Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I don't know which thing he didn't want to me to say. The part he was having nightmares or the part that he was chocking me. It doesn't matter anyways, I'm not saying either.

This boy, Jax, needs serious help. And hopefully the police realizes that when they come to check on him next month.

It's been a couple days since Jax got here. I have to walk down to breakfast with him every day. We don't talk though. We haven't talked since his first night here, aka the night he almost killed me.

Jax starts home school today. Since I'm the only girl I only have class with the people I want to have class with. So while all the boys my age are in one classroom, Fred, Alex and I are in a different one. But of course, my father out Jax in my class because I have to "look" after him.

Currently Jax and I are walking down the one of the third floor hallways. We reach the elevator and he walks in and I follow. My heart suddenly starts beating louder. Whenever him and I are in the elevator I'm nervous because its a small space with a killer.

For the first time in 3 days, Jax looks over at me. I stare back at him wide eyed, afraid if what he's going to do. You have to look at someone to kill them, right?

"You haven't told anyone, right?" He said to me. My brain suddenly whipped clean of all the words I know. I reached for words, but they all ran away.

"N-no." I sad.

"Good." He muttered.

"Uh, by the way. Which part do you not want to say anything about. The nightmare part, or the trying to kill me part?" I asked curiously. He glared at me like I was an idiot.

"Both." Is all he said then the elevator stop and the first floor and he stepped out.


After breakfast Jax followed me to my class room. As we entered I noticed Fred and Alex were already in there. When they saw me they smiled and walked over.

"Hey guys." I said to them.

"Hey how's my girl?" Alex said smiling and wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I smiled, rolling my eyes. I knew, everyone knew that Alex likes me. But I guess I like him a little too. I mean, his ice blue eyes and short dirty blond hair.

"Good." I said chuckling a bit. Finally Fred and Alex noticed that Jax was actually here.

"Oh, do we finally get to net the new guy?" Fred asked.

"Uh guys, this is Jax. I have te honorable duty of taking care of him. He'll be in the same class as us for now on." I said then turned to Jax. "Jax, this is Fred and this is Alex."

"Sup dude." Fred said.

"Nice to finally met you." Alex said.

Jax just glared at them. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Jaxon, say hi." I told him. He looked at me with the same blond rage he looked at me his first night here.

He slowly walked up to me and I back away.

"Don't you, ever call me Jaxon. Ever again." He hissed. I was back up against the wall.

I was scared that he would choke me again, but then I realized he wouldn't do it in front of someone. Or he would just kill them too...

"Eh, dude. Get away from her." Ex said pushing Jax away from me. I starred at Alex on horror. He's so dead.

"Don't you ever touch me. If you do, I'll have your head hanging from a Christmas tree." Jax snarled at Alex. That threat would have funny coming from anyone else, but from Jax it is the complete opposite of funny.

"I don't like you." Alex said glaring at Jax. Jax let out an a small evil laugh.

"Well I guess that makes two, but only one of us can do something about it." Jax said to him.

Oh god, more death threats...

Finally Mr. Embress came in to start our school day. Mr. Embress is about 30. He's bald, but in the fashionable way, not the old age way. He a brown goatee and a messed up tattoo of a flower he got when he was drunk 12 years ago. He's also my dad's second cousin.

"Hey guys. Wow, we're gonna have to get used to this. Four students and not three." He said smiling.

"Hi Jax, I'm Mr. Embress." He said smiling at Jax.

"Go to hell." Is all Jax said to him and Mr. Embress' smile fell from his face as he sighed.

This is going to be a long, long day.



Hey guys...


I hope you guys all had a wonderful Christmas. And it you don't celebrate Christmas just celebrate that your not in school right now.

So I had nothing better to do on Christmas then write this chapter, so ya go.

And now we sing for everything we've lost.

And now we scream for everything we've loved.


Have fun in Lala Land<3

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