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Hello dear readers!

There are some things I'd like to clear before we get to the story.

There is lot more that I put into this story of mine than just my vocabulary and mind. I've put my heart and soul in it. I even gave up my precious reading time to write it down. I contemplated the idea, gave it a shape and then compiled it all. Writing it down wasn't easy too though I don't regret a second of it.

And that's how every writer writes their story. So please, don't try to copy my story (or any other writer's story for that matter). Write your own, trust me it'd feel much-much better.

In short, don't you dare steal my work! I'd sue you in the name of Holy Chocolate and One Direction and The Vamps. Get it?

This is a work of fiction. I am a fan of One Direction but I don't know their actual personalities (none of us do as such, what we know is what they show and it may be fake too.).

I've tried to show them as they showcase themselves in the interviews. At the same time, I've made a few changes and I'm sorry in advance if you don't like them.

Also, Ayushi I know you but I don't know you inside out. I tried to get to know more with that 20 questions game but there's only some things I can get to know by them. So most of the places I've used my imaginations, your stories, posts and our chats as a way to figure you out. Of course, the result can't be accurate. So forgive me if I didn't show you how are or couldn't put in words how you would've reacted to a given situation. If there any changes you'd like to make in the story, then do tell me about them. I'd do them as soon as possible.

Also the things my character does in this story for yours, I'd do them all for you at any point of time. So it isn't fiction when I tell you how much I love you and how great friend you are okay?

So my dear readers don't read this to find out more about how One Direction acts and behaves. You need to remember that my perception is different from yours.

I hope I didn't sound too rude. If I did then I apologize. I hope you got the message I put forth.

Now all of you can scramble off and read the story! Thank you for reading this note and for giving my story a chance!

Oh and a special thanks and shout out to the very helpful  s_huddar .

Thank you so much for the cover! Love you!!!!


ChocoLove <3

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