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Mom dropped me off in the usual spot and I went to the back door like I did everyday. Jake and Aaron soon followed. I decided this would be our secret spot. For the four of us when we needed to talk about something.
"Hey." Jake greeted.
"Hey guys. Aaron, did you practice the spell?"
"A bit. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt."
"It works for me but it doesn't always do what I want." I said.
"Yeah, I always seem to get tripped when-"
"Ally!" Avalon trampled me unexpectedly. When she let go, I saw she was going steam punk again.
"Oh, is that the one you made in july?"
"Yeah! I'm still really proud of it." She smiled.
"I didn't know you liked steam punk." Aaron joined the conversation.
"You know what that is?" Avalon asked.
"Well, yeah. I play games... that... wear" It was cute to see him blush and rub the back of his neck out of nervousness. Avalon just smiled at him, happy there was one other person who knew. Those two are so cute. Jake cleared his throat.
"If you two are done flirting, I need to tell you all something." Jake said in a joking mannor. I chuckled at the comment. "Sarah wants to talk." He dropped the bomb shell.
"What? Why?"
"I don't know. She just left me a message to go outside the cafeteria and go around back to talk. And to bring you two."
"I'm coming too!" Avalon piped up excited.
"Uh, no you're not." Aaron stated.
"Excuse me?" Avalon put her hands on her hips. "Last time I checked, I do what I want."
"These arnt just high school bullies. These things can kill you."
"I agree with Aaron." I said and looked at her. "They shouldn't know you know. It's to dangerous and I couldn't live with myself if something happened to you." Suddenly, Jake got a text.
"Bring the weird girl." He read aloud. That was it. They knew. They all knew. Sarah sent that message. She knew Avalon knew. Great.
"Guess I'm going after all." She smiled in victory.
"Yeah, well, stay close to one of us." I told her.
"Whenever I can." She promised. "I almost forgot!" She suddenly hugs Jake. "Welcome back." Jake smiled and hugged her back.
"I missed you too." Jake said. Aaron looked like his favorite toy got run over.
"Did I miss something?" He asked.
"We three used to be friends before the whole 7th grade thing." I explain. Aaron calmed down a little. It was cute to see him concerned.
"Wait a minute." Jake said after he stopped hugging Avalon. "How does she know you know?" Suddenly, we all looked around suspiciously. We didnt see anyone. But I felt it. She was watching us.
"Let's just... go." I suggest, trying to dismiss the feeling.


Lunch couldn't come sooner. I was the first on out there besides Sarah herself. Sarah was a brunette. Of Latina decent. She was tall and slim and looked good in what she wore. Sarah had a black leather jacket, black jeans, black boots and flawless makeup. She was very different from my size fourteen body standing five foot four. I was always dressed in blue jeans, sneakers and a tank top. My hair was either down and a mess or up and a mess. The only thing real interesting about me really was that fact my natural hair color is blue. Starts out light and gets darker towards the tips. My curly hair fell to my shoulders when not straight.
"Where's my boyfriend?" She spat, talking about Jake.
"He's not your boyfriend." I retort.
"Oh right! Yes, now that you know the truth, you're madly in love with him, right?"
"I never said that." I felt my face get hot.
"To bad. He LOVES you." Her eyes narrowed at me.
"He's on his way." I dismiss. Soon, Jake showed up. Aaron and Avalon right behind him. Jake stepped in front of me in an almost protective mannor, though, I don't know what he could do.
"What do you want, Sarah?"
"Oh, relax sweetheart. Even if I wanted to hurt her I cant. I wanted to talk."
"What about?" He prssed. Sarah was quiet for a moment then looked at Avalon.
"Come here." She said to Avalon. We all looked at her who seemed shocked but willing to obey. Aaron put his arm out in front of her and shook his head at her. Avalon gently pushed his arm down and kept walking.
"Avalon!" We called at separate times. She kept walking till she was feet from Sarah. Sarah put on hand on Avalon shoulder and the other on her heart. There was a crunching sound and Avalon started coughing. We started running at them but Sarah held out her hand, stopping us from doing anything. I can't kill her, I thought. If she dies and we are surrounded, they'll attack and I can't fight them all off. I still can't control my powers very well. And even if I could kill her, Avalon is now within fire range. Sarah stepped back to her back pack and pulled out a bottle of water. Sarah handed it to Avalon, still coughing.
"Here. It should help." Sarah acted calm.
"Don't drink it!" I shout. Sarah glared at me.
"If I wanted to kill her, I would have don't it by now!" With that, Avalon drinks the innocent water and stops coughing with a few sips.
"What did you do?" I asked.
"It's called a protection spell. Now, no matter how hard princie over there is crushing, we won't be able to smell it." Sarah still held a glare.
"Guys, I'm fine." Avalon said, as if we were the ones out of line.
"Why give her a protection spell?" Jake started asking questions.
"That's what I wanted to talk to you about." She said. "I want on your team."
"What?" I questioned if I heard her right.
"I want to help you."
"Why?" Aaron spoke up. Sarah looked away.
"Doesn't matter."
"Well be the judge of that." I crossed my arms. Sarah sighed.
"You wouldn't believe me." She concluded.
"I found out in a magical princess destined to destroy my kingdoms greatest threat since the begining... try me." Sarah stood there for a second and just stared at me.
"Ever wonder the REAL reason little Adam couldn't kill you?" She asked. I felt my blood run cold.
"You mean-"
"Yep! That's right! I gave you a protection spell! Let me tell you, it was difficult getting in your house pass your babysitters but once I was in I found you easily... did you know you talk in your sleep?" I felt a mixture of anger, fear and graditude.

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