Harry and Sleeping Beauty

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Harry (1.11.21)

I remember the day Simon Cowell asked me whether I'd be ready to work in a group or not.

"It's for your own good. All five of you, are good in music-excelling in different fields. You should be in a group. It would set the music industry on fire. You'd be a star Harry. And you can trust me in decisions related to music."

Then I had wondered whether he had said the same things to the other four. Did he call of them a star? Did he ask all of them to trust him? Did they all trust him? Did they say yes?

I did. Not just because I trusted Simon's instincts- and let me tell you his instincts are on the spot- but because something compelled me to. When I met the boys, it wasn't something like an instant friendship. Nor did we act like long lost brothers. All of us were a bit hesitant. It wasn't our first encounter, but it was the first after Simon planted that idea in our minds.

But the interaction wasn't awkward. Noit after Niall said something.

"I'm the only Irish here! I can speak in my accent and no one shall know what I speak." He said excitedly ending with a fist bump. It took us a second to react. And then all of us, Niall too, were on the floor laughing.

Since then, we had progressed a lot. From a bunch of strangers to inseparable friends, we had come a long way. We had formed a band and were riding high on success.

But like every other good thing, our band to came to an end. Or break like our fans liked to call it.

In that break, we all chose different paths. Zayn went solo followed by Niall and Liam. Louis and I headed towards cinema. Louis had been to Britain's Got Talent and was in a daily serial on TV. I on the other hand was doing movies. Needless to say, we didn't lose contact with our fans. But there was something missing. Something just didn't feel right.

And soon I realized what that something was. Because soon all our paths mixed up. All our paths lead us in the same direction. One Direction

Yes, after a break of a few years, we realized that that's not where we belong. Though Music was our life, it was fruitless unless we were together.

And suddenly, one lazy afternoon I get a call from our ex-band's manager. All he said was a line. A line that had me jumping up and rushing to the record label's office.

"Can One Direction have Harry Styles back?"

That was some months ago. A lot has happened since then. We met, we planned, we thought, we discussed and then we finally came to a conclusion.

A tweet on Liam's birthday

A tweet on Niall's birthday

A song on Louis' birthday

A concert on Zayn's birthday

An album on Harry's birthday

Yepps! That was Niall's master plan with just some editing. He wanted a Nandos party on his day which we refused instantly. No, we love Nandos. Yes, Niall doesn't leave anything for us to eat.

The first two on the list were done and crossed out. Today, we were supposed to be working on the fourth one. Key word supposed.

Procastination rules the world.

So here we were, watching random Youtube videos, reading blogs and doing anything that we felt like doing.

Like Niall and Louis were currently dancing. On Can we Dance. By The Vamps. At around 10 in the night.

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