Ayushi and Doctored Dreams

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Ayushi (2/11/21)

I've always had this wish. I don't remember for how long- maybe some months or years. I don't know when I first had it, but it's been in my mind since a long time.

I've spent days and nights dreaming about it, thinking about it, giving it a proper form and shape. I've used a lot of my creativity in it.

And for some time, I've even finalized the boy in my mind. Progress you see.

I'd wake up in a mattress that makes me give up on life and sleep in it for an eternity. And when someone decided to rip me apart from my dear love by letting the sunrays fill in my room-I'd groan. And then there will be a chuckle-no other noise. I'd smile because I'd recognize that voice instantly. I'd open my eyes to the ultimate love of my life smiling down at me and I'd give him a smile. I'd glance on the mirror behind him and find myself looking gorgeous. Not one hair sticking out, no drool marks and definitely not with the expression of a homeless beggar.

I know that's too much to ask for- the last part that is. I can easily find a mattress soft like feather and a hot boy too. But waking up looking good? Ah! That's where I draw a line and separate dreams from reality.

Anyways, when dreaming, I can think of anything. So, naturally, I think of myself as a morning person. Which I totally am not okay? No one is, as a matter of fact- at least in my world.

What are the chances of this dream crossing the line and merging with the reality? One in a zillion?

That's exactly what I used to believe in. Until now. Currently, my life has been a living heaven- a dream come true. So, I shouldn't have been shocked when all of these came true.

At the same time, with my luck, I shouldn't have been shocked at some changes in it too. Normally, I'm a very adjustable changes. So a few details here and there wouldn't have worried me. That is, if they were minor details.

Right now, I was having a panic attack. A literal Omg-why-am-I-so-darn-unlucky kind panic attack. Also, my throat hurts from screaming that loud. Wanna know why?

Let's get back to the start of the day, i.e. the time I decided to get over the wonders of sleep and give waking up a chance. Bad decision

*-* *-*

I shuffle in my bed in order to get a more comfortable position. The soft mattress dipping with every movement I made.

Oh! The bed is so inviting!

Heaven on bed? Check!

Suddenly, there is a shower of light on my poor eyes. Uggh! Someone drew the curtains away.

Jealous curtain? Check!

I try to cover my eyes and revel in the pleasure of sleeping on the bed for some more time. Failing at it quite miserably, I groan.

Pig like groan? Check!

That's when I heard someone chuckle. The sound was quite confusing- I couldn't put my pin the voice to any owner as it seemed a mix of some known voices. And then I heard someone speak. Or may I say some people speak?

Because that is what it was. There were 4-5 people in the room. They were roaming around, causing a lot of noise.

Chuckles and shuffling? When did they make it into the list? Anyways, Check!

Totally baffled at the new entry in my dream, I tried to open my eyes. After struggling for a bit, I finally achieved the goal.

Now, according to my plan, I should've been staring in a pair of green/blue eyes.

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