Happy Birthday

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"So... you still going to prom?" Aaron asked while Avalon and him walked around in walmart.
"Yeah! I'm really excited! Got everything all planned out."
"Everything?" A hint of nervousness in his voice.
"Well almost everything. If only that guy would ask me." She said dreamily. "I think you'd like him. He's tall, QB on the football team..."
"Sounds like a dream boat." Aaron joked, getting what she was hinting.
"He is." She grinned, staring at the wall of purses. "This one." She decides.
"Alright. That everything?" Aaron asked, holding his gift for Ally for her birthday.
"Yep." She popped the p. "You got her the dream book, and I got her the bag."
"Alright, let's head to check out." He smiled. "Mind if we go to the food court? I'm starving."
"Sure! How about DQ."
"Perfect." He agreed and they went.

"So, Avalon. I know I'm not that amazing guy you talked about before," they both smirked. "But, I was hoping I could have the honor of taking you to prom." Avalon started smiling.
"I'd love too."
"Even if I'm not your dream boat?"
"Oh no, you're way better." She said with a serious face and they both laugh.
"Thanks Avalon."
"For what?"
"Being you." He smiled at her with awe. She blushed and didn't respond.


Aaron drove her to Ally's house. Avalon said a simple, not rushed goodbye, and went inside with her wrapped gift. Ally was out with her parents doing stuff so Avslon got a chance to hide her gift in Sarahs room. Once she did that, she curled up on Sarahs bed and fell asleep with a grin planted on her face. He finally asked her to prom. Finally. She'd been waiting for so long. Here they were, two days before Ally's birthday, a little over a week before prom. Finally.


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR ALLISON! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOOOOO YOOOOUUUU!" Ally's entire group of family and friends barge in her room and wake her from a peaceful slumber. She jumped and sat up wildly. Once seeing them, she started smiling. Her mom held a cake that had seventeen candles on it. Ally blew out the candles and everyone clapped.

They let her get dressed and come down stairs for everything else. They ate, looked at baby pictures, and finally started opening gifts. Aaron got her this book she's been wanting for months now. Avalon got her a really cute purse. Sarah gave her a spell book. Her mom and dad gave her letters from her parents for when she turned seventeen. Finally, they were done.
"Don't worry. I have a gift." Jake said. "I'll give it later. It's private."
"Better not be another kiss." Ally's father warned.
"Not this time." Jakes entire face was red. Everyone returned to mingling. Jake came over and sat next to Ally. "Hey."
"Hey." She smiled.
"I'll first wanted to give you this." He handed her a velvet box. She opened it and found a charm bracelet. Five little charms hung off it. One dragon head, a human heart, a top hat, football and a book. It represented the five teenagers in their little group. He explained Ally was the dragon, fierce and strong. He was the heart, because of his feelings for her. Avalon was the top hat cause she's quirky. Aarons the football for QB. Sarah is the book for the spell book she gave.
"Jake... this is amazing." She said. "Thank you... I don't know how to thank you."
"How about going to prom with me?" He suggested. Ally smiled and nodded quickly. Jake helped her get the bracelet on. She was almost in tears. With the letters, the spell book, her book, the purse and now this, she was turning out to be an emotional wreck.
"Hey, don't cry." He smiled and wiped a tear away.
"Happy tears." She smiled. They hugged.

It really was a happy birthday.

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