Day One

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"Have a good day, hon!" My mom says through the car window, dropping me off at school.
"Ok mom! Love you!" I wave and briskly walk to the school building. On my way over, I spot Jake hanging out with a mutual friend Aaron and a few of their buddies. Jake spots me and quickly looks away. Weird, I thought. Usually he'd jump on the opportunity to attack me when I'm alone. Adam wasn't even in the group he was standing in. Maybe he didn't feel well that day.

I ignore Jakes unusual behavior and go to the schools back door where I met up with my best friend, Avalon.
"Hey!" I smiled at her. Avalon was a tall thin girl with long wavy brown hair and lightly tanned skin. Her eyes were big and green and her lips were thin pink lines when not colored by her... colorful lipstick. She wore some steam punk once in a while. She liked natural colors. Mostly browns. I loved her big skirts and pinned on hats with gears on them. Usually she just wore jeans and a plain t shirt but sometimes she got creative.
"Hey! What'd ya think?" She happily posed and modeled her latest creation.
"How do you not have a boyfriend?" I wondered out loud. She had a unique style but she was quite beautiful.
"I don't have what I don't need." She responded confidantly. I laughed at her. "The day I get a boyfriend is the day you find out your a princess from a magical kingdom of dragons." Avalon made a sour face. I laughed more.
"Any guy would be lucky to have you." I shrugged.
"Good for them. I do not plan on being misfortunate just to entertain some boys luck."
"Oh stop! You act like you'll never find love."
"Who knows?" Avalon shrugged, suddenly sad. I got serious.
"Hey, you ok?" I stepped closer to her.
"Yeah... it's just... I don't know... I've asked guys out before... no one notices me. What if the whole thing just isn't for me?"
"Where is this coming from?" I pressed.
"Remember Ryan, that guy I thought was cute in my English class?"
"I asked him to prom in a couple months... he laughed at me and told me to screw off." She seemed more angry than sad.
"Aww hon I'm so sorry." I force her to let me hug her. She didn't like showing how hurt she was. There were few emotions she wasn't afraid to show at all.
"It's fine. I'll get over it. Let's just go to class ok?" She pulled off a weak smile and we head inside.


I had three classes with Jake. Generally, I had to prepare for battle but today he was radio silent. My fifth period had both Adam and Jake. It was the one I felt safest in. It was the end of the day and I hadn't heard a word.
"Hey, Adam?" I rested my head on his shoulder, waiting for class to start.
"Huh?" He grunted.
"Has Jake been acting strange to you?"
"What do you mean?"
"He hasn't said a word to me all day."
"Just be greatful. He'll probably be back to normal by tomorrow." Adam blew it off. I felt a turn in my stomach but let it slide. Normal. That was the word.
"Yeah, I guess you're right." I tried moving on. "We still on for tonight?"
"You bet cupcake. Got it all planned out!"
"What are we doing?"
"It's a suprise." He teased.


That night, I got all dressed up. Took me hours but I did it. I had my hair and makeup perfect. I went downstairs to met Adam outside when,
"Where do you think you're going?" My mom stopped me going out the door.
"On a date..." I answered confused. She usually didn't have a problem with me going out, even if she didn't really like Adam.
"No! We have dinner tonight with the Jacobs and Showfeilds!" She reminded me. I totally forgot! That's why Jake was acting weird. I reluctantly call Adam.
"Hey, you ready?"
"Sorry Adam. My mom already made plans."
"Can't get out?"
"Are you sure."
"Yeah, I'm really sorry."
"Me too." He says before abruptly hanging up. I sighed but moved on to preparing the table for nine people.


The door bell went off.
"I'll get it!" I shout and head to the front. Wow, their early. I open the door to see Adam. I excitedly jump on him and hug him.
"What are you doing here?" I smile and ask him after pulling away.
"My girl needed me." He shrugs. As usual, my knight has come to rescue me.
"Come on, I'll ask mom if you can stay for dinner." I pull him inside. Mom came out with a smile.
"Are they here?" She asked before seeing Adam. He smile faded and turned into a scowl.
"Hey, I know it's last minute but can Adam stay for dinner?" I asked. She didn't answer after a moment.
"Sure." She almost spat. I ignored her tone and dragged Adam behind me to finish setting the table. Not long after that, they started showing up. Jake Jacobs with his parents and Aaron Showfeild with his parents.

I know what you're thinking. Why have them over for dinner? The answer is, I had no freaking clue. Mom just up and decided to invite them over. Why argue?

Jake and his family came in first. Jake shook my parents hands and walked in my general direction until he saw Adam. Jake had a look on his face I never saw before. Fear. Complete fear. Why? Adam was never threatening. Jake snapped out of his trance enough to walk pass me without a second glance. Then came Aaron and his family. At least they acted normal...there's that word again...

Aaron shook my parents hands, hugged me and chest bumped Adam.
"What are you doing here?" Aaron asked happily.
"Moral support." Adam swung his arm around me. Soon, it was time for an awkward dinner. Everyone was silent. Towards the end of the meal, my mom abruptly stands up.
"Adam, you've been a great house guest but it's time for you to leave." This wasn't her normal behavior... normal.

"Mom!" I scolded.
"What? He was here, now it's time to leave."
"What? Is something wrong?" He puts his arm around me.
"I wouldn't do that." Jake speaks for the first time.
"What? To close?" Adam seemed... different, in that moment. I looked at him. His voice was edged, his look mischievous. It wasn't the same Adam.
"Yes, actually. And I'd appreciate it if you let her go." Jake sounded possessive and just the thought about Jake being like that made me blush.
"Who are you to her? You're not her boyfriend."
"Neither are you." Jake spat. What?
"Oh really, jester? Who was screwing her till she-" Upon hearing the upcoming sentence, I push "Adam" away and stand up.
"We never did that!" I defended. I didn't want to go that far and he knew that. It was Jakes turn to stand up angrily.
"Ok, time to go!" He demanded.
"Oh, what are you going to do, Jacob Jacobs, son of the royal Jester-"
"HE WAS NOT A JESTER! HE WAS A MEMBER OF THE ROYAL GUARD!" Jake shouted. I was more confused than ever.
"Did you really think some petty guards son would be good enough for a princess, Jake?" Jake didn't answer. "Oh! You did! How... pathetic. She could have chosen you and she didn't she choose me."
"You're lying." Jake choked out. I was silently freaking out. What was going on????
"Oh, no I'm not. Look, whether your father was a jester or guard, you will never be good enough. She needs to marry someone important someone who knows what they're talking about... someone like Aaron over here." Aaron shared my look of utter confusion. "After all, that's what we are here for right?" Adam snickered. "To discuss the wedding arrangements of Prince Aaron of Carra and Princess Allison of Heritova."


Suddenly, mom jumps out of her chair, chants something I can't understand and Adam bursts into flames and turns into a pile of ash.


We just stood there for a long moment. I was terrified to move. My boyfriend of two years just got roasted in front of my eyes.
"Ally, are you ok?" My mom's calm, loving voice calls for me. I turn to her terrified.
"No!" I shout. "Can someone kindly explain to me what the hell is going on?" I didn't need to say it as loud as I did but I did.
"I will... once you sit down."Jake was suddenly calm, relaxed. Almost drained. I sit down softly and fold my hands together. "Ally, I'm sorry you had to find out this way but we needed to tell you tonight. You are a princess. Princess of Heritova. A kingdom in another realm. Takes a portal to get to it. And Aaron, you are a prince. Prince of Carra. Also in another realm. Same realm as Heritova but... different."
"This can't be real." I say. "You've got to be kidding."
"I'm sorry sweetheart but we arnt." My mom chimes in.
"So... what was that about you not being good enough?" I try to piece together the events that just took place. Jake suddenly uncomfortable.
"You should rest. I know you have a lot of questions but I think you should just try to comprehend that- same with you, Aaron."
"How do I know this isn't some joke?" I challenge. My mom sighs and starts waving her arms around while singing a chant. Suddenly, a blue fog covers the table and out brings a box with blue material under the golden design. It rose from nothing and into my hands. I open it and there laid a blue amulet with a golden dragon shielding it. It glowed brightly. I was almost to entranced to see Aaron recive a sword.
"From your kingdoms, you have gifts." Aarons mom explains. "Their most powerful and prized posessions. Gifts from the kings and queens themselves."
"Wait, you guys arnt?" I question at the same time as Aaron. There was quiet for a moment.
"No. We were assigned to protect you at birth." Aarons mom speaks again.
"From what?" I dared ask. No one said a word.
"That's a story for another day." My mom tried. "You've all been through a lot tonight. I think it's time we all went ahead and got some sleep."

Some how, I got to go to sleep without any issues. All thoughts and worries left my mind. For some reason, I felt better once I put that amulet on.

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