Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 

"I am not going to a freaking shrink!" Jax yelled at my dad with such anger I flinched.

"Listen Jax, the police suggested it, and I think a therapist would be good for you." My dad said calmly, not phased one bit by Jax's outburst.

"No way in hell." He hissed. 

"Jax, I think you should do it too." I said. He glanced and me angrily, but didn't say anything. Turning back to my dad his eyes flashed.

"I will never go to one of those, you can't make me." Jax said, his voice like ice.

"Your right, I can't make you, but I can encourage you." dad said.

"Well, your wasting your time." He said and stormed out of my dad's office. I looked to my dad and gave him a small smile, knowing that he really is trying hard with Jax.

"I'll go talk to him, knock some sense into him." I told him. Dad gave me a sad smile, before I waved and followed Jax out of the room. I ran down the countless hallways to the elevator. After clicking 2, it finally came down. Wow, Jax must have ran up to his room.

I walked the second floor to the stairwell, unlocking the door, closing it behind me, than relocking it, I climbed up the steps to the third floor. 

I made my way to Jax's room, and knocked. "Jax, come on out. I know your in there."  

After what felt like forever, I knew he wouldn't open the door. I now kept Jax's key on a different key chain than the rest of them, knowing I'll be needing his almost as much as my own. I put my key for my room, the third stairwell and Jax's room key all on one chain.

I unlocked his door, and cautiously stepped into his room, expecting him to jump out from a corner with a stake knife. 

"Jax?" I whispered quietly.

I heard a sniffle and I whipped my head around to face the noise. My eyes landed on the walk in closet all the rooms had. I slowly approached it, like I would find a wild animal on the other side of the closed doors. Who knew what I would find? 

I opened the door and peaked in side. Instead of finding some unfortunate victim of Jax's all torn up, I found Jack in the corner of the closet. His face was red, and dried tears streaked his. His dark blue eyes looked scared. 

"Jax?" I said, kneeling in front of him. "What happened? What's wrong?"

"Get out." Was all he said. He wouldn't make eye contact with me, I knew he was embarrassed. No guy wants to be caught bawling their eyes out. I couldn't blame him, I don't like people seeing me cry.

"Jaxon, I can't leave you like this." I told him. 

"Do not fricking call me that." He hissed through his tears.

"Why not?" I pushed, and inched closer to him.

"Because my father called me that." He spat, and suddenly millions of more tears fell from his eyes.

"I'm sorry." My heart was pounding in my chest, that was the first time he ever spoke of his family. He father must have done something horrible to him. I wasn't going to ask what.

"He attempted to glare at me through his watery eyes, but failed terribly.

"Jax, you don't need to pretend to be brave when your with me." I told him and placed my hand on his arm. He snorted and shrugged my hand off.

 But then his face became softer. I could see him mentally see remember why he was so sad. Some weird part of me wanted to hug him again, but not be pushed away like last time. I don't want him to be hurting. I wouldn't even want Mikey to go through this. And honestly I hate that guy. No one should go through what Jax went through, and is still going through. 

He looked like he was in so much pain. I just want to help him.

His face was suddenly very close to mine, and I couldn't breathe. He was quiet and stayed like that for many minutes. I lost count after nine.

"Grace," He breathed and my breath caught in my throat. That was the first time he said my named. It was weird how that, just him saying my name made me feel. I really hope he would open up to me, tell me how he feels. I could help him. Though much of me hates him, a part of me cares for him. I don't think I can bring myself to hate him.

"Yeah?" I asked, my voice uneven.

"Tell anyone, and I will kill you." He said. His voice now normal, no more tears fell from his eyes. He was stone cold and I shivered in fear, noticing how close I was to him. Suddenly reality slapped me in the face, and I knew he would NEVER open up to me. Will I ever be able to help him. Though I've only known him for a weak, I already feel hopeless.

I tried standing up, but fell down once again. I backed away from him, not wanting to mess with him right now.

"He has serious mental problems. Depression, social anxiety, anger issues and he's bipolar." My dad's words suddenly came back to me from the first day Jax came here. Jax is bipolar. I almost forgot about that. It suddenly clicked why he had horrible mood swings.

"Uh okay, got it. Tell someone and I die. Got it, loud and clear." I said nervously and back farther away from him.

He didn't say anything, just starred at me while his eyes flashed dangerously.

I left his room quickly.


As I lay in bed, I remembered that we got a new boy. I didn't get to meet him today. My dad and I spent the whole school day trying to find out what the hell we were going to do with Jax.

From what I heard from Fred, Zeke is a cool guy. Hopefully he'll be nice, so I'll have more friends than Fred and Alex.


That night, I didn't hear any screaming from Jax's room. It's weird, I'm worried about him when he is screaming and when he isn't. 

Well, let's just hope he actually gets a good night's sleep.



So here's the new chapter, hope you gusy liked it.

Since I finished the other book I was working on, I'll be focused on writing this for a while.

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