Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

My heart was beating frantically instead my chest and my palms were slick with sweat. I've never broken up with someone before, well because I've never had a boy friend before. In all the books I've read, the break ups usually end up really good and they are stil friends, or they end horribly and they hate each other for the rest of their lives.

But there was three reasons why I wanted to break up with Alex;

1. I liked it way better when we were friends. 

2. We don't even have that much of a relationship to begin with. Yeah, he puts his arm around me and will kiss me on the cheek, but what I feel with him is not special or passionate. He's kind and sweet and smart but he's not they one for me.

3. Jax Hatimish.

I have no idea who Alex in going to take this. I really hope he doesn't get mad at me and start to hate me. He is one of my only friends, I can't offord to lose him. He means way too much to me. He's always been there for me. 

My dad had decided to call off school for the next two weeks to let us mourn over the boys boys who left our family. So we aren't learning right now like we would be.

My mind flashed to what Jax had said to me a couple nights ago:

"Yeah, he really doesn't deserve you." He told me.

"Than who does?" I asked him.

"Not me."

Sometimes I really don't get him, he is all over the place.

He really doesn't think that he doesn't deserve to be with me.  Maybe he doesn't like me the same way I like him and he's saying that just an as excuse. He's probably saying that so I don't think that we're going to end up together. I'm not sure at all. Maybe he just wants to be friends.

I turned a corner and saw the game room at the end of the hall. My heart pounded so loud I was afraid that the moment I would walk in the room everyone would look at me because they could hear it. 

I took a deep breath before stepping in the room. I saw Fred, Zeke and Alex sitting on the same couch they always sit on, playing Minecraft on the new PS4 my dad got for the game room.

I slowly walked up to the couch and sat down.

"Hey." They all mumbled. They all had they're full attention on running away from a Creeper.

"Hey, uh, um- Alex." I said awkwardly. He looked at me curiously.


"Can I uh, can we talk?" I said quietly and he nodded.

"Pause the game guys." He said to the guys.

We walked out of the room and down the hallway.

"What's up?" He asked. 

"Urmmm... well you see I was thinking, like really in deep thought, you know. So um, well, I was thinking about when we were friends, and um, maybe we should go back to that." I told him, searching his eyes for any sign of anger. But to my surprise, he smiled.

"I was thinking the same thing. Besides, you and Jax seem to like each other." He said with a smile. I couldn't help but blush when he said that. I also let out a huge breath of relief.

"Oh thank goodness," I said, "So we're good?"

"Totally man." He said. I smiled and gave him an huge hug.

Afterwards we returned to the guys and told them. Than I joined in and played Minecraft with them. Minecraft was probably the only video game I could play.

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