilst you read if you like xx

It had been 3 months since you and Joe broke up. After a year and a half together, you had ended it over the fact that you didn't see a future in the relationship.

You couldn't see a future together. A future where you were married, had your own house to live in together, maybe even kids.

Sure you loved him, but maybe not enough to have a future together.

It's a Sunday night and you were doing your usual routine of cleaning your apartment. You were jamming to your music on the speaker when one song came on that reminded you of Joe.


We were never the marrying type, oh no
We won't buy dishes or stained glass lights, oh no
For a table we'll never sit at,
In the house that we won't ever get,
I won't wake up and pick out your tie, oh no,
You won't come home and kiss me at night, oh no,
We won't lie in this king bed for two,
Say goodbye to us saying "I do's"

"Do you see a future for us?" Joe had asked out of the blue as you both were cuddling on his couch. You stopped to think for a while.

Did you really see a future for you two? Could you see this going further than just boyfriend and girlfriend?

"Truthfully?" You had asked him. You felt him nod against the top of your head.

", no I don't."

It was silent after that. For a good 15 minutes. You didn't mind it; you both had a lot to think about.

"Why are we together?" Joe had whispered.

That broke the silence. You didn't know what to reply, so you just shrugged.

You felt Joe pull away from you and you sat up straight and turned to face him.

The look on Joe's face was enough to make you want to die. His eyes glazed over with tears and you tried so hard not to break down. You could see the pain and the sadness in his eyes and you thought to yourself,

Is this how I make him feel?

You didn't like it. Being the reason Joe was so upset and hurt.

"Joe..." You whispered. "Please don't cry, you told me to be honest and I am. I honestly can't see a future together. I can't see us getting married. I can't see us buying dishes or lights or furniture for a house that I can't even see us buying! I can't see me waking up in the morning and helping you pick out a tie for work. I can't see you coming home at night and kissing me goodnight in a king size bed for two. I can't see any of that. And please, please, don't blame yourself. You were the best I could ever dream of but...I just can't see a future. I'm so sorry, Joe," you said, tears threatening to appear.

You ran a hand through your hair and looked down at your lap. You heard sniffling come from Joe and you quickly looked up. You saw a tear run down his cheek and your eyes started to glaze over even more.

No more white picket fences,
No more lace veils or vows,
No more "You're the only one" 'cause that's all done with now,
This is the last love song I'll ever write for you,
This is the last love song I'll ever write for you,

"Please, Joe, don't..." You mumbled.

"Sorry, sorry, I just...god, I'm sorry," he quickly rambled as he wiped the tears away. You grabbed his hand and just held it.

"I honestly am sorry, Joe. I know how much you want all this, but..." You took a deep breath. "I just can't be that person for you. Not now, anyway."

"It's fine, Y/N. I understand," he whispered, looking down at your entwined hands.

It was silent again. This time only for a minute or two.

"So..." Joe started. "What's going to happen now?" You shrugged again.

"I don't want to lead you on, anymore," you said. "I think..." you took a short pause. "I think it's time we broke up."

He nodded, understanding completely. Tears fell from both yours and Joe's eyes as you both looked at your hands.

"I'm going to get my stuff," you whispered after a few minutes of silence. You pulled your hand away from Joe's and went downstairs to gather up your stuff.

Once you got back upstairs with all your stuff, you saw Joe hadn't moved. He was still sat on the couch, twiddling his thumbs. He must've heard you coming because once you got to the door, he shot up and came and stood in front of you.

"This is it," you said, smiling softly.

Tears still falling down your face as Joe nodded.

"Yep," he answered. "One last for the road?" He asked, a short smile on his face. You chuckled, lightly as you got on your tiptoes and pecked his lips.

"One last for the road," you responded after pulling away. You wiped a stray tear from his cheek and smiled. You opened the front door and left, bags in hand.

Take these roses and this Jameson, oh no,
Find a subway that I can sit in, oh no,
Buy a one-way out of this city
Everything that I need, got it with me,

You sat on the train, your headphones in and your head rested against the window. It was raining that day. The raindrops plummeted against the window. It didn't bother you though; you liked it. You liked watching each drop race down the window.

All your stuff was neatly packed between your legs. Literally everything you owned that was at Joe's place.
Something wet trickled down your cheek as you thought of Joe, and you quickly wiped the tear away.

No more white picket fences,
No more lace veils or vows,
No more "You're the only one" 'cause that's all done with now,
This is the last love song I'll ever write for you,
This is the last love song I'll ever write for you,

All these notes and all these words,
Are all that's left in me,
Bend these pages, count my woes,
One last song to set me free,

You stood in the middle of your living room, duster in hand and thinking about what you and Joe once were. And thinking about what Joe is up to now.

Did he find someone?

Someone who can love him and give him everything he deserves?
Someone he can call his truly? Someone that wasn't you.

As you were stood there, you started thinking.

You haven't actually completely moved on. Your mind had always found a way to go back to Joe. And that wasn't good. You had to move on. Once and for all.
You dropped everything at task and made your way to your study room. You sat at your desk and pulled out a note pad and pen.

You decided that a best way to get over him was to write a letter. Sure, it didn't have to be sent to him, but at least it was a way for all your thoughts and feelings to be let out. Maybe if all your feelings were let out onto a piece of paper, it would lift a weight off your shoulders.

And it did.

After pouring all your thoughts and feelings out, you sat back in your chair and sighed. You folded the piece of paper marked 'Joe' and locked it away in the bottom draw of your desk.

No more white picket fences,
No more lace veils or vows,
No more "You're the only one" 'cause that's all done with now,
This is the last love song I'll ever write for you,
This is the last love song I'll ever write for you,
This is the last love song I'll ever write for you,
This is the last love song I'll ever write for you, oh.

my streak is actually lasting (:

this is actually quite sad

credit to @joeesuggimagine on tumblr!

xx, Lizzie

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