Three months later

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Ally sat by herself in the cafeteria, waiting for everyone. They all grew pretty close within the last few months. Jake and her hadn't really talked about their feelings since that first shifting day. It was probably a good thing. Brought less attention. Still, they both lived for their "accidental" touches.

"Hey." Jake plopped down in the seat next to her.
"Hey, where is everyone?"
"On their way. Sarah had to talk to a teacher, Aaron got held up with a late homework assignment... I don't know where Avalon is though."
"I'm sure she'll be here soon." Ally shrugged off.
"So, are you excited for today?"
"You kidding me? Sarah going to let me fly tonight! Sorry I can't take you with me."
"Don't worry about it! Maybe when you've managed a full shifting process I'll be able to go with you. For now, I must suffer." They joked.
"Hey." Aaron sat down and sighed.
"Hey, the assignment taken care of?"
"Yeah... you know, it's occurred to me that Ally and I are royalty from a magical kingdom of dragons who are destined to save a whole population from a dragon witch, but yet we still can't escape homework."
"What a wonderful world." Ally shrugged.
"Hey guys, where's Avalon?" Sarah sat down with a trey full of food.
"I'm here." Avalon came up and sat down. Her hair was pushed to one side, covering half her face. She had on a long dark jacket. Ally knew that move. Ally, without warning, pulled her hair out of Avalon face. There, a round bruise covered her eyes and her lower lip was busted.
"Not again!" She cried. "What did they want?"
"Fifty bucks. I told them I spent all we had on rent and food... they didn't like that. I need another fifty but I don't get another pay check until next week."
"Your parents did this?" Aaron was angry. How could anyone hurt Avalon? Avalon was the best of them. Their mascot. How could any one do this? Aaron got out his wallet.
"I got twenty five." He laid it in the middle of the table.
"Aaron I don't take-"
"Charity. I know. It's not. It's payment."
"For what?"
"For being awesome." He said with a straight face. Jake, Sarah, and Aly dug in their wallets. Jake had fifteen. Sarah had ten. Ally had twenty.
"This is too much!" She tried so hard to hold it back, but the tears flowed.
"Extra. For a tip." Ally winked.
"I love you guys." She said through her tears. They all came over and hugged. Avalon wiped her face and started smiling. She put everything in her bag except the twenty. "They'll search my stuff." She explained, handing the twenty back.
"I promise, you can take me shopping and we will spend that twenty wisely." Ally smiled and pit it back in her bag. Avalon still had some sniffled.
"Thank you guys. Thank you so much."
"We'd do anything for you, Avalon." Aaron stated.
"Seriously, we love you." Jake adds.
"You guys are my family." Sarah rubbed Avalon back.
"Never forget that." Ally was last to add something.
"Thank you." Avalon said again. "Let's talk about something else." She suggested.
"Prom." Was the first thing to come to Ally's mind. "Its next month."
"I don't think I'll go." Sarah annouces.
"I'll just be a fifth wheel. Jake and Ally are a thing, Aaron and... his feelings for Avalon... I'm kinda alone on this one."
"We can just not have dates and go as a Group."
"No. I've been to a lot of proms. I won't take away from your only one." Everyone wanted to argue but knew there was no piont. Butterflies filled Avalon stomach at the thought of Aaron asking her to prom. She decided if he did ask her, she'd say yes. The trouble was, getting him to ask her. After all, she's sure she scared him away. Aaron just sat in his seat, planning how he was going to do it. Avalon was a private person. She didn't want it big where everyone can see. He'd take her somewhere. Where? How would he get her to come with? With him busy doing that, Jake was also planning how he'd ask Ally. Ally was the only one actually paying attention to Sarah.
"Will you at least go with to dress shooping? It's to funnest part!" Ally begged.
"Sure! Sounds fun!" Sarah agreed. Avalon was going to originally just go in her steam punk but felt like dress shopping this time.


It was later in the day. Ally and Aaron stood in the yard. Everyone was coming to see this. It would be the first time they'd be able to fly. Their wings had been accessible since last month but needed time to strengthen. Tonight was the night they flew.
"You guys nervous?" Avalon asked.
"A little." Ally admits.
"Yeah, me too."
"Well just remember, it's not flying you have to worry about. It's the landing."
"Gee thanks Avalon, that helps so much."
"I try." She shrugs.

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