Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

The next day as I left my room, Jax was leaving the same time as I was.

"Hey." I said to him. He looked over to me and I gasped. His eyes, like eyeballs were red and tired looking. Under his eyes were purple and blue, huge bags. He hair wasn't combed, just a blob of tangles. His shirt was even inside out.

"Jax, did you even sleep at all last night?" I asked curiously. He responded with a lazy shrug and kept walking.

"Wait, Jax! Wait, your shirt is inside out." I told him. He looked down, shrugged again.

I followed him down stairs and to the elevator.

"If you ever need to talk t-" I started to say, but I was cut off by one of his famous evil glare's. I kept my mouth shut.

When the elevator dinged and we made it to the first floor we walked out.

We walked and turned and finally made it to our class. When I got there Alex warped his arm around my shoulder and Jax walked to the corner of the room and sat down.

In the middle of the class stood Fred talking to a very attractive guy. Many of the guys here were attractive, and so was he, but he was nothing compared to Jax. I shuddered and mentally slapped myself. Besides I'm with Alex.

Alex and I walked over to Fred and the guy. They were laughing together as we approached.

"Hey." I said to them. Fred glanced over to me and have me a smile.

"Hey guys, this is Zeke." He said, motioning to the guy next to him.

Zeke had "flippy" blond hair with some brown in it, he had really pretty olive coloured green eyes. He had some freckles and he was rather pale (not as pale as Jax though).

"Hi Zeke, I'm Grace." I said.

"A girl in an all boys home?" He smirked. I rolled my eyes laughing.

"My father owns the place so I stay here to help around." I told him and he nodded, smiling.

"So, your dating Alex?" He asked after we got to know each other a little more.

"Yeah." I said blushing slightly as Alex kissed my cheek.

Zeke was a really cool guy. He's in to sports, mainly soccer. He loves reading, but only the classics. He likes AC/DC, Kiss, Nirvana, Metallica, and Guns and Roses. His parents couldn't afford him, so they placed him here until they became stable again. I've known Zeke for less than an hour and I know more about him than Jax, whilst I've known Jax for a little over a week.

When the teacher came in we all sat down. It was an interesting day. Zeke was really funny. I can see him being a close friend.

The boys walked out together while I caught up with Jax.

"Did you say hi to Zeke?" I asked him. Jax looked like he was run over by a tractor, in other words; dead. He looked so tired. I felt bad for him. He didn't get any sleep.

"I don't like him." He mumbled.

"You don't like anyone. Therefore, your opinion is invalid." I said smiling, trying to lighten to mood. All he did was give me a blank look and continued on walking towards the elevator.

"Jax!" I said loudly. He turned and looked at me, curious.

"You haven't came down for dinner, and you've been here for over a week. Please come. Dinner is at 6:00." I told him.

"I'll think 'bout it." He said as the elevator doors opened and we stepped inside.

Dinner time was probably the only time all the boys gathered together. We usually ate all together, well besides Jax.

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