Who knows

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The movie was over to soon. Neither wanted the night to end. Since they got there, Ally was free to hold on to Jakes hand and rest her head on his shoulder. In the theater, they didn't pay attention to the movie. Only rested in each others company. Jake held her hand like he'd never want to let go. For the first time, he was the one to put an arm around her. He wasn't jelous. He was the lucky one. Ally felt comfort in his embrace. She felt human, she felt bliss. That was a feeling she never wanted to loose and she had it every time they touched. They didn't talk, they didn't kiss like all the other couples in the movie. They just sat there and enjoyed their time where nothing else existed. Eventually the movie ended and they had to leave. They were disappointed and walked slowly to the truck, hand and hand. Jake turned to face her before getting in.
"Please Don't tell me this is a one time thing."
"What?" Ally was confused. Jake started blushing.
"I mean... I want to do this again sometime. I really enjoyed this and I'm a little worried you'll want things to go back-" Before he could continue, Ally grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him down into a kiss. She was nervous as ever, it being her first and him having experience, but, she needed it as much as him. She needed to be human just a little longer. The feeling was addictive and kissing him was her fix. Jake immediately responded, putting a hand on her mid back and another on her waist. Both of Ally's hands went around his neck. The kiss was long and passionate. They pulled away and pressed their foreheads together.
"I never want things to go back." She whispered. Their was relief in Jake. He felt like a ton was lifted.
"Then I won't let them." He said and they kiss one more time.


They got to the house. Ally couldn't stop smiling. Neither could Jake. They both still felt their kiss linger on their lips.
"Think Aarons still there?" Jake decided to make conversation.
"Don't know why he would be but if he is, I'm gunna need someone to be his ride."
"I'll go in with to check just in case." They agreed.

They go inside and up stairs, not prepared to find what they found. Avalon, vanalized with silly string passed out on Ally's messy bed. Aaron curled up on the floor, glitter dumped on him and a empty sparkling cider bottle in his arms. He was also passed out. Uno cards were scaddered over the floor. Three separate piles of cookies were placed. The biggest pile was closest to Sarah who's face had been covered on permanent marker and a kick me sign, ripped up a tad, lay on her back. All three sound asleep. Ally and Jake stood in the door with wide eyes. What could have happened in two hours? Jake moved passed Ally and woke up Aaron.
"Hey." He said in a whisper. "Hey bud. I'm going to take you home."
"But I didn't finish my cookies." He whined sleepily. "If I don't eat them, Sarah will."
"You can have them tomorrow." Jake promised. Ally checked on her parents. They were calmly in bed, fast asleep. What happened? "Come on buddy." Jake helped Aaron up and got him in the truck. It wasn't super late but, it was pass dark. Jake got Aaron in the truck who was already passing out. Ally met Jake out in the front before he went.
"That's for taking him home."
"Sure. He's my friend. I'm going to be there for him."
"He's lucky to have you." Ally smiled.
"I'm lucky to have you." They pecked each other's lips. "I'll see you tomorrow ok?"
"Ok." Ally smiled. Jake left and she went back inside. She ment to just move Avalon she she could sleep on her bed but ended up falling asleep on the living room couch.


The next morning, Avalon shakes Ally awake, fully showered and dressed in Ally's clothes. Ally sits up.
"Hey." Ally said.
"Hey." Avalon grinned. "Sorry I stole your bed last night."
"Where's Sarah?"
"Showering. Your clothes fit her by the way."
"What happened to you guys last night?"
"We gambled playing uno and it got out of hand."
"I'm going to need a little more than that." Ally pressed.
"Ok ok. We got board playing uno so we decided to spice things up a bit. We raided your fridge and got those cheep cookies your mom bought and started to deal like poker. Then, it was a dare game. Whoever won, would be able to do whatever they wanted to someone else. So we went and bought some supplies. Sparkling cider, to acted drunk, glitter, who knows why, and silly string. Sarah was the first to win but I started getting tired and tried to get out of it but going to bed but I was ambushed and accepted it. Then, Aaron won and he used permanent marker on Sarah face. She acted calm until he went to pick the cards up and she dumped glitter on him. He acted all pouty about it and said he was a pouty drunk. Sarah ended up falling asleep on the floor so he drew a kick me sign and put it on her back. I tried to stop him, we ripped the paper a little but I gave up. He ended up drinking the last of the cider and we all fell asleep."
"I am never leaving you guys alone again." Ally decided.
"Speaking of, How'd your date go?" Avalon had a huge smile.
"It was good. We went to the movie and came home. We plan on doing it again."
"What else?"
"What do you mean?"
"Oh come on Ally! I know something happened! You've got the look on your face."
"Well..." Ally had a hard blush. "We... actually... we kissed." She spilled. Avslon freaked.
"You did what?" She smiled wide.
"I know." Ally's face was red.
"How was that?"
"Amazing... I didn't think I could feel that way. He made me feel human again."
"I'm glad he makes you happy. You guys going to go out again?"
"I'm sure. But Avalon, you need to be serious. No shouting about us kissing or anything like that. Ok?"
"Ok." She said. Sarah joined them eventually and soon came the boys. But, as soon as they walked in, "ALLY AND JAKE KISSED!" Ally's face was beat red. Jake had one eye brow raised. Ally looked at Avalon completely betrayed. "That's what you get for telling Aaron I liked him." Avalon reminds. Jake sat next to Avalon like it was no big deal.
"I see you told her." He said nonchalant.
"Yeah." Her face was still red. Aaron sat near Avalon and Sarah.
"So you two finally got the courage? Dang it!" Sarah shouts and pulls out her wallet. She handed Aaron ten bucks. Aaron smiled.
"You guys betted on us?" Jake asked.
"They were. Aaron said you'd kiss before prom. Sarah said after we left to Heritova."
"You didn't?"
"Naw, I just wanted to find out first so I could emberess you after you did that to me."
"That was three months ago!"
"The wounds are still there!" Avalon argued. They all laughed.
"I say let them know." Jake says before kissing Ally's cheek. She went red again.
"Wow. Who knew you could be redder than a tomato." Sarah comments, making her blush harder. Everyone was loving at her.
"Anyone hungry?" Ally gets up and starts heading to the kitchen when her dad comes down.
"Who kissed who?" Was his first question. Everyone got red faces after that.
"Uh..." Ally studdered. How do you respond to that?
"Well, dad... how about you and I take a little trip to Ihop-" That was where they used to go when they needed to talk.
"Jake kissed you on your date last night, didn't he?"
"Wait how do you know about that?" Everyone paused and looked at Avalon, looking guilty. "Oops?" She winced. Ally only sighed.
"But he did, didn't he?" Her dad got back on subject. Ally exchanged a goodbye look from Jake.
"Well... I kissed him really-"
"Gosh dang it!" He shouted and started running up stairs yelling, "you were right, hon! I owe you dinner!" The sentance made Ally's jaw drop, along with the rest of the teenage group.
"My parents were betting when I'd get my first kiss." She said aloud.
"Wait a minute, THAT was your first kiss?" Jake looked to see if she was serious.
"I told you Adam and I didn't do anything."
"Yeah but... I thought you meant... you know... I didn't think you NEVER even KISSED the guy."
"I was just never quite comfortable with it." Ally tried to explain. He looked beyond pleased with himself.
"Oh. Alright." He grinned a little and looked away. Ally rolled her eyes.

"Let's get going." Ally dismisses.
"Today is a shifting day."


After a couple weeks, they had worked on shaping their bone structures. They couldn't do it fully because they'd grow to be too big but they started working on it.

They started shifting more than on thing. When they shifted all they learned, Aaron and Ally prefered to be alone. They felt grusome. Disgusting. They weren't human. They didn't feel like people anymore. Nor did they look like any.

Sarah, Avalon and Jake started getting concerned about their mental wellbeing. Locking themselves up in their rooms, refusing to see anyone. It got to bad. They needed to do something about it. So, they talked to their parents about a plan. Not a week later, Avalon got a call saying Aaron locked himself up again. She snuck over and went to his room door.
"Aaron?" She called, giving him a chance.
"Avalon?" There was a growl in his voice. It was the Dragon.
"Hey! Can I come in?"
"N-not right now! I'm busy!" Without warning, she barges in. She saw him mid shift state. She saw him almost like a small Dragon. His tail was spiked, his arms now dragon feet. His wigs fully out, his head the shape of a typical Dragon. He shifted to human form as fast as he could and sat on the ground in shorts.
"Dang it, Avalon." He glared. "You couldn't wait?"
"We're worried about you." She breathed.
"I don't know why... will you stop looking at me like that?"
"Like what?" She asked. He stood up, pulled her in his room and shut the door.
"Like you saw a monster."
"I didn't, I saw you." She was quick to respond. He sighed.
"I didn't want you seeing me like that... deformed."
"It's not, Aaron." She shook her head desperately. "Don't think like that. Is that why you've been pushing us all away?"
"Im not... pushing away. I just didn't want anyone to see me so..."
"Not perfect?" Avalon smirked then regretted saying anything. Her face got a light pink color.
"Yeah." He agreed. Avalon took his hand.
"No one's perfect."
"That's funny coming from you."
"Flattery will get you no where." They smiled at eachother. "Sarah was getting worried about the both of you. There's a depression that goes with shifting... we didnt want you guys to fall in that."
"Well, I'll try shifting in front of you guys more if that makes you all feel better."
"Do you feel better?"
"You know... I do. Thank you."
"Sure. You were there for me. I'm just returning the favor." They smiled. It was a bold move, but Aaron kissed her forehead. She probably would have protested in another situation but, it felt right. Chills ran up her spine. He pulled away and they continued their grinning.
"You know, just to be clear, I think it's hot when you shift." And with that she left, making him feel like he was floating.

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