føurteen // sløwtown

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After a nurse was called in, something happened, I'm not quite sure what it was, and I had to have surgery.

While I was under the knife, I had a quite pleasant dream. I was with Josh, on a swing set that was somehow in the middle of a forest. Out of nowhere, I started to sing a song, one that I'd never heard before. I can't remember the words or the tune, but what I can remember is that it had something to do with going too fast, and something about a town. It had a name, but I don't know what that name was.

When I woke up, I remembered that I had a broken wrist, and Josh was in the room, keeping a careful eye on me.

"Josh." He looked up from his red shoes.

"Yeah, Ty?"

"I can't play my ukulele, can I?" Josh chuckled at me.

"No, I'm afraid not, but hopefully, these doctors are as good as they claim to be and you'll be out of that cast in no time." I smiled.

"Okay." I stayed quiet for a while.

"Let's not do that again." The smile left my face.

"We won't, I promise." Josh came over to me.

"Pinkie swear?" I asked.

"Pinkie swear." He linked our pinkies together, shaking them before breaking our hands apart.


I was released from the hospital two days later. That's when I told Josh about my dream.

"I had a dream when I was having surgery, you know." Josh looked at me.

"A bad one?"

"No," I said lightly. "It was quite nice, actually. We were in a forest together, and there was a random swing set that we were hanging out on. I was singing a song about a town or something, a slow one. I've never heard it anywhere, it was lovely. I've been remembering bits and pieces of the song, like some of the tune and the words. I think I called it, I uh, think it was, Slowtown, or something." I struggled to memorize the name.

"Sounds interesting, wish I could've heard it." I just nodded, not sure of anything else to say. Josh didn't seem very interested in the topic.

While I was in recovery, I had started an new Instagram page, dedicated completely to all things Tumblr. Not many people followed me though. It was mostly a way to keep me busy since I couldn't do much. It was in no way a priority to me.


"What?" He asked. He usually didn't reply like this. Something seemed off.

"Are you okay?"

"No." He said coldly.

"W-why?" I stuttered.

"Why? Why? You could have fucking died, Tyler! What if you lost your memory? What if you couldn't remember me? I'm not okay, Tyler!"

Josh got up and walked right out of the room.


Short update but I took a nice break and I feel like it's time to at least give you a couple hundred words that I've been trying to write for almost a month. Yes, I am that stressed.

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