Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

After stepping out of the shower, I slipped on a light grey shirt, and put an old dark blue and orange Tiger's baseball t-shirt over it. I put on a pair of dark blue jeans and my converse. I blow dried my hair and put it in two braids, I was ready.

When I walked out of my bathroom, Jax was in my room. He had already showered in his room, now he had on a worn black and grey skull shirt, black jeans and vans. He smiled at me, and took my hand.

Everything had been going great. Jax and I had made up with Fred, Alex and Zeke four days ago. We were both doing well in school, and people started lighten up towards Jax.

Holding hands, Jax and I made our way through the hall way. It was Sunday, so there was no school today and I could finally have a break. 

"So what are we gonna do today?" I asked Jax.

"Well, I asked your dad if we could go out today." He told me, with a big smile.

"He did?" I asked surpirsed. "For what?"

"Our first date." He said. I looked up at him. I hadn't thought of the whole "first date" thing. I know people went on dates and stuff when they dated, but I thought that kind of stuff would be impossible for me. And now with everything that's going on, I didn't think it was even possible to leave the building.

"He said yes?" I asked.

"Well, I wouldn't be telling you that I asked him if he said no."

"Wow. I've never been on a date." I told Jax honestly.

"Not with Alex?" He asked surpirsed.

"No. We didn't even date for that long. But he was my first boyfriend." I said.

"Oh, well I guess I'll have to make this date even better." He said.

"What are we doing?" I asked him.

"Well, I think we could go to the festival, then I'll take you out for dinner." He told me. I smiled up at him.

"I haven't been to a festival in years." 

"Neither have I, so does it sound good to you? Cuz we could go all classy and just do a dinner and a movie." He said, doubting the first option with a frown.

"Nahhh, the festival sounds great." I told him, and kissed him on the cheek as we reached the end of the stairwell.

"Well, I'm glad than." He told me. I pulled him out of the stairwell and down the halls towards the cafeteria. We opened the double doors, some boys starred, other didn't. Even though none of them said anything, I still knew what they were thing; "Oh here comes the killer" "Grace is still following him around" "He shouldn't be allowed to eat with us". I knew they were thinking it, but none of them said it anymore. I guess they're bored of Jax and I running off.

Jax and I both got our food and made our way over to our table with Fred, Alex and Zeke. The three of them smiled as we sat down. They missed us too, the all admitted it.

"So I just finished Outlast Whistleblower. It wasn't as scary as the orignal Outlast, but it was damn creepy. This freaky guy tried making me a girl, and then tried making me his bride. It was freaking nuts." Fred went on about his latest video game. 

Jax held my hand from under the table. He just kind of starred into space, and avoid any converstion that Zeke took place in, but he was takling more than usual.

"I gotta go piss." Zeke said.

"To much info buddy." Alex said with a laugh. Zeke just winked and walked towards the bathroom which was right outside the cafeteria.

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