Ananya and the Undefeatable Fandom

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Ananya's POV (30.8.21)

"You know in India there is a saying. Translated, it goes something like 'When He gives, he gives boundless.'

This couldn't have been truer. This is the perfect saying- something we can relate to now more than ever.

You see being in a fandom can be a tiring task. That being said, being in a fandom who's Gods are on a break sucks!

All these years we have survived on circulating old photos, replaying the albums and rewatching every single one of their interviews to the extent that you can tell how many seconds Harry took to answer each question. And we have stalked them like never before. We went all detective modes on them and found their recent photographs-even if all that could be seen was a tuft of hair. We have put Sherlock Holmes on shame with the intensive reporting of where every single one of them is.

And we follow them on every social site- waiting eagerly for any hint, any clue. We have been doing everything in our means to keep us sane.

Being a Directioner- no matter how fun- can be intense and tiring

Though all of it had a selfish motive too. We couldn't live without them. Every day without their faces was a burden to bear. And so we decided that stalking the life out of them was the only way to survive this miserable direction-less life.

But we did all of this for a greater purpose too. We did it all so that we could tell them that we are still here. So that we could make them feel that their Fandom is alive and as energetic as ever. We want to make them aware that we didn't give up on them and we never would. We aimed at making them realize that no matter how long they take- when they come back we will be waiting for them. Arms wide open to embrace them with the same love we had then.

We want to let them know that we still appreciate their talent and support them. We left no stone unturned just to make them understand that they are wanted. We wanted to take their insecurities away.

We might have gone all FBI on them but just because we wanted them to know that we stayed. We just wished to inform them where to come when they decide to return.

And we didn't only stay for them. We also multiplied their fandom. We added everyone we knew. We blackmailed, begged, asked, forced and did everything we could so as to make more and more people get to know them and eventually like them.

And we did it together. When one of us searched the webs for their photos- the rest of us were there ready to spread them. When one of us was down- the rest of us sent those photos and songs.

We stood up to non believers, we taught the haters a lesson. We welcomed new ones and helped the old ones to stay.

We did it all for our boys. We did it all for One Direction.

And now, everything is making sense. Now, our hard work is paying off. The most awaited moment is here. One Direction is back.

And what's makes me the happiest is that we proved our point. We did it! We made it through the toughest phase a fandom has to face ever. And we came out like winners.

Every single person on the planet who liked their songs, photos etc did it. Every single Directioner did it. You. Yes you- the one reading this. You did it too.

And I'm grateful to everyone who helped us. I'm thankful to everyone who helped them take this decision. This is by far the best decision they have taken.

And it's time we prove it.

Directioners, this is my call to you. Do everything in your will to show that this is the best decision they took and that we support them.

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