Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

"It wasn't Jax!" I yelled at my father and the officer standing next to him

"We're not saying it was Jax. We're saying that he is narrowed down to the top three. We still need evidince." The officer said to me clamly. I glared at him.

"Jax would not kill someone." I said, getting more and more angery by the second.

"Well, he does have a record." My father dad and I cast him a glare.

"If he is capble of killing his own father, than he can kill a pier." The officer said. My fists clenched and unclenched. He didn't know anything, I thought he was supposed to be a police officer.

"That man may have been Jax's father but he was never Jax's dad." I told them. "What Tony did to Jax was horrible. I can't blame Jax for what he did, so why are you?" I asked the police officer. The officer, Officer Rouche gave me a warning look but didn't say anything right away.

"Jax has his first meeting with the police, and thearpist tomorrow, I suggest you tell him now. You better go tell him and leave me and your father to talk." Officer Rouche said. I opened my mouth tpo say something but my dad cut me off before I could breathe a word.

"Grace," He said in a warning tone. I sighed. Before leaving I looked back at Officer Rouche to see a smug smile on his face.

"Officer Rouche, more like Officer Douche." I muttered as I walked away from my dad's office.

If anyone in the Home found out that Jax was on the list for the murder of Kevin, everyone would hate him more than they already do. He won't be able to deal with the hate. He already has so much on his plate, and he's already full.

I also hate to be the one to tell him about his appointment with the police officers tomorrow. Jax isn't any better. Besides the fact that he's opened up to me doesn't mean that he's opened up to everyone. He's still just as harsh with the other boys as he used to be with me, but Jax wouldn't kill someone if it wasn't for self defense like it was for his father. But I don't think everyone else would get that, including the police.

I walked towards the elevator, I was dreading to tell Jax, and I knew that he was dreading the police interview too. That's why I dont want to tell him, I know he'll freak out that it's tomorrow. 

Finally I'm up at the third floor, I have to hold my breath as I knock on his door.

"Grace?" He calls.

"Yeah, it's me." I tell him, I hear foot steps to the door before he opens it.

"Hey." He says with a slight smirk, but when he sees me frowning he drops it. "What's wrong?"

"Can I come in?" I asked and he nods, moving out of the door frame so I can come in. I walk over to his couch and he follows.

"What's up?" He doesn't hide his curiosity.

"Well, tomorow is your first police interview." I tell him with a sigh. He lets out a shaky breath.

"C-can you be there?" He asks, his vice is uneven and you tell he's scared. 

"I don't know if I'm aloud." I say quietly. I did want to be there for him, so badly. I knew he was either going to be really mean to them or break down crying. Either one wasn't good.

"Please," He begs and takes my hands in his. I look at our hands and sigh.

"I'll try my best. I really wanna be there for you." I say, placing my hand on his cheek. He leans into my touch.

"I hate the police." He tells me and closes his eyes. 

"I do too." I agree, nodding. I bite my lip, I want to tell him how I feel. I think I'm falling for him, falling in love. Fast and hard. It's not good. Loving him could go wrong in so many ways. He has so many mental issues, he has a bad past and maybe even a bad future. But when I look at him I don't see that. I see a boy who puts on a hard mask but is really dying inside and needs someone to bring him back to life. I have to be honest with myself, and in all honesty I want to be that person. That person to bring him out of the dark. The one to see life again. The one to stop his nightmares. I want to be the one that he falls in love with.

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